
Amazing Products TV I’m Comfortable Not Owning Ubisoft Games – WAN Show January 19, 2024

Awesome Tips I’m Comfortable Not Owning Ubisoft Games – WAN Show January 19, 2024

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  1. 2:00:58 you can actually unsubscribe or subscribe to Apple services within Apple tv ( at least in EU ). You gotta go to settings-> users and accounts-> your user ( default )-> subscriptions ( bottom ) -> sing in manually and then you can change or cancel the subscriptions. Hope this would help!

  2. Ubisoft deserves the fate they have now, and I will be glad to see them go bankrupt or get bought out. Look at Bethesda. What happened to them was exclusively their fault, and out of it they got bought out a week before bankruptcy and are now arguably better off

  3. @Pixoo

  4. I like the scene at 1:27:23 😍

  5. probably should start a protest with the trade commission that renting a game for retail costs is considered abnormal if now ownership is granted as physical copies are the same price for other games without that limitation as such the rental price is gouging the market.

  6. The WAN show has been shorter lately.
    Good for ivon.

  7. 19:07 yea I remember that video bc I did but right after that… was about $28 at the time, thanks non-stock advising Linus, you’re my favorite.

  8. 1:40:00 The maximum in Europe would be 3600W

  9. Pro for online only games – cloud storage and updates/patching. Works on basically any PC (compatibility issues).

    Con – server or service is taken down and game is gone… Forever.

    Yeah, I think I still prefer to own my games that I like. I don't mind subscriptions to try games, but if I want the game to play later, I would buy.

  10. It took three governments and one ITV drama to put the horizon scandal on the map. National embarrassment is an understatment.

  11. I suspect, to meet the specified requirements of the trash cans , written in to the contract by the government, once they were no longer commercially available, Boeing had to hand make them or create tooling to make them individually which is a huge cost to add when only a small amount of items are made.

  12. How the postal service can think that there is some massive coordinated theft effort across 500+ employees is beyond incomprehensible. Like how did they think that was even possible let alone probable enough to convict people of wrongdoing? Like what's more likely, these 500+ employees who don't have anything to do with one another are committing theft or the software that they are saying is showing errors actually is generating discrepancy errors? If the former, do they really think employees would be reporting that? I mean I get that there was likely some employees who noted the discrepancy and exploited it but that still isn't justification to prosecute every employee who was subjected to these discrepancies. Ugh! So frustrating that at the same time as this you have corporations committing wage theft and worker exploitation on such a massive scale and all they get are slaps on the wrist while employee theft is this huge deal that needs to be eradicated without impunity even though it is a fraction of the amount rich people are stealing.

  13. 1:21:10 Can confirm. I have YT premium and I switched to a PC where I hadn't yet disabled Adblock on the site and even trying to type a comment was extremely sluggish and laggy.

  14. Im so sad about best buy not having blurays, i love physical copies of movies i love and they are so much better then streaming

  15. 34:30 what game is he on abour, he says game that cannot be named.

    What game is it?

    Ok they said it bolders gate 3

  16. Those headphones are so ugly.

  17. Jesus Christ Linus can you stop drinking water and swallowing loudly in the mic?

  18. 17:58I think the metro devs had the right idea foe their game, since there is no multiplayer modding is harmless so once the game went through its cycle of life they released the dev SDK which i thought was a nice gesture of trust to the community from the devs.

  19. The pokemon go criticism is completely valid imo. Niantic consistently messes thing up or makes things worse. They doubled the price of remote raid passes and gaslit the community by telling us that it was for our benefit. They dripfeed new pokemon which are all restricted by events and heavily push an unhealthy amount of FOMO. The limited amount of storage is such a burden and the truth of the matter is that unless you win the postcode lottery, the experience is overwhelmingly negative. People are frustrated with the game because they know it can be better. Sometimes there is entitlement, but what we call "toxicity" is sometimes simply people who feel like they're not listened to and we demonise them for wanting something better. They're not always constructive of course, but if you have a lot of people complaining, it probably points to something that's going wrong.

  20. The Post Office scandal was on ITV not BBC

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