
Amazing Products Turn Whiskey into Water – 1Min Science

Awesome Tips Turn Whiskey into Water – 1Min Science

Here’s a cool whiskey trick! Grab a shot glass and fill it with water. Take another and fill it with whiskey.

Now that you have your full glasses, take a plastic card or coated paper and place it
over the glass that holds the water.

This next part is tricky, flip the glass over and rest it directly on top of the
the whiskey shot. When its securely in place, slowly move the card a bit in
to open up a small slit between the glasses.

You want this to be extra small or the liquids will mix fully.

Look at all that crazy science happen. You see, The water is heavier than
the alcohol so sinks to the bottom of the two glasses. In the process it displaces the
whiskey and forces it to the top.

This is a nifty old density experiment thats been around for ages. But that doesnt mean
you can’t show it off to your friends, or use it to pick up chicks in the bar.

Oh! and the best part? you can still drink it… or save it for later.

If you don’t have whiskey, try some rubbing alcohol with food coloring but
definitely don’t drink that…

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  1. I'm going to do this one to impress chicks at the Bar.

  2. Call me when you can do the opposite.

  3. Anyone have a quick 1 min. trick for turning water into whiskey? Lmao

  4. You could drink it, or pour it over your table, like in the video.

  5. Little known trick.  You can take a beaker with 999 ml of pure water (just shy of one liter) and add 15 ml pure alcohol, and you still end up with 999 ml liquid in your beaker…why?  Because the alcohol and water mix is about like pouring BBs into a jar of marbles, they fill up the spaces in between, so it does not affect the actual level in the beaker.


  7. Who would do this pointless

  8. So your just making the whiskey stronger by concentrating all the water both out of the whiskey as it goes up out through the water transfer, nice.

  9. Party foul u dumped that shot out. U missed the flask completly. SOMEBODY PUNCH HIM!!!

  10. Can you turn it back lol

  11. ملجوف

  12. 10:1

  13. Damn… I thought that's what it said too D:

  14. now how do we turn water into whiskey?

  15. The real trick would be turning water into whiskey….

  16. So… if you did the same thing with wine, would that make you the AntiChrist? Food for thought.

  17. Now teach me how to turn water into whiskey

  18. im goin get all dem bar bitches yo

  19. 1:01

  20. can you turn water into whiskey?

  21. Why would anyone want to turn whiskey into water?

  22. You didn't get one drop back in the flask 😛

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