
Amazing Products TV This NASA Rocket Is Bringing the First Alien Rocks Back From Mars

Awesome Tips This NASA Rocket Is Bringing the First Alien Rocks Back From Mars

NASA and the European Space Agency are bringing the first samples from another planet back to Earth, with the help of two helicopters, a mini rocket and a new Mars lander. CNET’s Claire Reilly breaks down how the ambitious program will work.

0:00 Mars Sample Return Mission
0:49 Perseverance Lands
1:21 Ingenuity Flies
2:01 Sample Caching System
2:27 One Sample, Three Robots
3:17 Sample Retrieval Lander
4:14 Using Ingenuity
4:40 The Sample Transfer Arm
4:56 Launching A Rocket From Mars
5:13 Earth Return Orbiter
5:36 Testing The Samples On Earth
6:36 Searching For Life On Mars
7:22 Prepping For Human Missions To Mars

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  1. 4:20 "NASER" lol

  2. Aliens: They steal things from us!

  3. Hello! This is a very bad idea. We have no idea what might be in that batch of samples that could be pathogenic or toxic. It is reckless to bring those samples back without knowing for certain that it is safe to do so.

  4. 5:57 That already is a good movie😂

  5. 10 more years?!? Wow

  6. All the tests necessary to find both signs of past life and signs of present life on Mars can be done by unmanned landers on Mars. However NASA has repeatedly rejected proposals to include such robotic experiments on any of the landers. Hmm? Now why might that be. enough data was collected from soil analysis by Viking landers and Curiosity to justify inclusion of life detecting experiments. We have to wait more than 10 years for an answer we could have already had … and still not know the answer if one those steps of the return operations fails. Maybe NASA is hiding something else be sides telemetry tapes and video tapes of Apollo 11's mission … and yes yes I know … you coincidence theorists believe everything you're told by authority figures about all of that – (because you conflate religious and national myth).

    I say Space X should land within sight of the Apollo 11 landing site and see if history repeats itself or not. But you will say nay, just as the Pope refused to look through Galileo's telescope at the moons orbiting Jupiter.

  7. Till she said "2033"

    Me: wait what?

  8. The anchor already look like a alien 👽

  9. ❤️❤️❤️

  10. I hope they don't bring back any Thing unexpected.

  11. Will never happen. Not real. All scifi and lots of bs.

  12. I'm thinking by the launch in 2028 we will already be landing humans on the red planet. This plan is epically long, womp.

    • G B S
    • December 26, 2022

    What if in 2028 there are already humans on Mars and Elon is willing to return the samples himself

  13. this is scary, will it send back something weird? virus? bacteria?

  14. I'm really struggling to understand something about planets. When they move out of earth to other planets, does that mean earth is having holes to move out or what? How do they move out of earth? It may sound silly to those who understand, please help me understand

  15. How about a little less make up to the church darling

  16. If we can grow weed, I’m going

  17. "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17

    "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:38-39▪︎

  18. All these engineering just to return a sample back to earth. Very Daring!!!

  19. Whoo hoo! 2033, I might still be alive, that would be cool, being alive rocks!

    • Pablo
    • December 26, 2022


  20. 2033?? Huhu

  21. Here comes pox from mars

  22. Good Presenter

  23. it's taking too long.. hope there's great progress =) excited

  24. How much you pay me for a specimen rocks from my backyard??? You can study it all you want since you never been here! Maybe you find something strange you never saw in any other place on hearth.

  25. When you say that would make a great movie, there actually is a pretty good movie about this. It's called "Life" with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds. Freaky stuff

  26. I've read an article that said that we've already managed to contaminate Mars with a little bit of our planet's fungal spores and bacteria. Just how careful are the going to be eith eventually bringing Mars samples here to Earth? We're not even capable of handling our own ecosystems natural bioforms at this point.

  27. Elon plans to get people to mars before these guys can get a sample back 🤯

  28. ⛓️⛓️⛓️

  29. 2033??? R u sure??

  30. Unlocking Mars's secrets in 11 years should have been the title. I am excited but the timeline for such a successful space mission is getting to me.

  31. Mars ROCKS!

  32. Nasa is bring Nevada rocks again? Moon rocks were from Nevada in teh beginning, and changed to the collection of meteor. Now, Nasa is collecting meteor again?

  33. Chinese will get the sample waayyy early than NASA plan in 2028..

  34. If they find oil we will all be screwed

  35. 2033 ? So 11 years 😭

  36. ok quick question how do you a launch rocket where there's no oxygen (on mars of course)

  37. I'm willing to bet that they will change course from landing the samples to Earth via impact to SpaceX Starship or Dragon doing an automated retrieval from space and safely landing it on Earth. I think those samples arre way too valuable to risk an impact landing.

  38. all the best camera-man filming the journey to us

  39. Yeah sure

  40. This is amazing but let’s just save the money so we can go there. I really wanna see people on Mars before I die, and I’m already 51

  41. Bro I can get in my car and drive to Mars and back before 2033….

  42. 7:55 – Let's not count our chickens just yet…

  43. * I will forever be indebted to you, you have changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your name for the world' to hear that you save me from huge financial debt with little investment thank you very much Expert Sophia

  44. I would volunteer going to Mars but i feel i would become a bit depressed being on a planet without a beach etc.

    Just saying it seems rather depressing

  45. ‘Roaming around like your uncle at Costco quietly collecting samples.’ Lol.

  46. Why do we want to go to Mars.What benefit will it bring to humanity.A planet with no water or Oxygen.
    Let’s make our planet better.There are more important issues to deal with here on Earth.

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