Awesome Tips Would You Sleep Better With a Robot??
The Somnox 2 Sleep Robot is a cuddly plush bot with a life-like breathing simulator to help you settle down for a good night’s rest.
The Somnox 2 Sleep Robot is a cuddly plush bot with a life-like breathing simulator to help you settle down for a good night’s rest.
Read all about Lexy’s tech-fueled journey to better sleep on CNET:
#sleep #tech #robot #health #wellness #meditation
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Looks like it's your baby 😅 ..
Yup I draw the line at 600 smackers NyQuil and sleeping pills cost significantly less than that robot cuddle tool thing 🤣
i would rather sleep in a cave with stone as pilow than buying this advanced civilization invention
Here’s my affiliate link 🙄. Please buy more, stuff.
😂 no thanks I enjoy the serenity of not sleeping with anyone after being married 30 years. 😮
You're…robosexual? 😁
A fake baby?
my cat does the same job …he only cost me 6,000…vet bills
that's the strangest invention but I guess it makes sense.
This girl really needs to stop being so damn beautiful. My heart can only take so much. Have mercy on me, you freggin goddess.