
Amazing Products TV I'm Changing My Name – WAN Show May 5, 2023

Awesome Tips I'm Changing My Name – WAN Show May 5, 2023

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  1. Microsoft hardware is very hit or miss. Their gaming and server hardware is getting really great. Their phone, laptop, and desktop hardware is really terrible. I hope they can take a lot of the great work they are doing server side and scale it down to laptop and desktop eventually.

  2. I still have my icq # written down in a text file on my pc , Icq wast amazing and way ahead of its time !!!

  3. I still read out "@" as at. The exact way linus said. Always will probably

  4. Once upon a time… A looming EARN IT act and DOD papers leaked on a service …

    Disc: We will help with national security and the investigation 😬 don't shut us down 😰.

    Glowies😎: Ok, Buddy, you have something from us, we need it back…. Plenty of (IL)legal things going on here, we probably will need to seize and search it all. 😎Or do you want to make a deal for our future and give us "surveillance at scale and a form of file share tracking system with user access history and version control of your platform"?


  5. Remembering numbers gets harder over time. I still remember my ICQ number from ~15 years ago, but i do not remember my Discord number despite having locked at it just few minutes ago.

  6. I'm not an heavy user of discord, I think I will just delete my account if they force me to do anything

  7. wow great show, I watched from start to finish. Ty for tech stuff.. btw intel has new processor line

  8. Blizzard does numbers in the handle, which made me very happy because I could finally have a name that I wanted, without wasting time thinking of names that weren't yet taken.

  9. the YouTube app on ipad can't show the community app. why wouldn't they build a responsive app?

  10. Lol the Renault t-shirts are back

  11. As a pure Teamspeak user for voice chat till this day, getting into Discord 5 years ago was hell. And I still struggle with the management interface daily. Especially the one given in the app. So many things are so many levels down that it just isn't a fluent work experience. Not gonna say that setting up a Teamspeak server with rights, auto-afk, no-chat channels and all that stuff is easy. But damn, nothing was intuitive when getting into Discord. I got used to it, but once you add bots it starts to become a whole other mess. The lack of features that should be basic (like auto delete) Discord is still not my go-to.

  12. Mumble was after my time, grasshopper. IRC IS KING.

  13. For Discord the number are great since then you can have any name you want, Blizzard uses something similar and it's great not having to fight over names and have the one you want

    This change is just for the sake of change and it's really backwards

  14. I will say that any media personality or creator that shows a total disdain for the issues that the trans community goes through should not be missed.
    Why this matters? LTX seems a space for all to enjoy, an experience that would be hampered by such biases.
    [Edit: rewrote the comment, no need to name names. Also, I finally posted it to the right video, I had posted it to the wrong one before]

  15. Te paso un like…


  17. who said tech is a young persons game is a absolute tard

  18. 2:01:00 ish The American version will check your bank account first. If only shoots poor people.

  19. Just use YouTube ReVanced Extended dude and stop complaining. The firdt party YouTube app sucks for EVERYONE not just us with folds.

  20. Luke, you just went off on biofire but don't sound like you have ANY idea about the product's development vs past "smart" guns. Yes, it is in fact the first to market gun that was designed from the ground up as a smart gun. All previous designs were just a modification of an existing action + fire control group, to add an electronic lock on the gun. They were all trash (as you noted) and were not commercially viable. Also of note, for a LONG time New Jersey had a law on the books that once such a viable option became available, ALL guns sold in the state would need to be smart weapons, so the gun industry just colluded around never manufacturing such weapons. That's why S&W and Colt got boycotted (also S&W supported a gun control measure in one of the states and everyone is still mad about it), the public was trying to prevent that law from being enforced, and potentially spreading to other states. Fortunately for BioFire and everyone else, that law was repealed because it was actively preventing development of the product it was trying to regulate, which affected the whole world. So yes, they're the first commercially viable smart weapon, and the product isn't even meant for everybody, it is being targeted at a specific segment of the market, which is people who were on the fence about owning guns at all, because they wanted it to be readily available for immediate use, but they have small children in the house, or they live in a situation where they can't secure the weapon properly otherwise. That niche is severely underserved, as lockpickinglawyer has shown on MANY occasions (all products out there for securing firearms are garbage and don't pass the curious teenager test), and BioFire is aiming to fix this. You should maybe go watch Ian's (forgotten weapons) videos on the product, he has several you can watch any time lol

  21. Turning priceless historically significant artifacts into costume jewellery sounds about as legit as buying a Lordship title from an inch of land in Scotland – use code WAN for 20% discount off the lifes work of highly skilled paleontologists and outrageously expensive fossel extraction teams. Can't see how this won't end up being exposed as a total scam.

  22. 2:32:10 The πŸ’―% most valuable question ever! That's why I am out of job half of the time. 🀨

  23. What's the difference between MrBeast#1234 and @MrBeast1234? You can still do it that way if you want to. I don't see a problem. It just makes it easier to understand. I don't know my random weird number – I always have to look it up.

  24. Guess it's time to drop discord.

  25. Does anyone have the video of Jensen and Tom Peterson thing that Luke talked about?

  26. Change Petition about the discord username

  27. 59:05 Pixel watch got left at a bar I think that's what luke was thinking about

  28. i still remember my ICQ number without even thinking about it, i also know my battlenet ID which also uses the 4 digit number system.

