Last night linus was in my dream , teaching me aero dynamics And it's so trippy how detailed that dream was. And it lasted for a good lot of time. Then I had a heart to heart with my highschool crush, and I was talking about dreams to her …..not only that I saw that I was reading a book and it had my totp secret hand written in it … That is soooo weord.. so our brain really has a storage we can't access normally.
Man that's a clickbait title and a half LOL but I'm thankful I thought Linus was going to tell us that someone hacked his account and deleted everything
Wouldn’t have been as rewarding …. Also yea getting to your factories and have early access to the best of the best tech products and play all the new stuff. Idk about the best job or career you could have for a tech enthusiast or gamer.
No software development? You could go even deeper into tech than you ever could otherwise. Especially if you double major in electrical engineering. I went with computer engineering (middle ground), and I love what it has enabled me to do with tech. Whatever electronics or what not I want to mess with, it is mine to do so. No computer can stop me without using keys hardwired into the SoC with burnt fuses, and even that can theoretically be defeated by breaking the traces and attaching new ones.
I am friend to all computers as well as the nightmare that keeps them up at night (literally, as I have a workstation that I keep on 24/7 for remote access).
You've got Yvonne and your kids… who cares what else happens as long as y'all got each other. And because of them, you will succeed. Full stop end of paragraph.
That sponsor image caught me off guard. Also, a sponsor on a short!?
Nexigo frame was diabolical
Linus would have been the coolest teacher in that country.
sponsored short is genuinely wild
I can envision Linus setting up LAN parties in the computer lab as a teacher.
He got a sponsor for the damn short
How many booster shots have you taken
Last night linus was in my dream , teaching me aero dynamics
And it's so trippy how detailed that dream was. And it lasted for a good lot of time.
Then I had a heart to heart with my highschool crush, and I was talking about dreams to her …..not only that I saw that I was reading a book and it had my totp secret hand written in it … That is soooo weord.. so our brain really has a storage we can't access normally.
it was so detailed, so weird.
how do u get a sponsor on a short
As an NCIX product manager at the counter:
And these two GTX 1080s were brought to you by Linus Tech T-
Customer: What?
Linus: Oh, just a phase.
With the members only. I think people should unsubscribe. Lets see you survive off members only content.
sponsored shorts
with THAT title…. cmon man
Man that's a clickbait title and a half LOL but I'm thankful I thought Linus was going to tell us that someone hacked his account and deleted everything
pointless short just to include an ad at the end I can't believe we've come to this lmfao
The fact that even LTT shorts are sponsored is crazy
Linus as a teacher.
And this class was brought to you by MaxBlow Portable AC!
Take the coolness with you when you leave!
Real answer is Yvonne's trophy husband lol
Sponsored shorts is crazy
Go back to painting walls eggshell grey
Imagine being a no one for a moment.
I mean i imagine you wouldve just worked up the chain at a similar company to ncix after making it higher there.
Having linus as a teacher would be epic
Wouldn’t have been as rewarding
…. Also yea getting to your factories and have early access to the best of the best tech products and play all the new stuff. Idk about the best job or career you could have for a tech enthusiast or gamer.
Hey small Question:
What would i need for a self build streaming PC with elgato?
Not for me but a friend in Canada,
Googel is not mutch help.
A sponsored clickbait?
Not impressed
This is why I hate these.
Anyways, you made me click one and that's impressive
I think he will be in the paint industry and start a painting company or something
Imagining my life… without todays sponsor
No software development? You could go even deeper into tech than you ever could otherwise. Especially if you double major in electrical engineering. I went with computer engineering (middle ground), and I love what it has enabled me to do with tech. Whatever electronics or what not I want to mess with, it is mine to do so. No computer can stop me without using keys hardwired into the SoC with burnt fuses, and even that can theoretically be defeated by breaking the traces and attaching new ones.
I am friend to all computers as well as the nightmare that keeps them up at night (literally, as I have a workstation that I keep on 24/7 for remote access).
Cmon. What is the point of this short?
Dude give me a heart attack for a sponsor. I think my fav channel was hacked again.
Teaching. Hmm. Y'know you could probably still do that on the side. Giving back to a local school in a computer club or something.
Man, this sponsored clickbaity short got out of hand
Almost thought Linus had clicked on another virus
Wtf is that nexigo photo at the end…. I am speechless
A sponsor on a short is diabolical.
A brick and mortar store nearly out of business so it's good that you're stuck with what you did
Wtf sponsor on shorts
You've got Yvonne and your kids… who cares what else happens as long as y'all got each other. And because of them, you will succeed. Full stop end of paragraph.