
Amazing Products Scientific Tuesdays – Candle Wax Explosion

Awesome Tips Scientific Tuesdays – Candle Wax Explosion

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Candle wax is an amazing substance and if it falls into the hands of evil doers
it can wreak havoc upon society. In this episode of scientific tuesdays, well demonstrate

When the test tube is submerged in cold water, the glass forms tiny cracks. The Water enters gets into
the tube and vaporizes causing a micro explosion. The hot wax is then ejected from the tube quickly as oxygen is displaced from the tube itself. .
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  1. Can you please tell the temperature to which it is heated? approx value?

  2. well, now you just told me not to make a fireball… now I have to make a fireball..

  3. I learned this the hard way…

  4. if only more people knew the danger of melted wax and water, long story short my daughter's tried an activity found on Pinterest the other night, they did not follow directions correctly, my 19 year old placed the candle in a pot melted completely then poured it into a pop bottle, then placed it in the sink, seconds later my 13 year old looked over the sink and it exploded in her face, I can not stress how horrible it was, she has 2nd degree burn over face can't even open her eyes, days later we are still cleaning the melted wax off of her face, after being in the burn unit and ICU, I can't believe I never knew the outcome of melted wax and water, it could be life threatening

  5. Too late it I did it and it not that bad

  6. N

  7. Finally, my plan for World domination is complete!

  8. that's no Bunsen burner that's an alcohol lamp…

  9. My question is what would happen if you brought a litter of wax to a boil and placed it in cold water!lol

  10. BOIL IT, BOIL IT!Lol

  11. use a "boiling" tube next time.

  12. If you leave any candle burning long enough and add cold water it will erupted in a fireball

  13. What kind of wax did you fucknig use? And that isnt even a Bunsen burner, that is a Lamp You dumb fuck, who is going to listen to an uneducated twit like you?

    • Exert
    • December 24, 2022

    That's what happen to me I was watching tv and my candles were light on my tv stand and out of know where it exploded there was glass Every where and my carpet almost coughs on fire

  14. that's an alcohol lamp not a Bunsen. probably confused XD

  15. i am gonna do it 

  16. I did that on accent end not knowing waht was gona happin

  17. Do you still make videos on the subject on scientific Tuesday

  18. if you don't show the people the full effect with a fully molten wax, the people will just want to try it themselves

  19. The second attempt broke the glass l😮l

  20. Help me, I'm on a Household Hacker run and I can't stop.


  22. HouseholdHacker, what if you don't have a test tube or bunsen burner? Isn't this supposed to be stuff you can grab from around your house? Or get easily?

  23. If someone wanted to make an explosive, all you'd have to do is look on the internet…. Duh?

  24. :36 it looks like meth

  25. It is to demonstrate how does it works, not to encourage humans to try it.

  26. OMG,awsome!!!!!!!!

  27. Ha ha xD so cool bro ;D

  28. yess 😀

  29. Should i be worried ? 😀 xD

  30. because i have alot of wax! 😀

  31. No ? 😀 and why should you da that ? 😀

  32. I knew this in first grade

  33. Can i make an engine run on this?

  34. Umm dont glass do that same effect when its put in hot n then cold without the wax…

  35. I'm fairly certain that because the gunpowder is distributed throughout the wax, it won't all lignite at once. No explosion.

    • shwb9
    • December 24, 2022

    melt the max, put black gunpowder in it, and then a dye the color of the original candle, shape the candle back, and put it where it was originally.. a few hours/days later someone will light the candle and BOOM 😀 congrats you just read a tutorial on how to blow someones hand off, dont try this


  37. Logic. Logic mearly enables one to be wrong with authority.

  38. i wanted to do this at the chemistry class but when i saw the tube breaking i thought the teacher would kill me for this…but then i thought again that i would kill her with the explosion :bitchplease:

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