  29. As far as I know, Riot and Battle.net use a similar system to Discord, without issue.
    Their blog post said that if 9999 people already had a common name on discord, they just couldn't get that name. (HOW ABOUT ADDING A DIGIT)
    Special characters are hard to share outside of Discord, i.e. in conversation (what about the asians? the slavs? force them to latin characters? why?)(ADD A LATIN CHARACTER ALTERNATIVE IF INVALID CHARACTERS ARE DETECTED, LIKE TWITCH DOES)
    The usernames are case sensitive, so if you share it with someone IRL (PhiBi vs phibi), they might get the case wrong (MAKE IT CASE-INSENSITIVE!)

    Every single one of these discord username problems have already been solved better before. They should focus on fixing their god-awful user interface instead.
    This asinine proposal sucks, it's just going to make people add random garbage behind their name that's equally hard to share outside of Discord, it solves nothing.

  30. Displaying the @ symbol will make it easier for people to know/remember that, to tag a user, you just hit the @ symbol and start typing a name, and Discord will automatically generate a list of users with the letters you start typing. It's fine. The @ symbol is fine. I wouldn't care if ALL socials just used it and made it normal.

  31. 56:37 It doesn't matter what setting it just runs like shit on any PC.
    And their claim of running high end hardware on w10 is worse than running it on w10 has been disproven hours after this statement.

    They need to fix their shit. The big problem the game has that i can see not utalizing the GPU no matter what the setting and or resolution combination the game never uses more than 50% of my 3080 than therefor it runs like shit.

  32. Gun Jesus covered the smart gun and even he was impressed.
    The gun has potential and it's secure enough to where most people won't be able to take advantage of it because first of all how niche that type of gun would initially be.
    It's an ideal type of gun for home defense

  33. the video format rant , can i just say VLC media player is over rated AF , its trash ,it artifacts a LOT when u press play pause , EVEN samsungs own video player supports the samr formats and never has this artificing problem

  34. Does anyone know the video with Jensen and Petersen they were talking about the Biggest crowd mishap?

  35. Hoping for the northern lights pad to go on sale black friday missed picking one up last year lol

  36. why do they use 2 pop filters on those mics? for every1 else that use the re-20 mics, the internal 1 works fine, they block more of their faces having those ridiculous external filters. would you kindly remove those so we can see you better? also dont buy foldable phones! the lg v-60 has a nice 6.8" screen (just .8" smaller than the full size pixel fold) and can be had for less than $300 AND wont degrade after a year. greatest phone ever made, im still salty LG left the phone business, theyre the only phones i like

  37. PART 1 – Almost halfway through: 01:16:58

    Talking about video encoding licensing got me thinking about the *.gif format encoding/decoding licensing issues ( it's seems pretty authoritarian). I think it's rare that anyone discusses APNG (Animated-PNG) versus GIF, but APNG has a much more lenient license, as far as I'm aware, and the results are the same. If I was developing a project that needed to support generating such animated files, I'd opt for supporting APNG first due to its freedom in licensing. Yes, GIF is much more widely supported, but I wouldn't want the bother of potential licensing BS in order to simply create an animated file – especially if we're talking about a startup company!

    I don't necessarily think EA were blaming users, but more-so blaming third-party (out of their hands) hardware/software configurations – which I can get onboard with to a degree: if you live on the bleeding edge of technology, expect there to be blood! lol Even as a developer, I don't jump onto a new technology and include it into a production pipeline until it's been "battle tested" and the kinks have been worked out. I don't care how popular it is, I need to know it's stable before I begin to consider relying on it. However, if a considerable amount of console gamers are experiencing similar issues, perhaps the game developers were too ambitious and went towards that bleeding edge themselves.

    Games studios supply minimum system specs for users, but perhaps there should be an oversight committee 01governing minimum gameplay requirements too. For example: screen tearing and out-of-sync audio, and more, is now expected by users to be fixed with updates. However, when will those updates come – perhaps weeks or months after you've bought the game, or even some time after you've completed the game? To my understanding; game development is horrendous and incredibly stressful, but the product delivered should be stable and not deter from the intended experience. If it's not yet stable enough, don't deliver it and ask for payment now with promises of a better experience later. I still consider games as "value for money" as-given commodity, not a product that's potentially better weeks or months after I've bought it when I've either struggled through and completed it or lost interest and moved on.

    I feel the idea of iterative updates and fixes to games is great, but it's come to harm the gaming industry due to a potential reliance upon: "we can always release a patch for that later". Somewhat like the idea of DLCs – compare the price of a DLC, and it's game time (dollar per hour), to that of the main game and its price. Is a DLC typically worth it? I'm a believer in paying for what you get for, within reason, and when I pay a premium price for a game I expect a premium quality product. It doesn't have to blow my mind or break any boundaries, but it does have to deliver with regards to player experience.

    Any "smart phone" is over-powered for the majority of people. So, I honestly don't care about the next Pixel, or whatever. The computing power in my "phone" (pocket PC) is more than my first desktop PC 20 years ago. If I need to do anything business related, I'd rather do it during 'business hours' from the comfort and ease of my desktop. If I can't do that, then there's either a general business and/or management crisis being experienced. For day-to-day usage, whatever your use-case, "phones" are way over-powered and unnecessary. Whilst they're amazing technology, I really don't care much about them. Also, price-point-wise, they're incredibly expensive! I bought a desktop for Β£1,200 around ten years ago and it's still rocking away fine. A $1,700 "phone" – consider the laptop you could get for that price right now. Here I was thinking that Apple's pricing was terrible, and Google comes in and shocks me.

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