
Amazing Products TV Why the Concorde Failed, and When Supersonic Planes Could Make a Comeback

Awesome Tips Why the Concorde Failed, and When Supersonic Planes Could Make a Comeback

It’s been nearly 20 years since the Concorde, a supersonic airliner, stopped flying. A handful of companies are looking to bring back high-speed commercial flight.

0:00 – Concorde Pioneered Supersonic Flight
0:47 – Concorde’s Speed, Cabin and Ticket Price
1:52 – Concorde’s Sonic Boom Problem
3:00 – Concorde Crash July 25, 2000
3:49 – United Airlines’ Supersonic Bet
4:09 – Boom Supersonic’s Overture Jet
5:23 – Virgin Galactic’s Supersonic Entry
6:08 – NASA’s X-59 Sonic Thump Jet
7:49 – Next Era of Commercial Supersonic Flight

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  1. Concord it's over 40 years since Scotland to the skies in the first ba concord fleet commercial passenger flight. G_boaa the national Museum of flight is home to Scotland only concorde.

  2. Keep the riff raff off Overture 🙊

  3. Hillary Clinton hated Concorde.

  4. This is supposed to be an interesting video until it uses Imperial Units. Come on majority of the world today are in Metric. I suggest have a metric conversion too in your future videos.

  5. "Why the Concorde failed" it did?!
    I distinctively remember it flying for 37 years with just one crash and being extremely popular amongst the wealth. You call that a failure?

  6. Just a few polite corrections here. First of all Concorde didn't 'fail'. It did exactly what its brief required it to do which was safely fly 100 passengers for 3500 miles in shirtsleeves at a sustained Mach 2 (1350 mph). It did so for the best part of 27 years. It was incredibly economical for what it did, cruising at Mach 2 for over three hours without afterburners. But it was conceived to be too small and came to market just as Boeing introduced the 747 which completely changed the economies of airline operation for the masses.

    Concorde wasn't withdrawn because of the Paris crash either (when the impact of a very heavy piece of punctured tyre compromised a fully-fueled wing tank spewing kerosene into the jetwash of two powerful turbojet engines causing uncontrolled fire which quickly weakened the aluminium airframe). Upgrades such as kevlar linings to the fuel tanks and redesigned tyres saw a fairly quick return to service.

    Concorde was actually withdrawn in 2003 because Airbus Industrie refused to continue to maintain just 16, by then 30 year old, aircraft belonging to British Airways and Air France unless the airlines contributed vast sums towards their future upkeep. I'm sure I read that Richard Branson wanted to take a BA Concorde as the Virgin flagship but couldn't for this same reason.

    The sonic boom problem has never been solved though NASA is indeed experimenting with 'sonic bumps' with the X-59. However…Concorde was a highly optimised system not just a nice shape strapped to four big engines. It became that shape after many thousands of hours of empirical testing to minimise aerodynamic drag over long distances at Mach 2 and had what is still considered to be one of the most efficient supersonic powerplants EVER produced. You may have noticed the Boom Overture is very similar in shape to Concorde and this isn't an accident. The X-59, though, is a very different shape because its brief is to reduce the sonic boom not to transport passengers efficiently. There is a big leap from a test bed to a fully feasible and certificated supersonic passenger aircraft. A future SST will need a reduced sonic boom if it is to fly overland. This means that at some stage the technology of X-59 will have to find its way onto a passenger aircraft and so the development and optimisation cycle will begin again but with the emphasis (as always on an SST) on drag reduction. There were no compromises in the design of Concorde…not one.

    I don't want to seem anti SST. On the contrary I think the world seemed to step backwards when Concorde was withdrawn. But it is unfair to say that it 'failed'. Whatever replaces Concorde is going to be a much smaller aircraft but it still has a mountain of technical challenges and legislation to overcome. I think it is going to be a long time coming.

  7. Of course the DC-10 AKA the death cruiser would kill the Concorde

  8. The plane didn't crash due to engine failure the engine was sucking in flames from the wing and caused a fire warning light and the engineer switched off the engine even though it was still creating thrust

  9. We're so behind in advanced technology just because of greed

  10. With the advancement of technology these planes will be back.
    They have been researching UFO technology. Don't think for one minute, the government's don't have UFOs in their possession to research technology we don't have. They can fly at Mach speeds with zero booms. How is that possible?

