
Amazing Products Free Game Spree! “League of Legends”

Awesome Tips Free Game Spree! “League of Legends”

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  1. Little did you know what league would become 10 years later. I miss the good ol' days of league, now even I quit it a few months ago.

  2. Came back to see a time stamp of when I started playing league. 10 years man thats crazy

  3. I looked up this video to see how long i've been playing league since this is where I found out about it. Holy Shit 6 + years. I'm not sure if I should be ashamed for not being better or because i've been playing it for 6 god damn years.

  4. This is the video that got me playing the game.

  5. HAHAHA "it's free" i wish league was free. once you start playing you get addicted and you want all of those beautiful delicious skins and before you know it you've spent $300 on the game.

  6. I remember seeing this video in my subscription feed and downloading League that day… still playing….

  7. I remember watching this video when I was rather young and I thought it was dumb 🙁 I wish I atleast tried because i ended up getting addicted anyway. i'd just have a 3 year lead.

  8. now it has 115

  9. who doesn't like LOL

  10. DOTA 2 is free now!

  11. OMG I LUV LoL

  12. Actually it has 120 now

  13. 4 teamates

  14. now 3 years later I must thank you for showing me this. I'm still actively playing since I started after watching this video!

  15. this game fuken sucks, full of trolers


  17. Its not trying to be like a casualized DOTA copy, its trying to be like DOTA only new.
    Thats why people call it the "Next GENERATION of Dota". And DOTA is an RTS while LoL is a MOBA, seriously people really don't know thiS!?!?!?

  18. and many of them went to work on HoN. but the thing is Icefrog was the best dota heroes in their current, balanced incarnation. The creator of LoL left dota with imbalanced storebought teambuffs, characters with instakib ults and badly scaling abilities that made the game a terrible spam fest. 'Most creators of dota' is also wrong, it was just guinsoo, who just made a compilation of dota heroes on one map, and pendragon a dota 'fansite operator.' Icefrog really made dota what it is.

  19. most creators of dota went to work on LoL idiot

  20. AKA dota copy tries to be like casualized dota copy?

  21. HoN tries to be LoL, lolwut? They're different in every way except for the fact that they're an RTS.


  23. thumbs up if you knew about l.o.l.(League of Legends and is a lvl 30

  24. @vadim1256 i accept

  25. still playing this cuz of this video

  26. if u still play this i challenge you to a match

  27. I just hate this game because I suck at it…lol

  28. I fucking hate this game

  29. @HeavenlyH3R0 yeah, but i was like 4 days until they have their 2 years anniversary 😛

  30. @TheM3G4N00B came out october 2009?

  31. @1414ever it havent been out for 2 years LOL!

  32. I saw this video when it came out and the game didn't seem that interesting to me. Now 2 weeks ago I saw Angry Joe do a video about it and it seemed lots of fun and I started playing it with friends and at the moment I'm really addicted to it because it's VERY fun to play. If only this video would have had an in-depth review I could have started having this fun 2 years earlier…

  33. more like COC

  34. /watch?v=qWIso-G1_W0 10 000 RP IP HACK!! WORKS FOR REAL!!

  35. I play LoL like for 2 years now ^.^

  36. @NewFrancesco550
    You're right.. LoL removes a lot of things to dumb down its game for casual players..gg

  37. ive been playing for 2 decades n, its awesome

  38. I've been playing for 2 days now, It's awesome.

  39. @xANTHQNY HELL NO!lmao that way to underrated!
    ….2 cookies will do

  40. @SideHugzzRock We lost it 🙁 will a Cookie do?

  41. @Fnuq00 haha i did to 😀

  42. @xANTHQNY thanks,wheres my nobelprize?

  43. @SideHugzzRock Well done, Mr. Scientist

  44. So how many referrals have you gotten from that link up there?

  45. Haha i started playing this game because of this video too… gotta say best 2 years of my life lol. Now it has like 70+ instead of 40 😀

  46. league of legends=LOL


  48. @warquix Wasn't free before. AKA HoN tries to be LoL xD

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