
Amazing Products TV Hypersonic Jets: These Startups Want to Fly You at Mach 5 (and faster)

Awesome Tips Hypersonic Jets: These Startups Want to Fly You at Mach 5 (and faster)

Hermeus, Venus Aerospace and Space Transportation are all working on commercial aircraft that would carry passengers at more than 4,000 miles per hour.

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00:00 – Introduction
1:04 – What is hypersonic flight?
1:25 – History of hypersonic flight
2:28 – Challenges of hypersonic flight
3:15 – Hypersonic Startup #1: Hermeus
4:58 – Hypersonic Startup #2 – Venus Aerospace
5:58 – Hypersonic Startup #3 – Space Transportation (China)
7:08 – Conclusion

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  1. Do you think we (or more likely, the very rich) will be flying these by 2030?

  2. Yeah in 2030 its going to happen….. professional major league sports are going to want this

  3. It's totally stupid. We don't need a rocket plane that makes 12,000 km in 1 hour. So why not do Paris San Francisco in 10 minutes. We must stop with this obsession with speed. We have comfortable planes that move us at 900 km h we don't need to be transformed into a rocket machine

  4. The bigger question is when do we find/invent the next non-hydocarbon base fuel system. Now thats going to be a daunting challenge but we will find it you can be assured.

  5. Any of us can say that we hope to do something by 2029.. I HOPE to achieve flying to the moon on a winged unicorn. It doesn't mean I will do it.

    All of these concepts, are just that. Concepts. Just generating funds for research. Presenting date makes people more excited but it doesn't actually bare fruit.

    The only 2 times something was achieved within a projected timeframe, it took a nations treasury, and some of the world's most important scientists.

    The other time, it took billions upon billions of dollars, and scientific professors from all around the world working flat out for 4 years.

    Don't watch any of these videos and kid yourself. They are nice dreams, but that's all they are – Dreams.

  6. Hermeus will not work.

  7. In 1975 myself and a handful of others witness a UFO one block away 1 block away broad daylight not a cloud in the sky without a sky without a sound movedIn 1975 myself and a handful of others witness a UFO one block away 1 block away broad daylight not a cloud in the sky without a sky without a sound moved 3 to 4 blocks in less than the blink of an eye with no sound it was sound and then left again and totally disappeared in front of our eyes that is the gospel gospel when we can achieve that we will have reached the future

  8. Let's get away from rocket engines and concentrate more on bronn flying saucers and how they are able to Be propelled at invisible steeds with no noise

  9. This is way more practical than tying people to ICBMs.

  10. TBS

  11. Excellent stuff bro

  12. I believe that if the Soviet union was still around, we would have already done a lot more. Something about the cold war that inspired scientists to think out of the box and outcompete the other side.

  13. Maverick loves Dark Horse

  14. well USA now is saying they go to space first cause we can't have Russia doing that wonder why they don't stop using all inventions other Russians made hmm 🤔

  15. This is still primitive technology, I'm waiting for a call asking me to assist, All of these designs treat the heat as a negative, Instead of utilising it to generate propulsion

  16. Now thats how you get to work.

  17. HEY! I'm still waiting for my "Self-flying airplane in every garage" future that Popular Mechanics and Popular Science were promising me back in the 1950s and 60s!! Hellooooo?! Still waiting l…. 🤣 (Nice coverage of 'where we're at' and what's being promised … more vapourware expected from this old cynic. ;-))

  18. The concorde was discontinued but not man's quest for supersonic air travel.

    • H
    • December 23, 2022

    They should all be heavily investing in Teleportation instead.

    • EnG 2
    • December 23, 2022

    Chinese hypersonic is vaporware. too expensive requires 2 rockets?

  19. Imagine hitting turbulence at Mach 9…

  20. Obviously not for us gas guzzlers right. What a joke as they claim go green

  21. Give us supersonic first, don't rush things…

  22. I've been hearing this for 20 years ago, even before the Concord was discontinued. It will never happen.

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