
Amazing Products TV The throne of awesome: LG Display's media chair concept

Awesome Tips The throne of awesome: LG Display's media chair concept

LG Display’s concepts at CES 2022 also feature a virtual bike ride and tons of transparent OLEDs.

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  1. Gamers are so hard rn

    The transparent screens are insane won’t be long til it looks completely like the future in movies and games

  2. I’ve seen this in the movie Wall-E.

  3. Rhodey's chair in Iron Man: Armored Adventures

  4. I can't wait for dome TVs for 180 degree views or full spherical displays although there might be some oxygen deprivation with something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos have full spherical displays already. You'd just need a lot of curved TVs.

  5. that circular tv thing is effing stupid, the transparent OLED tv is really awesome

  6. VR with indoor motorcycle that's will be awesome.
    I can't wait seen it in the future πŸ˜‰

  7. Every year we see amazing stuff at CES and every year none of it ever makes it to consumer markets.

  8. i bet the input delay on that touchscreen is insane lol

  9. I swear idiocracy is coming true

  10. a vr headset would be much more practical than that huge screen

  11. I knew it was only a matter of time before that chair/computer setup that J.P used in the movie "Grandma's boy" took flight.

  12. Put some wheels on that LG Chair/Screen thing and we're gonna be living the Wall-E future.. just need everyone to start gaining some serious weight.

  13. If they can make the ride a complete 360 degree virtual environment it would be much better than vr.

    • Eric
    • January 26, 2023

    Oh yeah I’ve seen this chair before. It was in a documentary called Idiocracy.

  14. Pretty soon, with implanted brain machine interface, we won't need any more hardware. Just plug us in at birth and be done with it. No need for a physical world anymore. Yes, that was sarcasm.

  15. i feel like i would get dizzy with tthis media chair

  16. I want TV in my butt

  17. That media chair is a dumb idea.

  18. What's the point of concepts if half of them never get released or retail for 20k

  19. Disturbing

  20. "Reporting from my basement…" 🀣🀣🀣 Stay safe bro, there is no place like home. πŸ‘

  21. The LG chair is isolating. It needs to be an LG couch or the kids will fight over it and break it.

  22. No one has to wear goggle ya all made em into androids. This is bukkshit. When theu fill this shot hole

  23. 1:30 Are you sure you wanna pay 10x the price for a virtual riding display, instead of just buying a SIMPLE and CHEAP bike and going out for a ride? Wth is this idea?? WHO would prefer this over something so simple????????

  24. 1:00 this is old news for me! I use this contraption in my fapin room

  25. great
    now we have the biggest TikTok screen

  26. Wall-E

    • J
    • January 26, 2023

    But what if you want to invite your friends over to watch a movie? The screen chair wouldn't work.

    I don't like this version of the future. It seems to encourage using technology to replace human interaction and other "real" experiences. I wish humanity would embrace reality more. There is only one reality, after all. We should make the most of it while we are here. I'll never forget the documentary I watched about some indigenous tribes living in the Amazon rainforest. They had nothing, but they had everything, and they were the happiest people in the world.

  27. Make that chair flatten out into a bed.

  28. "Reporting from the basement, it's John Connor, stay alive."

  29. Imagine its your vehicle too and we all be characters in WALL-E

  30. black mirror in realty

  31. I miss LG PHONES 😭😭😭😭

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