
Amazing Products TV I Give Up – WAN Show April 14, 2023

Awesome Tips I Give Up – WAN Show April 14, 2023

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  1. I would never buy a car with remote controlled or access cameras, just as homes!

  2. MonitorSwitcherGUI (Monitor Profile Switcher) is free and may help the primary monitor problem thing 🙂

  3. i want to play the game Linus and Luke just starting developing…

  4. Love how the sponsors meme on linus.

  5. Gotta love hearing Linus talk about Planetside 2 and being excited about it like its something thats happening in the future, meanwhile it already happened like 10 years ago

  6. I commented this many times. Give YouTube Premium subs the FloatPlane exclusives, or at least some of them. Nothing wrong about it. Just make FloatPlane better and more complete to make sense to exist.

  7. I appreciate the existence of Floatplane but with all the streaming services out there on their own sites and other creators that have their own sites (Dropout, Corridor, Nebula, etc.), there's just way too much. Having the option of staying on YouTube is much easier.

  8. "Open GPT, order me food for a week."

    *Checks mail
    50lbs of rice, a wok, 5lbs msg, and an orange shirt


  9. Sub 4 hours?? Unacceptable! Floatplane here I come!

    I got you bro.
    Here's an extra hour and a half of chillinn…

  10. Problem is not the price in the store. But the tax we got to pay.

  11. as someone who lives with public internet infrastructure, they need to create a company and give it a budget. THEN LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE. government interference will destroy it

  12. I have to say that I didn't particularly like the answer to the question of regulation to preserve jobs. I get where Linus is coming from, but chances are we're going to absolutely need to regulate the existence of entry level that can otherwise be automated while the more experienced positions in the field still exist and can't be automated. Foundational knowledge is critically important to being able to function at those senior levels and if we're not careful we're going to wipe out a generation (at least) of senior personnel by not having entry level jobs for them to grow in due to our rush to play with the new shiny toys.

    Accounting/Bookkeeping has actually been running into this issue for a while now. With how much management systems automate the rote entries for bookkeeping it's creating a situation where entry level workers aren't learning the basic principles, which works fine until something breaks and the system you're using won't fix it automatically or you need to do fault finding which requires you to read (and understand) journal entry logs.

    I'm anticipating this to be one of the major challenges we face as automation starts getting sophisticated enough to apply to entry level mental labour and keeps climbing up the knowledge/experience tree.

  13. There should be a 24h AI generated WAN Show where they answer Merch Messages.

  14. Do you guys stream this live??

  15. Yo Luke! Botters in Old School Runescape have started inplementing ChatGBT to add a another layer to avoid detection. However they use proper grammar, long sentences, missed context and so on. So still quite easy to spot. "SirPugger" has a good video about

  16. Give ma an annual FloatPlane subscription that comes with quarterly bluray DVDs containing ALL wan shows and extra content, with a signed pair of LTT pants for us collectors to put in a frame 🙂

    Sign me up! I would pay a lot more than $10 measley dollars.

  17. 19:00 Even if there are trolls. There will be guys hunting down the trolls and an Ai-Agent would start forming stuff like law enforcement

  18. 31:10 So wait… did Linus watch the BBC edited interview and not the full one?

  19. Linus's rant about making something being more fun than using something sounds like a lot of friends I have who mod Skyrim, me included. We spend hours and hours getting our game just right, only to play it a fraction of that time. Inevitably someone releases a new mod, which looks great, and we start all over again. A lot of people out here have spent more time modding Skyrim than playing it.

  20. There is only one game that I know that I would play forever and that is Skyrim

  21. 1:36:01 About calibration and right to repair; I used to work in a big huge industrial bakery (in Switzerland).
    There all the scales are calibrated regularly by the federal metrology peoples and the scales are SEALED and it is illegal to open them up. Because if you sell something that is supposed to weigh a certain amount, you need scales that are actually accurate. So the government has to come to calibrate them and say "ok this scale is certified for x amount of time"

    And this is a good thing because it ensure that there is no "scamming" and it makes sense why in this example not everyone can service them

  22. Sword Art Online when?

    • JS M
    • April 15, 2023

    If Musk would achieve world peace and end hunger you would still flame him.

  23. Lol, what? Apple is the only company that is good at both software and hardware? Ok, First – Valve. Second, the Apple software is bloody atrocious. Using MacOS for 6 months at my new (at the time) job made me go and buy, out of pocket, my own personal laptop, that i didn't need, costing 2 months of my (at the time) salary, as in ENTIRE salary, not just spendable part… All just so i don't have to deal with MacOS anymore. It's fucking atrocious. I have Win10, but i will take the Win10 any day over having to use MacOS. And the less is said about iOS – the better…

  24. Games with advanced AI will be amazing

  25. direacting video games, looks like a cool job.

    • Mark
    • April 15, 2023

    to be fair, its pretty close to how AGI works in sci-fi. Not a true Artificial Intelligence but very clever imitations of human behaviour. AI with sentience and stuff are called True AI in such works. So i dont agree that its a rebranding.

  26. It's been 10 years of be trying to assign display prioritybamd nothing works

  27. Los subtítulos no están disponibles. Qué mierda.

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