
Amazing Products The Lightest Ergonomic Mouse in the World

Awesome Tips The Lightest Ergonomic Mouse in the World

Mouse available here:

Ever wanted a mouse so light it would float in the air? Well this mouse can’t do that, but it’s close!
Today we check out the PMM.gg CRAZE 8K. It’s a 3D printed mouse! From a printer!!!! I tried printing one myself but my printers ink ran out and for some reason I need a subscription or something?!?!!? Why would I subscribe to a printer???

Anyway, this mouse doesn’t need a subscription because Logitech aren’t making it. And someone else does the 3D printing for you! In fact, someone printed this mouse and built it for me because I can’t be trusted with fragile objects.

#mousereview #gamingmice #3dprinting

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  1. PMM has such a crazy markup, of course their they don't mind the replacements. Each print probably costs like $1-2 with coating probably $4-5.

  2. What if my Hand sweats alot ?

  3. Someone please make a lightweight ergo mouse with an extra third button on the side

  4. A nice reminder not to buy from G-Wolves, sounds like I should put them on my do-not-buy list along with Steelseries for giving a middle finger instead of RMA service.

  5. that mouse is going to be broken faster than you can imagine. 3d printed shit aint good if not supported, at least not for long.

  6. they should just source their sensors… way too expensive

  7. it's more of custom mechanic rather than commercial market mouse

  8. No hole truthers unite.

  9. Does this not have the cf rods like the zen 8?

  10. try cleaning this crap, im dead serious. I'd rather use very thin plastic than foam-like structure with holes

  11. How did I only just figure out you're WARHURYEAH

  12. Honestly, seems kind of meh when you consider the Pwnage Max CF is 45g, has a moveable sensor and is way more structurally sound with a bigger battery. So if it wasn't moveable and similar size battery it would be very similar weight. You could even mod the Max CF to get very close to the weight while keeping the bigger battery, so I don't quite get this since you're spending what, $250ish for this? Might was well get a $140 Max CF and do a little bit of weight modding and you have a better all around mouse that weighs similar or the same with a weight reduction mod for WAY cheaper.

    This might not be true for the other shapes but for the DA v3 pro size it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  13. I just want them to make a new g303 model

  14. nice

  15. I dont really understand the worry about dust. I have been using a viper v2 pro with a 3d printed shell as my daily for about a year and havent had any issues. The design has a completely open back and I havent ever cleaned it and I definitley dont have a clean setup lol.

    I personally had the shell 3d printed, I replaced the stock battery with a 90mah battery and have taken apart the optical switches to "bend" the springs inside to make the clicks lighter. Currently the mouse is about 25g if i remember correctly. I was thinking about getting PMM's "Aim 8k" mod kit since its probably higher quality than what I can do and because of their grip coating. Also I think their shape would be a bit better than mine for fingertip and it is a bit lighter. Also glad to hear they have good customer support. Always love your reviews too

  16. How is this classified as an ergonomic mouse?

  17. fun and shit but why not just get DEX and properly grip it (claw/relaxClaw)

  18. Known about PMM for a while now. Their main issue is the price. I don’t care who you are. Biggest mouse enthusiast in the world or not. It’s beyond overpriced. I think the last time I looked it was like £300. And I’m not building it myself. They need to figure something out before sending mice out promoting themselves. People want easy convenience. Not this

  19. Genuine question to mice enthusiasts who aren't literal professional esports players: at a certain point, does it really make a difference:?

    Im currently using a deathadder hyperspeed v2 and I genuinely can't imagine a mouse being much lighter while simultaneously feeling like I'm benefitting from it. If anything, I wish it were a bit heavier for some tactile feedback. Idk how you can feel control of something you can hardly feel.

  20. that does shuuure look errguhnumic… its only mionix naos for me!

  21. Thank you so much for this review DiamondLobby!❤

  22. holes arent comfortable so ergo is unsuccessful

  23. hello

  24. ngl a mouse wheel that feels like a grippy pumice stone sounds really good to me

  25. Managed to get a mouse from them on sale and it came with a broken charger port. This mouse had one of the magnet chargers and it came chipped in half. They sent me a replacement part and even offered to take it back to fix it. Very happy with the customer service myself. It's held up in a dog hair and dust infested house for almost a year now with no issues.

    Edit: Forgot it was a no return sale.

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