
Amazing Products Quick and Simple Life Hacks 8

Awesome Tips Quick and Simple Life Hacks 8

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This is quick and simple life hacks, where we solve your everyday problems with a little MacGyver inspired ingenuity.

Want your ice cream to last longer without getting ruined? Wrap the box in tin foil and it will keep out of the frost and preserve your delicious treat.

Accidentally close a tab in Firefox or Chrome? Hit CTRL SHIFT T and it will pop back up. This is a true life saver.

Ice tray leaking a bit? Stay cool. Grab an empty egg carton and fill it up for an eggcellent replacement.

Having trouble cracking open that glass jar? Go under your sink and grab a rubber cleaning glove. The extra grip will have you enjoying those pickles in no time.

Need to QUICKLY get rid of cooking odor like fish, grease or burned oil? Boil up a pot of water and sprinkle in some cinnamon from your spice rack. Any odor there was will be destroyed in seconds.

Need to light a candle but the lighter won’t reach? Grab a dried stick of spaghetti and light it instead. It will burn nice and slow and let you get to those hard to reach places.

And as always, please share your favorite life hacks in the comments section. We’ll use the best suggestions in a later episode. See you next time. .
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  1. Who's here from Conan?

  2. Only 6 livehaks

  3. Bird poop ice

  4. how do I fall asleep faster

  5. dried stick of spaghetti was a life saving hack

  6. If you drink a glass of milk,drink from the bottom side of the drinking area,cause if you drink from the top side,you will make a hell of a mess.

  7. about the closed tab one: you can also right-click the little button next to the last tab and it gives a few options

  8. my laptop tends to over heat cause I don't have a stand for it. I fix this easily with a very small container by placing it just under the back of the laptop, it gives it just enough airflow to keep it nice and cool.

  9. Press control w to close the tab your on

  10. If you can't find the print button or there isn't one and you would like to print that page, press ctrl+p then that will save your printing problems

  11. pen with rubber band will hold things from falling out when bending over

  12. Get a top of a yogurt container and put in a cupcake liner in for a small snack

  13. Best was of ice-cream..


  15. I only came here for number 2🌚

  16. hit a baby with a brick to stop it from crying

  17. To get a cat from under the bed or unwanted rooms use a lazer pen they always chase the light.

  18. your puns suck

  19. can you do safe box

  20. Hey buddy, Can you go with some packing hacks???

  21. CTRL + Shift + T is a real lifesaver

  22. the control shift T DID NOY WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Sees hack that makes the window come back (AKA CTRLL, SHFT, T)
    My fucking ass…
    Dumb shit realizes that he's on Google
    Does this even work?
    Closes window, does the fucking obvious (AKA Look at the fucking starting sentence… THE FUCKING ONE IN BOLD LETTERS YOU TALENTLESS FU)
    …. So that's how I bring back the porn I was watching.

  24. Better or easier hack for ice cream – it's my father's actually! 😀 You just cover your ice cream with plastic wrap so the air doesn't get to it. Right ON the ice cream 🙂

  25. what iş it? ?

  26. Wow wow

  27. egg carton is a great ice tray except for the fact that it may have raw egg residue with bacteria that will kill you and does NOT die in the freezer. fantastic idea. i suggest using the foam egg tray and cleaning with rubbing alcohol first.

  28. have a burnt tongue? grab some sugar on it and leave it about 30 secs. feels sweet better than before.

  29. How to make Oreo/s'mores melt marshmallows and maybe Oreo cream? Anyway dip some graham crackers in it tastes so good!

  30. Don't use the egg as ice cube you can get salmonella (sorry for my English) but don't do it

  31. The lego safe

  32. life hack: How to clean and sterilze a baby bottle nipple. Wet the nipple, fill with table salt. Now rub it between your hands til clean. Work great on all types.

  33. If u are collecting money out it in a jar then also put post it notes in and a pen and when ever u did money write it down once u fill up one post it note add its all up then keep that post it note and once it's filled and up your total

  34. Is your spoon not getting your ice cream? Heat up a cup of water and put your spoon in the warm bath. It cuts thru it like butta!!!

  35. What I learned to open glass jars is take the palm of your hand and smack the top of the lid 2-3 times. This helps break the seal and the lid comes off easy.
    Also when potty traits dog, clean the mess with warm lemon water, just like you used to clean the microwave. Or you can use warm cinnamon water if you have dark carpet. This way the odor is gone so your dog doesn't keep smelling it and thinking it's okay to mess in the house. It's really necessary when you have an older dog then get a younger one as the old one will smell the younger and start scent marking to override the smell of the newer animal. It's cheaper then the stuff sold in stores.

  36. If you're parents cut your hair in your favorite shirt and some hair gets inside the shirt and you keep washing it and it never works? Try turning the shirt inside out. And start to wash.

  37. Eggcelent!

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