Awesome Tips I Painted his House to Fix his WiFi
ASUS’s ROG Rapture GT-BE98 and RT-BE88U routers are both driven by WIFI 7 with full support for 10G networking and ASUS’s AiProtection – powered by Trend Micro™. The GT-BE98 also has a 2.6GHz quad-core CPU, triple-level game acceleration to boost PC gaming traffic, and an optimized array of 8 antennas to eliminate dead zones! Check them out using our links:
Remember the Woremor RF Blocking Paint we tested last year? WELP Elijah decided to volunteer his apartment to test out if this paint can be used to BLOCK his neighbors WIFI to see if we can improve his! So join us as we install an ASUS router and break out the paint rollers to paint Elijah’s apartment pitch black…
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Buy WOREMOR RF-IE50 EMR & RF Shielding Paint:
Buy a RF Explorer Pro Spectrum Analyzer:
Buy a WOREMOR Grounding Plate Set:
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
0:00 Intro
1:35 What is RF Blocking Paint
2:24 “Health Claims”
3:00 Elijah Picks his new Router
4:20 How are we testing if it works?
6:45 Moving Furniture
7:37 Why we need to Ground the walls
9:40 Linus Painting Tips
12:30 Subtle Foreshadowing…
13:20 More painting
14:07 Its completed!
15:00 It works!
16:32 How Well did it work?
20:33 Thank you ASUS for a new Router – Elijah
22:29 Outro
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Weren't they supposed to ground theceilingg with the tape?
They put Linus next to the anime girl hugging pillow intentionally.
Or use drywall or the insulation with a silver backing layer. Also works fairly well as a RF blocking material. Bonus is you can lsint it whatever colour you might wish

Could you not paint over the black with another collour after the fact? that way you are not left with a light absorbing pit for a room?
How are you measuring percentage improvement? dB is logarithmic.
4:02 Damn, Linus, with a hard R?
I think this is less blocking neighbours WiFi, and more containing his new one so his neighbours can have WiFi

Elijah is such a good sport
good guy.. funny af. 
Keep selling your soul for money cnt
"And on next week's episode, we discuss Elijah's cancer journey after we turned his apartment into a microwave" 8:15
Cool video! But why not effective at blocking 5GHz (or 6GHz?)? And what would happen if mylar or grounded metal sheets were put behind the drywall instead?
what does he mean by WIFE? he is 15!! right?
11:40 linus dad tips
If they can recreate that paint in all kinds of colours…
Why the paint marketed as "blocking 5G" does not block 5G?
"Yvonne said no I'll force it on my employees"
Paint that blocks Wifi signals?!
6:13 Im dissapointed in linus for not pointing out the anime body pillow and making fun of Elijah.
Did they fix the roof? I'd love to see a part 2 on what his apartment looks like once everything is finished.
If your carrier has VoWIFI support, cellular relay for 4G/5G would not be needed.
"Cat Photos"
Elijah is way too young to be "The Star Wars Kid" and Linus is really old, throwing around that reference. Good thing I am a year younger than him!
Finally Linus Paint Tips
That was awesome!
Graphite lung?
Why tf does elijah have a bodylilow
Tbh just doing the primary walls would be a significant improvement. Not sure the ceiling was necessary
New Word Unlocked : WiFi Pollution
So Elijah still hates Applejack or what?
Elijah is like the less cringe little brother of linus.
Who's pillow is that?
I never understand how they make these routers ao fucking ugly.
They have black cat and black wall? Those cat are gone
Who has OCD in this video?
11:12 Linus really being a dad here
Linus paint tips
Yoooo I want the cod minifridge send it my way
His choice of router looks a lot like tplinks ax11000.
Linus is high this vid lmao. He is acting like he took an edible
The 2.4 and 5.0 ghz frequencies are divided in Holland into channels. Not in Canada? You did not mention this once.
I lost it when "Foreshadowing" scrolled up the screen.
Complete noob here:
Shouldn't it be possible to put on a clear silicone "paint" over the black walls and the paint 3 or 4 layers of white over it?
Completely black walls seem to be a lot over time.
another loophole to the "no asking linus to paint" rule.
How much lead is in this paint ?
I know they repeatedly say graphite, but this company has me sus
Or you could just us an open source router, WiFiman , and adjust your channels and power levels accordingly.