
Amazing Products TV How a Supercomputer Could End the COVID Pandemic

Awesome Tips How a Supercomputer Could End the COVID Pandemic

In the premiere episode of Hacking the Apocalypse, Claire Reilly looks at the past, present and future of pandemics and how technology could be the final weapon against viruses.

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  1. You should get to try genibra San miguel to aviod coronavirus because in the Philippines triend gine everyday.

  2. why cyberpunk 2077

  3. its still out there no cure yes people got sick died but from what at the hospitals every was diagnosed with covid no matter thay said it was covid thats how thay got paid no cared the doctor's

  4. You mean "PLANDEMIC" it was a plan and the virus was played with inside a lab and then released globally during Trumps admin.

  5. Lol 😂 the government got some thing for you

  6. "Our best defense has been social distancing."

  7. Love this because human species deserve to be level your species don't have honor

  8. (WARNING NEAR TEXTING) uhm so just saying covid Might tuen to apocolypse

  9. It’s sad that this video is 1 year old and we are are in a worse place now than before…

  10. FAKE

  11. Covid-16 killed as far nearly 4 million people, ww2 killed 68millions, so people are more letal than viruses. We definitely need a vaccine to protect us from ourselves.

  12. Considering what has happened this video's optimism seems so silly.

  13. Its sad to see bolsonaro woking on ways to create new corona strains, aggainst vaccines, use of masks and social distancing.

  14. This was all planned, they think they know how to manipulate human DNA code but God might have a few surprises for people like Bill Gates and others.

    Sometimes I despair and think that maybe God has abandoned us, but it cannot be.


    YOU WILL NEVER SEE A VIDEO FROM 2019 WHERE THE TITLE SAYS "Covid-19" "Coronavirus" "Pandemic" Plague"

    • Dae
    • December 31, 2022

    Can Claire get a Netflix deal? I'd watch more of these.

  17. This "pandemic" was planned all along. There are no coincidences.

  18. This Was A Load Of Crap!!j👁

  19. 4:33 oh no.

  20. The experts predict that something's going to happen? you mean they're going to make something happen

    • SJ
    • December 31, 2022

    So many more lives could have been saved

    • SJ
    • December 31, 2022

    The United States scientist's doctors were banned from going to Wuhan

    • SJ
    • December 31, 2022

    It's unfortunate for the whole world that a Communist country keeps things on such lock down in private that when a pandemic does happen in that country known else is warned about it until the whole world is on their knees

  21. This Is Propaganda and fake news! If noone has isolated the virus from genetic material then how can anyone or any super computer figure out what will fight it? Also isnt it way too much of a coincidence Claire mentioned a bat virus? Are you seeing this agenda yet?

  22. More scare tactics. Don't fall for it. The flu of 1918 was so deadly because there was no treatment for it. Covid-19 is no worse than a bad flu year but the globalists are using it to control the world population. They're going to try to force everyone to get vaccinated or lose their freedom. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is happening as I'm typing this. On television this evening, the head of the World Health Organization has declared 'The Great Reset'. All people will have to prove they've been vaccinated or they won't be able to go anywhere or do anything.

  23. Ok all i wanna knoe if its gonna fkn end

  24. This the whole point covid is a hoax but Americans “people” in general have reached a whole new plateau of dumbed down Oblivious to world statistics such as
    world o meters dot org
    that literally tells you that nobody under the age of 80 has died from this illness

  25. The problem is political lol good luck

  26. This video gave me chills…

  27. Looking at this I thought what if this was zombie virus

  28. Bro stop feeling kidding me
    This is just a stupied pandemic
    I tired with that 💔

  29. By shutting down the mediatic hoax and spamming the world population with the truth?

  30. It is soooooooo soooooooo soooooooo sad that all of these people and many of my personal family and friends have had to pass due to the spread being so vicious and savage. Of course here in the States it certainly doesn't help that our so called "LEADER" has suggested " INJECTING BLEACH!!" You heard THAT CORRECT INJECT BLEACH IGLOO YOUR BODY.. or "ITS A HOAX!!" PLEASE GET SOME F'N SENSE IN YOUR SKULL. WE HAVE A BRAIN FOR A REASON. C.D.C. and W.H.O. has been trying to warn us for years that a wide spread pandemic was not a possible deal we have to face but a when and are we going to be prepared for it. I feel we're have our answers. Thank you so much to those putting themselves in harm's way to try and either help those who are in dire need. I can not Express how sad it wad to literally get a phone call that my childhood friend wad in a respirator in the local I.C.U. I got to get into a very basic hazmat suit only to be in the room as he flat-lined he was 26… had a kid on the way. Im still sooooooooo upset buy this that I honestly can not mention his name or look at a picture of him. And the blood curdling sob his mother let out as doctors called coffee blue and pushed us out of the glass room bubble thing as we watched his lifeless body get shocked until they turned three ventilator off and called the time of 1:46pm. I pray you are in a happy place bruv and you can see that I and your mom and father and brother are trying our best to raise little Ezekiel for you.

  31. This coronavirus pandemic needs to end immediately.

  32. How come this video has only been seen very few times?? This deserves to be in trending and honestly I feel like it should be everywhere

  33. Can we talk about how our host literally predicted the incoming pandemic? She literally called it before it happened when she said “Could we have a mutant bat flu?” Omg this was crazy

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