
Amazing Products TV Intel Takes The L – WAN Show August 5, 2022

Awesome Tips Intel Takes The L – WAN Show August 5, 2022

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Timestamps: (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
0:00 Chapters
1:16 Intro
1:44 Topic #1 – Even MORE trouble for Intel’s ARC
2:18 Third parties are leaving ARC behind
4:14 Intel struggles with RMA, NCIX stories
6:21 ONE halts production, board partners not interested
10:18 Wafer production, AV1 encoder
15:02 Merch Messages #1, LTT backpack launched!
16:22 LTTStore products that would work with backpack
22:04 Lab doing USB hub reviews, dashcam rant
26:32 Lab publishing a chart of tested products
28:02 Linus wants to show off a minimally viable product
30:52 Testing throughput, website design, Chroma UPS
41:14 WAN hoodie & backpack promo
41:36 Linus’s & Luke’s favorite freeware software
45:46 Woman sizes update
46:48 LTTStore version of wrist rests
50:28 Labs’ reply to testing USB power banks & hubs
54:12 Impact of China V.S. Taiwan on the tech community
57:16 Hasbro pulse selfie to figures
1:02:24 Boomer “garbage”, testing range
1:06:36 Whether labs would do durability testing
1:09:50 Paw patrol, favorite dog plush
1:10:38 LTT Backpack warranty
1:12:30 Ethernet cable routing in brick walls
1:13:06 TV video & charging solutions
1:14:32 Sponsor – Shortform
1:16:01 Sponsor – Squarespace
1:16:56 Sponsor – MSI
1:17:32 Discussing LTTStore support tickets
1:18:24 Topic #2 – Amazon buys iRobot, creator of Roomba
1:21:48 Topic #3 – Europeans upset about LTT shipping
1:22:46 Linus on subsidized shipping costs
1:25:38 Taxes on the free stickers being refunded
1:26:54 Shopify development takes time
1:28:26 Idea to have variable costs dependent on areas
1:30:30 Another warehouse would not lower the costs
1:32:30 Backpack release went greatly, different ideas
1:35:58 Labs testing headphones
1:36:38 Topic #4 – Whale LAN highlights
1:36:48 Whale LAN L4D tournament, Linus & OG crew
1:40:10 Halo CE Blood Gulch
1:42:36 Linus rages is not a quiet gamer
1:48:24 Miner VGA tournament
1:52:04 Space cadet on Steam Deck, CS tournament
1:53:58 Topic #5 – Google now has two Google Meets
1:55:00 Linus rants about the stupidity of the matter
1:56:14 Discussing changes & Duo changes
1:59:02 Meet app is now updated to “Meet (Original)”
1:59:24 Merch Messages #2
1:59:32 LTT HDR update
2:01:20 Thoughts on smartwatches
2:03:12 What IT freelancer Luke did to find work
2:05:10 Exercise routines
2:06:38 PSU SATA cables are not cross-compatible
2:09:14 LTTStore wallets idea
2:10:32 How Linus feels about VTubers & smart speakers
2:16:52 Would Linus get an RFID implant?
2:17:20 Luke on road mapping, developing & planning
2:21:06 Transferring data between phones
2:22:14 Outro

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  1. Great show, thanks!

  2. What the hell. China wanting to take Taiwan was NEVER about emotion(for China). What in the actual heck. As a taiwanese alive person, that argument pisses me off. All they've ever wanted to do was regain control of the nationalists that fled Mao Zedingdong army. Time and again, all they've done is shown how distrustful they can be. It's so bad to the point where they will buy taiwanese politician candidates-LITERALLY buy. You think american politics are crap? Holy crap go show yourself the chinese government. Chinese people who don't have anything to do with the backing/funding/doing of the CCP are legit the only trustworthy people to come out of that place(other than the dozens of people killed by the CCP every year.) Yeah, obviously china wants to dominate everything, but they literally kick the taiwanese people in the face every opportunity they get. And im not saying taiwanese people are blessed and should be held in high regard all the time-like no. There are corrupt taiwanese people too. But HELL no. China might want the tech from taiwan, but for decades and continuing right now, they want taiwanese peoples' submission.

  3. Ew

  4. I wish wan was Linus and Anthony luke is kinda brain dead sometimes

  5. Scamstore. No warranty but you stand behind your products? Lmfao.

  6. 52:00 There are brands that build a reputation over the years. Brands like Anker…i expect to be better." Foreshadowing!?

  7. welcome and held some wanshow lol i mean my pet also agrees this to held some wan show

  8. The last thing I want is to see someone in their mid 20's tell me something about tech.
    Just because other people lose their "hype" after reaching a certain age is because their content (look at the tiktokers) is not really worth much.

  9. time to catch up with the show πŸ‘

  10. I think he has more time than he realizes. Somone like Gordon Ramsy is still going. As long as you are physically able and stay up to date and relevant you can keep going.

