
Amazing Products TV I’ve Never Had So Much FUN – Intel Development Center DEEP Dive

Awesome Tips I’ve Never Had So Much FUN – Intel Development Center DEEP Dive

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We’re back at the Israel Design Center Intel Fab and this time it’s a facility tour of the Validation Lab. I was like a kid in a candy store!

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:10 What is the Validation Lab?
2:05 Test Benches
2:44 PCIe Gen 5
5:40 FPGA
7:06 USB-C Test Rig
9:45 Display Testing
13:14 Debug Lab
14:18 “the IREM”
15:04 Intel’s biggest problem
16:45 Outro

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  1. 👍

  2. Oh no! It’s a wall of nerds!

  3. One of the best serie of videos on the channel
    The facilities, testing methods & espacially the irem is absolutely fascinating
    Thanks a lot for Linus & Intel enginners

  4. I want to see intel make it possible to run two motherboards simultaneously on one system

  5. I would like to see about eight more videos on this place. Please!

    • James
    • December 26, 2022

    We honestly don't deserve Linus and all he's done to bring light to the best part of this industry: the raw, amazing innovation that always gets lost behind PR and Marketing

  6. I worked in an Intel Debug lab, Sample prep lab, circuit edit lab, And Validation lab. You should do a video on Sample Prep, And circuit edit labs. Both are fascinating processes. Before you can do the IREM process, The chip needs to be prepped. ( Sample prep.) This involves a process of "unwrapping" the device, Machine it down to a specified level. Polishing it, Mounting it onto an interface board, and putting an optical Finnish on the surface of the chip to make mapping, and probing easier…. The circuit edit process is also very fascinating. They can actually "edit" circuits using a modified electron microscope.

  7. I like how that wall of Employees where bigger and stronger than Linus just encase he tried to force himself past them

  8. >saw cool video about intel factory
    >liked video
    >realized it's in isreal
    >disliked and reported for terrorism

  9. 14:36 I hope you understand what this means for encryption.

  10. Nice, 69K likes.

  11. engineers gaming

  12. Considering insects and dinosaurs and fish we laying eggs millions of years before the I'll say egg came 1st

  13. Does anyone know what song was playing during the thermal doodad section?

  14. When i watch things like this i always come to one conclusion: Why did i have to be born dumb…. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  15. Intel: testing the way it should be for mainstream computer hardware
    Microsoft: Did you expect these updates to not brick 7% of computers?

  16. It's so cool seeing somebody like Linus get so excited over the things we do as Verification & Validation Engineers. Although I have not worked on the level of ST/NXP/Intel/AMD/Micron etc, I do a lot of testing with their chips in our devices. But it's similar across the tech industry, Ver/Val Test Engineering jobs don't get the 'sex' (hah lack of a better term) appeal that Architect/Designer/Developer jobs get even though (the good ones) they have to know the Hardware/Firmware/Software just as well as the designers to in order to create appropriate test beds. For every feature/functionality there is an iceberg of test scenarios that need to be created, not even mentioning the negative scenarios or designing it for automation & CI/CD.

    True, we don't have to design any functional part of the end product. But there is still immense pressure, especially in waterfall environments, to get through the tests because Ver/Val are near the end of the project "holding" up the release.

  17. Because intel has nothing to hide since they don't have any competitors. The only other company makes chips like they are don't even have 5% of the market (AMD).

  18. 14:18 why do they need to hide its faces? are they criminals?

  19. Welcome to the occupied Palestine

  20. I like how even though Linus lacks the basic knowledge of computer science and electronics, he takes the time to make these videos and reading textbook like sentences without having any clue what even he is saying.

  21. 01:28 this lab is just like a mining machine room 🙂

  22. Enjoyed it

  23. The laught when Linus mentioned the hangover scenario was so fake xD

  24. Some more info about FPGAs – most of them have a hard PCIe or memory block, meaning they are semi-customizable and you can't use old one with the new standard.
    What they did here, is built the entire PCIe core and connected it through available transceiver pins (ignoring the built-in PCIe block, if it even was there); which would occupy a significant amount of FPGA resources, making it useless for other heavy tasks. This is actually the "default" use case for FPGAs – a design verification. Limits exist here as well, but with more flexibility – you can't use an ancient FPGA to verify PCIe 5x, because it just wouldn't have enough transceiver speed.

    So, let's say, if you wanted an FPGA datacenter accelerator card, which would be forward compatible to PCIe 5x, you would have to build it with 2 FPGAs – one purely for PCIe communication purposes, another one for computing. That wouldn't make much sense, because it would be expensive and would probably lose to newer models in performance anyway.

    As for the DDR slot, well, comparable to the new interface speed the DDR RAM is not a high-speed device anymore; you'll need something like HBM memory, those don't go into slots.

  25. all those dudes standing, hiding exactly why they're trailing AMD from investors hahahaha

  26. מגניבבב אשכרה לינוס היה בישראל

  27. 16:16 If I use it, it probably should be renamed to I obliterate it thoroughly.

  28. Why is it in Israel?

  29. funny thing is that im using a amd laptop rn

  30. JAW hanging druling now. terminator red eyes. fantastic.

    • SAND
    • December 26, 2022

    Linus, I know you not going to look at my comment. Anyways will still try to ask. Isn't its time to go 4k 60Hz with HDR in your new videos?

  31. Oh, this was that second video he alluded to… NICE.

  32. how come Intel don't make the cooler the engineers use the default cooler sent with CPUs?

  33. The Laser Assisted Device Alteration is an amazing example of the power of physical access. If a person has physical access to a device, it is possible to hack/modify/alter it. That is both something that needs to be accounted for, for example, if you rent out hardware, or don't do physical security, but also counted on, as an ultimate guard against overreaching DRM. Very cool machine.

  34. Israel is awesome !!!

  35. that's not a ram slot… xboink, probably a cache emulator bank for raid control of multiple m.2 not every test card is going to need a terabyte of super high bandwidth drive so why spend the money to install 256GB of HBM2 on the board

    I think almost nobody online today remembers having to warm-up cycle their computers to get the graphics cards' memory into operating range. Or using hair dryers, or a light-bulb in the computer case to do this. Or opening the case of your multiple-pentium server and putting your hands on the extra cache ram cards to bring them up so the cmos wouldn't throw an error and disable them.

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