
Amazing Products DIY Drinking Glasses from a Beer Bottle

Awesome Tips DIY Drinking Glasses from a Beer Bottle

Want to make your own customized glassware? It is easier than you think if you keep safety first (gloves and water source). Here are all the materials needed to turn your Corona bottle into fine glassware.

1 Bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing alcohol)
A good length of cotton string or yarn
1 Bucket of Water
1 Serving of patience

By tying the string around the bottle and igniting it we can weaken the bottle which will split it in two pieces when added to an ice bath.

Remember to wear proper safety gear and have a fire extinguisher or water source near by.

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  1. “Proper protection near flames”
    *laughs in female cook*

  2. What liquid u use for the string

  3. Very simple and cool way to do that! Thanks for the vieo

  4. Quick question, does it have to be 99% isopropyl alcohol???

  5. Awsome thanks looks great n fun to make out of fave beer glases
    I will deff try making a giant cup out of a 40z lol

  6. Rip

  7. That’s was the shittiest version of making a cup. 👎🏽💩

  8. What grit is the sandpaper?

  9. Also how you make a genuine bottleneck for guitar

  10. Anyone know a good substitute for rubbing alcohol? That stuff has become expensive.

  11. What would you do to the bottle to stop it from ruining the label when you wash it

  12. My question is how do you afterwards make the label water proof? Paper labels will get ruined after a while

  13. What kind of sandpaper?

  14. Love the song in the background

  15. Hi! I want to clear coat my bottle to save the label. Should this be done before or after?

  16. Wouldn't be safer and more efficient to simply soak the string into the original alcohol container?

  17. Do you believe this method would be as successful with a square bottle?

  18. Very helpful thx^-^

  19. My finger is bleeding but i did it

  20. I knew about this before, just wanted to see how you guys do it, I just pry it off and it also works

  21. I slice my lips trying this….

  22. Easiest way to get yourself some lip scars and chicks dig scars!!

  23. Or you can buy a bottle cutter.

  24. song: whisky in the jar

  25. Tried 3 times to do as instructed but the glass didn´t cut straight.

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