  11. HIGH ROLLERS ONLY from the lifestyles of THE RICH & FAMOUS!

  12. Whilst the Paris Crash was undoubtably horrific, when one compares it to the number of Boeing aircraft crashes as just one example, "Concorde" had an exemplary safety record, with just one crash in 25 years of servicde..!. I would suggest to the team at "C.N.E.T" that the real reason for the magnificent aircraft's sad demise, was the "Bean Counters" and "Book Cookers"(Accountants) who are obsessed with "Profit Above All Else". They capitalised on the Paris crash as reason for axing the aircraft which they had long desired becuase of high operating costs. They could not accept that somethings are beyond mere financial considerations…
    Perhaps one of the reasons the world is in such a sad state today, now it is becoming "Profit Before People"..!!

  13. Wow Mach 3 is fast

    • A B
    • December 25, 2022

    The Concorde was fast however it wasn’t a game changer at all. That was the problem.


  15. So what can you do in person that you can’t do in a video call…?

  16. Mach 3 was the reason the 1970's American supersonic transport failed. Europeans could never understand why the Americans wanted to go mach 3 because it is in the "thermal thicket" where heat generated by friction with the air literally bakes the plane. Mach 2 to 2.4 is so much cheaper and decreases maintenance expenses drastically.

  17. Concorde was such an amazing plane! I wish I would have got to fly on it!

  18. I was wondering what had happened to the X-59's quieter supersonic tech. I think it has the most potential to be the most profitable if it can fly overland… as weird as it looks. 😃

  19. I don't hear the sound at the end of the video

  20. The sustainable Overture will run on wood pellet.

  21. Yes… it was a failing-financial, commercial venture.
    Yup, a totally random incident in 2003. 😳
    No, no, no, this was a conspiracy, I theorize.

  22. for starship point to point rocket travel – spiral/shuffle everyoneone with window seats, flight attendants buckle you back in after your zero-g experience

  23. Title: super sonic planes are making a comeback
    2/3rds of video: why the concorde failed

  24. Concorde was so far ahead of its time
    that the world wasn't ready for it.
    Arguably we still aren't

  25. Can't wait to see how many Boom Overture flights are cancelled last minute due to crew shortages because airlines don't want to pay the six pilots they'll have type-rated for it.

  26. Almost 50 years since the first supersonic airline flight, and we still haven't solved the sonic boom problem? You would think by now some young upstart would've solved issue and is now the richest person in the world. Or someone would've claimed to solve that issue and is now in jail for fraud.

  27. Virgin have been talking about supersonic for 30 years now, all bluff!

  28. I can't explain how stupid I find these "science" YouTube videos from nice, serious channels like CNET, without the metric system on the video. Jesus.

  29. Heyyyy! I was hoping to see the X59 on the list 😁 I helped make it. They have incredibly tight tolerances on this plane 👀

  30. I grew up when the Concorde was still zipping through the air and was saddened when it was grounded. It would be nice to see new superspeed aircraft available to the masses so everyone can enjoy a mini vacation anywhere in the world on the same day if needed, lol.

  31. That Lockheed Martin NASA plane looks so cool.

  32. But Nasa Ehre is the Space for Passangers?

  33. thats why greàst god baned outkàwsd hiknaty reoace hins bmany tinve ivèr wished hiñs did nit iver hyboer snartt and make smaet gids fell stuopid smar gids shoud fel alwssoume guoer felmg alwaoume

    • T L
    • December 25, 2022

    Just wait for portal technology

  34. Keep Dreaming on Boom Company, has 150 employees Concorde when in construction had over 100,000

  35. 1:39 “Noooooooo!!!” Said the flat earther🙄

    • Dave
    • December 25, 2022

    Ummm yeah …. what's it gonna be an electric plane….lol

  36. I'm super excited about this!

    • Omar
    • December 25, 2022

    Concord is a proper noun so you shouldn’t use “the” before it. It is simply Concord.

  37. why do you even need planes didnt you ppl said that The HyperLoop will make them all obsolete 😂

  38. Come on why does the worst airline have to order the boom overture?

    • Dan S
    • December 25, 2022

    No mention of SpaceX's plans for on planet long distance transportation with Starship? Why?

  39. Who wrote the script for this video? Lots of incorrect facts

  40. Supersonic jets vs SpaceX

  41. Wow. The audio voice over didn’t match the end of the video.

  42. That Lockheed supersonic jet which doesn't even have a cockpit window makes me wonder….you are just one bad solar flare or EMP from certain death when it fries all of the electronics onboard and the pilots lose the ability to see, and the flight computer stops working. I guess most modern jets probably suffer the same problem since they also rely on computers to stay airborne

  43. well NASA and Lockheed can pull it of faster than the other mentioned company, for sure in less than a decade we'll have a working prototype or in service supersonic passenger jet from Lockheed and NASA

  44. Such a pleasure to hear a female voice on this kind of subject. The sound in the end is out of phase though.

  45. Whoa, cool and unexpected to see Kent taking on a new aviation beat.

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