    • Al S
    • September 10, 2023

    I don't know you personally to "trust" you bro. I got family members I barely trust. Good job πŸ‘ Luke for keeping him in check!!

  11. So this was where the warranty outcry began haha. Just catching up late lol πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  12. The whole warranty take is so backwards it baffles me

  13. 1:11:11 I know that you already add a written warranty but I just want to point out to all future viewers that giving warranty in written form is not optional. In may countries all products have mandatory warranty period against manufacturing defects. Here in Finland, the law is even stricter: if the manufacturer says that the warranty is 1 month but the law says that minimum warranty is 6 months, then the warranty is 6 months.

    And you're not creating any kind of legal liability for your family as long as you don't take loan or warranty on your own name. In worst case your business is going to go bankcrupt and the only liability for your family is that your company cannot pay you salary anymore.

  14. Shipping: Isn't the obvious next step to send a bulk shipment to local distributors in other countries? I've no issue if LTT chooses not to, but more can definitely be done. As it stands I just don't buy from LTT because the price is too high. This would only change with better shipping.

  15. This is a MasterClass on how to loose the trust of your fanbase

  16. I love how Sad Linus merch is still on their store πŸ˜‚

  17. Does Linus not know that he can have shareholders with people outside his family?

  18. only scammers dont give warranties

  19. Fk me, will there ever be tech news on WAN show ever again… pls stop talking about the damn shop!

  20. The tech pouch might be what I was looking for my HackRF+Portapack.

  21. We chipped in and bought our sister our her first PC , Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB DDR5 64GB (2x32GB) 5600MHz C40 Intel Optimized Desktop Memory (Onboard Voltage Regulation, Patented CORSAIR DHX Cooling, 12 Ultra-Bright CAPELLIX RGB LEDs) Black, she is so happy with it!

  22. Lol always knew Luke was the big boy in the room and Linus was the spoiled child. Now this video is evidence

  23. Here at 557,712 views.

  24. "The king is back"??? Did you mean the "MACRO KING"???

  25. If the lower-end Intel GPUs are reasonably priced I'll definitely get one to slot into my media server. My 11600K already supports AV1 decode for transcode but also having encode capabilities in my system would alleviate my slow unlink speed.

    • kaldo
    • September 10, 2023

    I have a backpack with a similar material to Repreve. It's permanently misshapen and it drives me crazy.

    • Gokki
    • September 10, 2023

    Make a new channel "Linus Tech Reviews" where you just unload a huge amount of standardized testing for hundreds or thousands of items and let people use that as a reference library.

    • Gokki
    • September 10, 2023

    The 30,000 brands of USB Hubs are often the same device rebranded. If you do some market analysis i'm sure you'll figure out that there aren't that many models out there and simply grouping them all up by actual devices and simply listing what brands make this model would be better for the viewer i suppose.

  26. The answer for the LTT backpack warranty is the most glib answer I've seen this year!

  27. You should make background videos of creating these websites and these bigger videos of what happened behind the scenes to help recover costs from them, I think they would be pretty good to watch

  28. Great show as always, a backpack light would be great!

  29. Linus come on man. Just put a formal warranty out there. If you're excited about the product and proud of it. Put your money where your mouth is.

  30. Luke is right about Amazon

  31. IrfanView is one of the best freeware programs available for viewing and quick editing pictures.

  32. JFC This show has gone straight infomercial.

  33. 01:12:00 No dude, people will spend money on these products and 'Trust us' isn't a good enough answer or a legal warranty for the product. "If I die tomorrow" argument doesn't hold much water either. I've never spent more than $52 on a backpack and I spent five times that on your product and now you tell me you don't guarantee anything?.

    You're not going to test every backpack that comes off the production line

    What if it arrives torn?

    What if there's shipping damage?

    What if the zippers are bad or there's a problem with the lining?

    Or if anything else happens?

    Give the people what they want. A warranty isn't going to cost you even 10% of what you'll make on these backpacks if the quality we saw in your overview video matches what we get

    What about the screwdriver, what's the warranty situation on that

    I know you'll probably never read this comment because you have over 10 million subs and I'm just a teeny tiny portion of that

  34. How ignorant are you all. If Linus legitimately screwed over the backpack people he'd be considered a shill by the entire internet.
    A Warranty document is worth about as much as a eula. If he made it too broad people would abuse it, if it was too restrictive people would chastise him over it. "we'll make it right" Case by case is his safest bet.
    "Whaaa what if he dies", good God there are more concerns than a dumb backpack warranty then. If backpack company x went under you're warranty card is just as useless.

  35. I expect a warrenty against manufacturer defect but that's it.

    • ZiLoX
    • September 10, 2023

    Linus casually falling from grace. What an idiotic statement about the warranty. Truly unprofessional and red flags all around

  36. But Linus, older fans will grow with you, we want you not them

  37. I love how Linus tries to break business down to average shmoes. They don't get it. Business is wild man

  38. Amazon now can map out your entire house from sound and site and GPS

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