
Amazing Products TV Passwords suck! Why you need a PHYSICAL security key 🔑

Awesome Tips Passwords suck! Why you need a PHYSICAL security key 🔑

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YubiKey 4:
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Remembering hundreds of passwords is impossible and two-factor codes can be intercepted, but this device could be the literal key to staying safe online.

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  1. I'm curious to know who here would use a security key? Or is a password manager or 2-Factor app enough for you? As long as your password isn't 123456 — I still can't believe that's the most common password :

  2. Thank you so much that was super helpful man.

  3. Thank you so much that was super helpful man.

  4. My password is so annoying if someone is watching me he also can't know it

  5. Hw can I get it

  6. Since Facebook has censored everyone with a political opinion I will need to get one of these… I see where everyone is getting shut out right now.

  7. Budol is real

    • Ezra
    • December 23, 2022

    This seems like overhyped fear mongering to me. I use bitwarden, and generate a unique password for every website I sign up for (actually quicker than typing one in). I also use a burner email for any flog websites I have to sign up for I.e protools free plugins, I had to sign up to about 10 websites which all have crappy security. They get the burner email. Anything more important gets a protonmail account with a very strong password. My most important passwords aren't even kept in bitwarden either. They're in my head and a few other spots. Way more practical than some usb key that only works on some websites


  9. 2:25 I avoid that problem. I NEVER log into sensitive accounts by first finding the page with a google search, clicking a link or even typing in a URL manually. No one can trick me with similar urls or looking pages. I use a password manager that also stores the url of the login page. I access all log in pages by ONLY clicking on the url linked INSIDE my password manager.

  10. If it was for sale in Laos, I would like to buy a USB touchpad

  11. Are your products for sale in Laos?

  12. Are your products for sale in Laos?

  13. ລາຄາ ເທົາ ໃດ ເຈົ້າ

    • EG
    • December 23, 2022

    Do you know if consumers can use the 5C FIPS series keys? I'm wondering if the regular 5 NFC series differs from the 5 FIPS series other than the added level of security on the FIPS. I ask because I'm wondering if let's say you want to secure your gmail account with the regular 5 series, can you also do it with the 5 FIPS series? Or are most accounts the average user utilizes only compatible with the regular 5 series and not the FIPS series? If I can still use the FIPS series that has government level 3 encryption vs. the regular 5 series, which only has level 1 encryption, than I'd rather just make the investment and pay slightly more for the FIPS version and get added security but I'm not sure if it's ONLY for government use or can regular consumers use it to and for the most part it would still function like the regular 5 series but with the added protection? Thanks for making your content, it's valuable in today's digital world 👍❗

  14. you dont NEED a 50 dollar key, i know how to make a usb drive lock a file until inserted
    will tell at 5 likes

    • Sly F
    • December 23, 2022

    These keys are great but I feel like they need a seed words for recovery like crypto wallets. Carrying this around like your phone means you might lose it. Imaging losing the key and your phone simultaneous because you left your bag somewhere.

  15. Much needed info. Thanks very much. I consider myself militant about my passwords and use 2F, but realize it’s time to upgrade to a key.

  16. Dis bichanailian

  17. .

  18. Great video …please also provide guidance for when the security key is lost

  19. Feebhax is real, every other program is a scam. You can find it on Google!

  20. Nice

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