
Amazing Products TV NASA Is Going Back to the Moon ๐Ÿš€ Hereโ€™s How Its Massive Rocket Was Made

Awesome Tips NASA Is Going Back to the Moon ๐Ÿš€ Hereโ€™s How Its Massive Rocket Was Made

NASA is launching to the moon for the first time in 50 years with its most powerful rocket ever. CNET’s Claire Reilly goes inside the …

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  1. Thanks for watching – this video was great fun to make (genuinely still can't believe how cool it was to see the whole rocket all stacked up!)
    My big question for those who weren't around during Apollo (like me): What do you think it'll be like to see boots on the moon?

  2. The shuttle didnโ€™t build the ISS. What myopic BS nationalism.

  3. Why is that moron at the beginning, wearing a mask …obviously a spin-doctor out before the launch, that will become NASA's un-doing. Some of us have known for decades about the fraud, money-laundering organization that NASA is. Created for a bunch of NAZI's by The fraud that was the US government then. But because it is and has been nothing more than theatre for the people brainwashed by government propaganda, it was doomed to fail, and it has the sleeping lion in the room has finally awakened and will be demanding a refund.

  4. Still running the moon hustle.never happened and it never will…But they still taking your money…And you patriotic bots are all excited..At least you get some cartoons and green screen video's…

  5. Doing the same thing done 50 years ago. Waste of money. Beeter to spend it on reserch on advanced science and medicine lol.

  6. The biggest and most expensive firework ever built! Canโ€™t wait to see it splash straight down in the Pacific Ocean and let the CGI thatโ€™s usually pretty rubbish to be fair to take over to try and prove this utter, utter nonsense.

  7. 31 football fields for the building facility just makes me speechless that is incredible

  8. we desire helium3 (Y) it will power nonRadioactive nuclearFusion reactors4free electricity <3

  9. 15:12. Why is racism part of the mission??? Downvoted.

  10. Why can't you have the best rather then a black. Just to be woke like Disney. Blacking everything up .

  11. Artemus is Too much waste , Too expensive! , use reusable rockets , put up multiple items to make a ship thatโ€™s reusable to use for moon, mars, or any location in our solar system. Save money. Thinking big rockets is the answer is just big money.

  12. Dislike for not translating pounds into tonns. Yeah… I am like that

  13. Fakest thing Iโ€™ve ever seen. CGI

  14. Nonsense…. Reusability is the only option for the future. That guy is lying through his teeth. Reusable rockets just need refueling in space, and they can do more mass than SLS ( In the case of Starship, eg. ) . SLS is archaic old junk tech from 60 years ago. 4 bil $ a launch is stupid waste of money.

  15. So…he doesn't like washing machines…

  16. Landing on the moon never happened.
    It will never happen.

  17. This was an incredible launch this morning. Looking forward to NASA landing on the moon again. I was 8 years old and visiting Vancouver British Columbia Canada for a Convention when Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

  18. Meanwhile ETs laughing at us, 2022 still using propulsion.

  19. People of color?
    Are you discriminating WHITE folks?

  20. Return to the moon ? Never did land a man on the moon. An impossible feat in the 1960โ€™s. Slide rules and toggle switches ? Give me a break. The international space race was the incentive then and Helium 3 is the driving force now.

  21. They never went to the moon THATS why theres a test run๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚never a strategic answer ๐Ÿคฅ

  22. Lies! No one has ever been to the Moon.
    The only thing that sky rocketed is the tax payers Money


  24. you know what i think .we are so advance technolgy and they will fly first crew in 2024 make me thinks this apollo mission long time ago was only propaganda ……come on guys so many years to go to moon wich is so close to the earth??

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