
Amazing Products TV PS5 DualSense Edge Review: Highly Customizable, High Price, Low Battery Life

Awesome Tips PS5 DualSense Edge Review: Highly Customizable, High Price, Low Battery Life

The expensive and pro-style DualSense Edge game controller gives players more customization and performance options.

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  1. Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 10days..

  2. I thought it was sort of a replacement for the Dualsense (same as the first Dualshock to the original PSX controller, or the DS3 to the Sixaxis), to be priced at 70 or 80 USD top. But when I saw the actual price… jeez! Even with a 30 hour battery life it's just too much. Dead on arrival to me, I'll wait for a new Gulikit controller.

  3. Replaceable thumbsticks are a gamechanger

  4. " Low Battery Life "…. Hum… A new expensive controller isn't suppose to ADD more features ??
    What is really awful with Sony is that , when you are third controller company , you CAN'T use all the features from the official controller : no immersive haptic feedback or Adaptive triggers. it's a shabby technic from Sony, if you ask me.
    You have many offers regarding controllers , on Xbox … it's not the case on Sony's machine. It's pretty sad !
    But to be fair : on Xbox , you can only buy from one brand, your Storage Expansion Card… so no competitor and so very high price….

  5. Thing is that the regular ps5 controller is pretty fantastic as it is, but hey, that’s of course a great controller. Seems it me like it could have sold much more if it was $150. $200 seems very high to find a market for this.

  6. 2 instead of 4 back paddles is giving the Xbox Elite Series2 controller absolutely the upper hand. Unbelievable choice there 🙁

  7. Heard putting ps5 in the vertical position is bad for the console since the heatsink mercury will leak out.

  8. The price of this controller is ridiculous. CA$270 + taxes. I’m just fine with the regular ones.

  9. Even though the sticks are swappable Sony is legally obliged to provide stick replacements free of charge if the ones that come with the controller break within the warranty period. So the stick's 20 dollar tag is a bit irrelevant (and expensive for what it is) as "competitive players" will most likely break them sticks within that time frame.

  10. I cant get the smaller back buttons back into the box slots. Anyone else have this problem?

  11. Only thing I don't like about the controller is they kept the two buttons on the front white when the rest of the buttons are black they should've been black also..Recieved mine this morning.

  12. ok but do any of these features work on pc

  13. Took forever and has half the features of the elite 1 version.

  14. Is this a joke? Only 2 back paddles( I would expect 4 back paddles like ALL other controllers at this price point) no stick adjustment tension and a shorter battery life than original controller all for just $200 yeah no thanks😂👌🏼 the case doesn’t even come with a charging dock like my elite series 2👎🏼 wtf were they thinking?

  15. Battery life 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  16. They should have just made this the regular controller but they are money grubbing

  17. For that price I wish we could have changed the layout of the left d pad and joystick.

  18. Mine is getting delivered today can't wait

  19. The Xbox elite really enhanced my gaming on that platform. The DSE looks nearly identical in terms of features and UI (with the exception of 2 vs 4 back paddles). I’m psyched that Sony climbed on the premium controller train after all these years. Back paddles are game changers for both shooters and adventure games. In dark souls 1-3, I mapped the run/dodge function to the paddles and games got better. Looking forward to the same with Elden Ring. For Returnal, long jumping and grappling with my thumb on the D-stick will be a major upgrade. Overall, I’m glad this is finally available.

  20. Now if Sony can give us Bluetooth so we can connect any headphones or earbuds we want without using an adapter!!

  21. This is a pro controller, you’re supposed to have it connected, not sure why the complaints about battery 🤦🏽‍♂️

  22. So, instead of fixing their original design that stick-drifts in like 90% of cases, they release a more expensive version with replaceable sticks so we can buy replacement sticks instead of just returning our faulty controllers and getting a brand new one.

  23. No third party controller can compete against the software level customizability of this of controller

  24. I really think a headphone Jack lock would've been more beneficial. So far I have 2 controllers, and outside of minor stick drift on the one that is 2 years old, the only issue I've had is the headphone Jack starts getting finicky in a month or less. My newest controller I have barely even used because the headphone Jack is constantly cutting out from no longer gripping the cord enough.

  25. It's expensive but I just have to tell myself it's the last controller I have to buy this generation. Makes it a lot cheaper like that.

  26. If I didnt already own a battle beaver controller this would 100% be a pickup for me. The changeable analogs alone along with the hair triggers almost made me get them, but other competitors just offer a lot more customization

  27. This is the most comprehensive review 👍

  28. you betta work. damn those arms

  29. People keep complaining about the price and if that’s too much get the regular controller because this is a pro controller with more features and more customization. And if people think this controller cost too much they might wanna compare it to battle beaver and scuf controllers 😂😂😂😂

  30. Something tells me that eventually the standard Dualsense will have some of the cosmetic changes the Edge has now. Like the textured grip on the triggers, the bottom half where the sticks are will be narrower around the grips like the Edge and they'll probably add the PS symbols to the touchpad.

  31. I wish the controllers had a 45 mins battery life and couldn't be used & charged at the same time. It would make it much easier to limit the kids' screen time!

  32. 4 hours is fine. Literally.. if not then you must really have nothing to do but play all day without breaks. He said “dualsense has bad battery life, only 7-10 hours” lmao

  33. the usb connector housing lock is more for competitive gamers

  34. Bro looks like a buffed out Macaulay Culkin haha

  35. I have one on preorder but not a fan of everything being plastic for this price range. The Xbox elite series 2 has a lot more heft / more metal including sticks that use magnets / and has four back triggers and cheaper. I suspect the stick swapping option was also a legal tactic regarding stick drift as now Sony can point people to this controller as an option of stick drift occurs instead or replacing the controller and Sony profiteers from this hardware / design flaw because they use potentiometers instead of Hall effect sensors. Sony ahold release Hall effect modules as an option.

  36. mines is on way already sony ship mines out today now i just got to wait to it get here : )

  37. For that price, I would have expected 1 replacement stick module in the box.

  38. I agree with the comment about the controller lock; I'd lock it to my PS5 rather than the controller. I understand locking it on either side, but having both options would be nice.

  39. I think this controller is a test run, if it sells well, they'll come out with a Dualsense Edge Pro and it'll have the 4 buttons at the back.

  40. Sean is "a fancy boy who deserves nice things" nearly made me spit out my drink

  41. Already pre-ordered and I can't wait. Battery life doesn't matter to me because my controllers are plugged in all the time anyways

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