
Amazing Products TV Do Smart Homes Spy on us 24/7?

Awesome Tips Do Smart Homes Spy on us 24/7?

Does your smart home spy on you? I’ll explain some of my thoughts about privacy and security for your smart home, including if you should be worried about your smart home secretly listening 24/7 and being a spy.

Links (affiliate):
Floating lamp:
My shirt:
Echo Dot:
Google Home Mini:
Homepod Mini:

Viewing network traffic using Wireshark:
Connecting Wireshark to UDM-Pro:
To get it working with my UDM-Pro I also had to enable SSH which was disabled by default (you may want to disable it after using Wireshark). To enable it, go to the Advanced section in the Unifi Settings. Not the network settings but the main settings for the UDM-Pro.


SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss more smart home videos:

0:00 Intro
0:25 Are smart speakers spies?
2:09 Data vs malicious intent
4:40 Government eavesdropping
5:29 Should you be concerned?
6:26 Alexa is getting sassy

See the list of everything I use in my smart home and other favorites:



The End by EVA

Disclaimer: Smart Home Solver was sent some products in this video for previous unbiased reviews. As always, our opinions are 100% our own and not influenced.

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  1. If you are curious about the data your devices on your home network are sending and where they are sending it, checkout the free application Wireshark. They aren’t sponsoring me, I’ve just used the program for years. You can view the packets (which are small amounts of data being sent or received) across your network. More info in the description.

  2. One thing worth mentioning is that homekit/siri doesn't send voice commands to the internet, in favor of in-device processing? Not sure about google/alexa smart assistants, do you know if they do?

    Another thing is for crucial products like cameras or anything with microphone, do you think the reputation/policies of the companies behind it is important? Are they uploading your recordings to their own cloud servers, for example? Any ideas what security camera system is best for privacy and functionality?

  3. 5:00 both is the answer. just check the snowden leaks

  4. yes

  5. Insightful and a really important topic to address, thanks!

  6. Short answer, YES! If I get ads based on things I've said, not typed on my keyboard or smart phone, it's either the smart phone or Alexa who's spying. Someone is picking up spoken keywords🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ But, I have nothing to hide, and targeted ads are better than random shit I'll never buy, so I'm ok with knowing there's some spying going on. But, for the love of God, DO NOT PUT CAMERAS IN YOUR BEDROOM 😂😂😂😂

  7. Since Samsung is no longer making the Smartthings Hub, what hub do you recommend that works with Zigbee and Zwave?

  8. I’d like to hear more about VLANs also.

  9. Great video! The shirt was a nice touch!!

  10. I try to think about what hackers would actually want. Yes, there are pranksters that want to talk to you through your camera etc. but the majority (I'd say, not speaking from statistics) are wanting passwords, data etc. The way I see it is so long as I keep that info secure AND frequently monitored I'm not concerned. For example, my living room lamp kept turning on by itself. I looked through my hub (Google Assistant/Home) and found an old routine got enabled. Then I just did a quick check of my related accounts (Gmail, WIFI usage etc) and nothing else was changed so I wasn't concerned. Because the likelihood of someone ONLY changing my lamp when they hypothetically accessed my personal data is unrealistic.

    I do want to get a Dream Machine though to secure my connections better and "direct" traffic more efficiently.

  11. What do you think about the Lidl Smart Home?Nice video as always!

  12. Have you ever used the avea elgato bulb? It has presets that create an amazing glow and color change feature, do you know if hue bulbs can do the same?

  13. Selling my data without my knowledge or expressed consent IS malicious my dude

  14. Great video but…. I want your floating lamp!! haha

  15. Well we know google and Amazon are recording more than just the wake word. Nothing like getting conversations sent to people

  16. i love all of your videos but unfortunately i would take the bunker route. even if your data isn't being collected in a way you can decipher, it is being stored. even if you were to never use any trigger words. if it has a camera, video is always being recorded. with or without your consent. same thing with audio. as long as they are connected to power all data is being funneled. if not by google/amazon then by intelligence agencies. NSA has access to virtually all user data worldwide. not just in US. listen to what snowden has to say about this. please

  17. LOL @ Cookie!

  18. Great video! Spot on and beautiful new house!

    I am interested in your VLAN video. I have a Netgear Orbi Wireless Mesh Network and everything on on one physically/wireless LAN. I did recently plan ahead when upgrading my network to add 10GbE for my Synology NAS and compute devices. I have one port from my router going to a 10GbE managed switch and another port from my router going to my unmanaged 1GbE switch for IoT. I was told the easier way to not have to mess with my 90 smart home devices was to split the LAN physically with the 1GbE switch and keep the SSID for IoT the same but change to Internet access only, then use the 10GbE switch on the other VLAN and update any Wi-Fi compute devices to a new SSID for access to Internet and computer devices. Would love to hear your take on this in your video.

    Thanks and looking forward to more great videos, especially the ones where you get yourself in trouble with the family! 🤣

  19. TASMOTA everything. Anything with a esp8266 inside of it can be tasmotized. Run it locally on a MQTT server like mosquito and home assistant makes it painless to use. You’ll get super fast response times because of it.

  20. Can I get negligent spouse mode!!!!

  21. There are some IOT devices that were found scanning your network and sending that information (Mac addresses and more) to their server in China.
    While I agree that we shouldn't fear from most smart devices company, I wouldn't install a device I don't trust on my home network.
    A good solution could also be to have a separate network for iot devices.

  22. All my cheap smart home devices are zig bee or Z wave via Hubitat. Including bulbs. Also I have my google home mini devices set to beep once it’s heard the wake phrase and when it stops listening.

  23. great one, Reed!
    one about starting with homeassistant and Vlans would be perfect for me
    (and the end credit was great hahaha)

  24. Dude, there is a big difference between comments I volunteer in social media and data I don't know I am sharing just because I happen to have this or that device or app. There are ways to have both and I think you have drawn a false equivalency here. That being said, it is true that we do voluntarily divulge a lot online ourselves without thinking.

    I think what a lot of people don't fully appreciate is how all of these tidbits of seemingly trivial data can be organized and distilled into an image of you and your habits. You give away a lot of info with your credit/debit purchases alone – so much so that the data can be used to predict how likely it is that you'll be divorced in the next 6 months. That seems pretty personal and invasive but hardly something that I have any control over how that data is used.

    People like to laugh of these things as incidental and benign but they can be used to take advantage of the vulnerable too. You ever wonder why elderly people are targeted for all sorts of schemes by people who live nowhere near the victim? Some of it is the demographic data that we exude daily. How about predatory lenders? Think they pick names out of a hat?

    A connected world means that not only are we able to live in a Jetson's like world with lots of cool gadgets and instant access to our families and friends – no matter where they are. However, it also brings the bad guys just as close. Make no mistake, you have no idea how paranoid you should be because you don't know 1) what is being collected and 2) how that data can be combined to know incredibly intimate details about you.

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