
Amazing Products LIFE HACKS — 7 ways to open a Wine bottle without a corkscrew!

Awesome Tips LIFE HACKS — 7 ways to open a Wine bottle without a corkscrew!

Wine. The nectar of the gods. But what if your corkscrew mysteriously goes missing? We’ve got some simple ways to solve that problem so that you can get your drink on.

1. Hit up your junk drawer and grab a screw hook. Apply it to the cork and get it snug. Now carefully and slowly wiggle out that cork and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

2. Hit that junk drawer again. Find a thick screw and twist it down into the wine stopper. When you are done grab pliers or clippers and twist that bad boy out. Voila.

3. This also can work with a large nail but you need to pound it in at a slight angle and then carefully remove the nail and cork with the back of a hammer. Take your time and you’ll be fine.

4. Now you might have heard that banging a bottle against the wall will pop the cork, and you would be right. However, it takes far too long to be effective so don’t bother with this trick just move on to something better such as…

5. The shoe string method. Want to really impress? Bore a hole in the cork and tye a big knot in a string. Shove that thing down there and then simply pull up hard on the rest of the string. Plipitty ploppy, time to get sloppy.

6. This one is my favorite. You just need a serrated knife. Take your blade and thrust it into the depths of the evil cork. Now slowly and carefully twist and pull. The cork will be out in moments, unless your bottle is wearing chain mail.

7. Finally, just to keep things fresh I will show you a new method that while not the easiest. Has some fun results. Grab a bike pump and shove the tube down a hole you bore in the cork. Give it some pressure and watch the cork rise. Once it is about halfway pull it with your hand and set it free.

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  1. So helpful!


  3. this man said a bike pump lol

    • V. K.
    • December 27, 2022

    Just use explosives to open the wine!!! Fireworks plus wine rain on top of that!!!

  4. I have none of those items, so I went outside and broke the glass. Wasted a little but I'm drinking tonight so I'm happy.

  5. Fun fact absolutely none of these fucking methods are reliable whatsoever, just give up and buy a corkscrew

    • 1 3 7
    • December 27, 2022

    The knife one worked like a charm, even with a deep, crumbly cork. I ended up using scissors since the slender blade was the right size to fit into the wine bottle’s neck. Thank you.

  6. lmao that knife trick did not fucking work at all.

  7. I accidentally pushed cork deeper within the neck however after a bit of struggle, my girl watched this knife trick and it worked. She got it out with ease!

  8. Just pop my bottle after the corkscrew broke off inside the cork, great vid thanx!

    • 33SS
    • December 27, 2022

    I laughed when they got to bike pump

  9. Thank you! I used the knife,It worked perfectly!

    • Reni
    • December 27, 2022

    Top broke spilled it all over our homes white carpet my moms gonna kill when she gets home

  10. Yo I gave up and just push the cork all the way through. 😅 still got my wine with cork bits. It's all good. Cheers.🥂

  11. Didn't have to run out late at night to find a store with corkscrews. Thanks to your knife method. Worked wonderfully!!

  12. I had a serrated knife but the cork went back into the bottle but at least it worked!

  13. We got the cork of hell nothing's working atm lol

  14. I still don't know why corks are still a thing.

  15. HAHAHA I JUST OPEN IT NOW. BUT DIFFERENT METHOD. 😂😂 It takes one year for me to open it and the wine is so damn good 😂😂

  16. LIFE SAVER ✨

  17. Next video should be “how to get cork out of wine glass"

  18. OMG your a saviour!!! it worked !!!

    • Nina
    • December 27, 2022

    The knife worked very well on the second try

  19. Serrated knife, 1st try! Thank you!

  20. Thank u so much for this video. The screw and plyers did the trick.

  21. It’s 2021 why tf are they still using corks

  22. the knife trick was so good and easy

  23. HAZUGSÁG!!!

  24. And there’s the last resort. Pushing the corkscrew into the bottle 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • Jerky
    • December 27, 2022

    The screw method worked.

  25. wine is the glue that holds this shythole together

  26. These are so unhelpful in my situation

  27. Knife method they fail to mention can cause pressure and the corkscrew to be sucked into the wine bottle. Really wish people would leave what could possibly go wrong in videos aswell

  28. Pocket knife worked would have never thought of that

  29. I tried the knife trick. Ended up pushing the cork into the bottle.
    Same result, but with wine being shot all over the front of me…
    I feel violated.

  30. It bent my car key lol

  31. The knife one works! I'm saaaved :'D

  32. Thank you! Deserve a like!

  33. After seeing this video my bottle of wine that was been in the freezer for a day, finally popped its cork out. I guess the intensive freezing pressure from the freezer made the cork popped out.

  34. Did anyone else push the cork down with any object, firmly and immediately have an entire face, shirt, floor, table, ceiling and eye full of wine? Or am I just totally inept from doing anything correctly and deserve only half the bottle. *Do not try if stupid

  35. Hold on honey…I have to get the bike pump outta the garage instead of opening the kitchen drawer for an actual cork screw…cuz Im a life hacking idiot

  36. Who else managed to explode the bottle with the bike pump method? Just me? Ok…

  37. I used the screw method, it worked great. I used a large screw and drove it in (with screw driver obviously), then used pliers to yank it out. I now feel like a G because I own a tool set

  38. Just done the screw method, used a 2x100mm screw and a makita impact driver and pair of snap on pliers didn’t splash a drop 😃🍾

  39. Romantic dinner saved!!! Thnx

  40. i got a bottle i didnt have a corck screw for, but when i looked at it, it's one of those you can easily just pop out with your hand. Phew! this bottle really had me shitting my pants worrying where to get a cork screw

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