
Amazing Products TV Everything Revealed at the Congressional UFO Hearing in 10 Minutes

Awesome Tips Everything Revealed at the Congressional UFO Hearing in 10 Minutes

From a congressional hearing on unidentified aerial phenomena, watch new videos released by the Department of Defense and highlights from officials’ testimony.

0:00 – Introduction
1:11: – First Video Observation
2:21 – Second Video Observation
3:00 – Foreign Adversaries
5:22 – Malmstrom Air Force Base
7:19 – Communication Attempts
8:43 – Partnerships

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  1. pack of lies coming from a bunch of liars……Government doing what it does best, lying to the American people. They are good at three things, taking our money, lying and doing nothing. Their knowledge of past UFO incidents is zero, just ask them about any of them: Roswell, Kingman, Aztec, Plains of San Augustine, Boulder Mt. and the many more…

  2. That was dumb they have so many eye witnesses no one talk

  3. Hmm so under the sea is what I take from this

  4. A.I done took over

    • r b
    • December 24, 2022


    • Jack
    • December 24, 2022

    They can listen to every cell phone but act like they don’t know what is flying in their skies? Okay

  5. What can you tell the American people that will give them confidence that youre showing them the very best lot of videos of the UFO UAP sightings. Their answer pretty much and through all of it, we have to keep the most important data and also if we think the best ones are extraterrestrial, a secret.

  6. We have what? at least 100 airports in the US and not one has encountered these objects on their radar?

  7. I suggest we leave them alone , the UAPs come from a much larger craft or base !
    The ETS abide by the law of Karma , we reap what we sow and if we use violence that is what we will receive and the US Navy has learned this fact many decades ago .

    The book Invisible Residents by Ivan T. Sanderson explains the US Navy had tracked by sonar and studied the underwater craft going over 150 knots down to 29,000 feet deep by the year 1970 copyright was the year the book came out ,

    Much larger craft have flown out of the water and zipped over the horizon out of sight !
    This witnessed technologies seen are game changers because the laws of physics are not affecting these craft and UAPs .

    The vastly superior technology and craft do not use our language or file FAA flight plans over land or know or obey Maritime laws and the US Navy found out they are not masters of the Pacific or Atlantic oceans !

    Reality mimics the Captain Nemo comics not to mention the skies over Mexico is like a George Jetson movie or cartoon.

    I say only in a designed simulation could a reality become so silly and get away with it as no one notices !
    How can a politician give a 250 word speech and not say one thing that has meaning yet gets applause !
    The object of not being accountable for anything never admitting anything is now a artform for speech writers ?

    Our reality has gotten so damn silly it is beyond logic to accept !

    UFOs come from other simulations and helps explain how the vastness of space is not the real way they got here as academia insist star travel light years is a impossibility !
    UFOs will not be investigated because of the dogma adopted by academia science .

    The Grays know we are all spirit beings incarnated into temporary bodies and so they created several thousand human hybrids and the ones that can procreate will allow the Grays to reincarnate as humans with human emotions they envy us for very much .

    The Grays are bored to death learning and following orders !

  8. When was this

  9. I firmly disagree with the answer of "that may better discussed in a closed session"! I firmly believe that he should have had to answer the question on record. I understand that these people think that hiding the truth from the general public is in our best interest. What gives them the right to decide what is right for the public? I know that they are hired or elected to do a job and I am grateful for that, but straight up lying to the public is unconstitutional and should not be tolerated any longer. Given that fact that our government that we elected has alien space crafts and alien bodies in their possession and straight up lies to the public should be grounds to fire and replace these people. When they are ask about this it's always a cover up or denial. There are real live people that witness ufo's flying in our skies that worked around these ufo's that have come forward. So why? I ask are they still lying about this topic? Everything isn't or should not be Classified until you figure out how to weaponize it. We need to come together as a united race of people if we are going prosper. Money, fossil fuel, land, global utilities, and race are just ways to control people. Wake up people!

  10. Lies. Its not right that goverments keep denying the existence of biengs from somewhere else coming here to Earth for whatever reasons they do. Ive seen a spacecraft and im not some loony meth head! They are more real to me than God because I havent seen God yet!

    • M P
    • December 24, 2022

    Mr. Scott Bray is a bad liar. He should practice his responses in front of the mirror a little bit more before attempting to lie to all human civilization.

  11. These confere+nces are public for one major reason, to co+ver up their adva+nced tech+nology.

  12. I fully believe in unmanned alien probes that are monitoring us, for what purpose besides an ant farm I have no clue but Ive played enough Stellaris to know that there is something to be gained from learning about other cultures.

  13. Bull. Bull. Bull.

  14. I bet fox molder is loving this. ( I told you so _ I told you so. )

  15. My phone got lost. But on it is a picture of a ufo. I took a random picture of the ski. There was no UFO that I could see. When I looked at the picture a UFO was on my photo. I showed my mom and she looked in the sky and did not see the UFO. She looked at my picture and said OH that is a UFO. I know they are real. But are they fallen like man. What happened to their planet. I am not so sure they are fallen angels. But they could be another fallen creation. If so they could be like us. But if they are fallen angels. Never trust. We fell and became sinful but not that bad. Yes some of us are evil. But of their kind. NONE ARE GOOD. NONE DO GOOD.

  16. Why hasn’t this been on the news at all? A congressional hearing with lead DOD officials in charge of the UAP task force on a potentional national security issue, that’s been occurring for decades.
    If I didn’t follow Lou Elizondo or Christopher Mellon, etc on social media I wouldn’t have a clue this happened.

  17. Look adam schiff eyes at 3;30 point he looks wrong like fake

  18. He's only heard stories, not actual data of a UAP rendering a bunch of nuclear weapons inoperable?! Like he wouldn't have been privy to that information and or conducted a full investigation into it?!

  19. Watch at 8:30 when he asks about the crafts being submergible. They PROMPTLY moved that to the closed session. So there’s obviously something there.

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