Awesome Tips How Matter Changes YOUR Smart Home (made easy!)
How will Matter impact YOU? And should you wait to buy Matter smart home devices? Let me explain and make it easy to understand!
How will Matter impact YOU? And should you wait to buy Matter smart home devices? Let me explain and make it easy to understand!
Smart Home Hubs Comparison 2021:
I Set Up 100 Automations!
Ultimate Guide to Starting a Smart Home:
0:00 Intro
0:40 Matter in a nutshell
2:33 My existing devices
3:18 Should I wait to buy Matter devices?
4:11 What your future smart home looks like
6:51 Is this a joking matter?
Rinse Repeat by DivKid
The End by EVA
Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.
If you don’t know who Mr Socky is or follow Paul’s channel yet. Go check it out!
Thank you. Your explanation are so clear. Have a blessed day.
With all those Matter puns, you'll regret it when your decline in subscribers MATTERialises 😂😂
😆Hahahahah 😆
The big win for the consumer is when Android or Google fans wyzing up and switch to Apple HomeKit/iPhone they don’t have to buy new smart home devices!
Lol😂 jk about why one would switch but the idea is the same.
I don't get it.
Is it another hub? Will automations run on it?
Does it connect directly to devices, or their hubs?
So it's basically a competitor to home assistant?
To me smart home technology is still too complicated for end users. What I would like answerd is if Matter is going o change the fact that we need hubs for all companies (or do we?), for as long as this is the case I will not use smart devices, since I will not spend money in hubs for every company, that is ridiculous.
A Matter of fact, it was a great walk through 👍😁
I'm on Home Assistant and all devices are controlled locally. I will first replace devices when they break. It doesn't Matter if they are running Zigbee/Zwave or Matter 🙂
7 minute long video and you didn’t explain what Matter is.
Well put together
Great video probably the best 1 yet on this issue. My question is if matter doesn’t use the cloud. So will still be able to control a device if not at home. Like turning on a light manual that is set up not a timer. Once again great video
Still not understanding how it works like what are the hardware requirements?
I see that home assistant dongle for the Rpi it looks really tiny though but what exactly is inside?
how come the pi needs additional HW? and is additional HW only need on the hub or "border router" end?
do end devices need new HW too?
what does this mean for IOT makers can we make our own devices like we can with ESP devices and tasmota but using thread/matter? can we use boards like the esp8266 based ones or esp32?
or will there be nee boards coming out that support it?
and can we update our existing bulbs like wifi , bulbs?
Still don't get smart home at all. Don't need it for anything. Usual stuff is faster and more durable.
A question. Does Matter mean that you will be able to use all products together with a hub that supports Matter regardless of brand? So you will probably need one hub in the future for everything? Or I've got it all wrong…
Matter works at my home
so far, matter makes both Smarthings and Alexa act like 2 unsexed teenagers !
But why does that Matter?! RIGHT?! RIGHT?! (I'll block myself)
Can you do a video on all the SYSTEMS?
HOME ASSISTANT? <–is that a system?
So it's like bluetooth/wifi?
Does it even Matter? Never Mind!
Couldn't they have just done that with Zigbee? Why is this the thing that finally breaks the camel's back?
Interesting video! I have a question:
When my smartthings hub will be updated to matter, could it be connected to the apple home app together with all the sensors connected with it?
How does Matter differ from Wink? Sounds like almost the exact same platform or business Model. And we all know how well that didn’t work for wink.
good, it is just a matter of time to have it
What's the matter then?
will it be possible to use and iphone and an android phone for homekit, with the help from matter??
can´t seem to find any information about this. please help me out with this one
Thanks for the quick summary! I've been meaning to read up on it but the delays have been delaying my research 😄
"does it matter?"- #westworld
What I'd like to know is that if I don't have to use multiple apps, 5hen what about automations? Will Alexa Routines, IFTTT, Samsung and other automations be on par with each other?
The lighting changes in this video hurt my eyes 😩 useful info tho
I love and watch all of your videos Reed, but why don't you pronounce your "T"s?
i thought alexa will not communicate with any device if the internet is down
What ive seen, your first 3 points you listed only is a thing if the devices are running thread. And people confuse thread for matter to much.
For most people I think thread won't be a part of their smarthome as they already use another standard as zwave, ZigBee or similar.
As those only talk through the hub and already support homekit or whatever, matter don't really add anything. Philips had already shown signs that they will continue to work in their existing ZigBee ecosystem, so we will not see an abandonment which would have been worse.
So we now have 3 big smarthome low power ecosystems. Can matter simplify acces to and through Alexa, ha homekit etc? Maybe and that is where I think matter may have its core feature for most people.
Then maybe they add cameras etc in the future, sat 10 years in this speed they might get easier to integrate.
But we already seen companies in old industry like Samsung create their own for washing machines and similar so before it's released we are looking at a fragmenting market. Although AC units and washing machines did not integrate good in the first place so win for those devices….maybe.
So will matter be something that just works with things like 4th gen echos or will there be an application that will be used to get your smart home devices to work?
Its not great for anyone but the big companies as it pushes out, anyone who wants to break into hardware space who can't afford to buy into Matters annual $10K to access the SDK. If Matters becomes main stream, you will only see new hardware from the Big companies and they will decide what you need and what they want to make / support, which is also bad for consumers. "Matter Cartel!" its the Phoebus cartel all over again.
Don't need Matter, I have had HomeKit for years working flawlessly. Works local, easy to setup HomeKit devices, privacy guaranteed, Millisecond response times!
I was wondering if I could get your opinion. We're going to remodel the kitchen in the near future and I'm wanting to put in a few smart switches. Should I wait on Matter or just go with something out there now?
So… It's basically the same as ZigBee/Z-Wave… If you don't use the hub, and just do Conbee on HA…
My biggest doubt for long time is.. how matter works without a cloud server? Can we control devices from outside the network? Then, how the command will be transferred to border routers? Is the cloud connectivity taken care by the matter itself?
From where is that light in 0:37 ?
I like the style and want more special bulbs in my house.
I think Matter will change a lot for everyone, atleast that's what I hope.
Nothing else matters
As a matter of fact, I just got matter slapped by Reed & his wife!
It will fail, as Paul would say Corporate Greed>>>>
Sorry, but i don't quite agree. None of the big companies involved want a single hub to control everything. Yeah, it might make things easier but Apple, Google, Philips, Amazon will still want to sell you their hubs, probably at a premium since it's new and shiny (and you'll be their unpaid tester)
Yet ANOTHER standard promising compatibility… on all devices blah blah blah … oh look already no support for video devices… uhu sure it will be the end-all solution-for-all
sounds like another fancy zigbee wave-z whetever blah blah blah to me
What's the Matter???? 😂