
Amazing Products TV Galactic Starcruiser: Star Wars Hotel Full Experience

Awesome Tips Galactic Starcruiser: Star Wars Hotel Full Experience

Bridget Carey goes inside a whole new type of Disney entertainment: the pricey two-night immersive Star Wars hotel called Galactic Starcruiser. See what it’s like onboard and how technology makes this a very involved, layered story experience that can be compared to living inside a video game.

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Galactic Starcruiser official site:

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0:00 Introduction
0:53 Room tour
4:43 Arriving
5:49 Lunch
6:39 Captain’s Toast
7:59 Climate simulator
8:48 Stories and quests
9:48 The ship’s droid
10:35 Sublight Lounge
11:38 The Chandrila Collection
12:04 Bridge training
12:37 First dinner and Gaya performance
14:03 End of Day 1
15:20 Batuu excursion
16:34 Lightsaber training
16:55 Fear of missing out
18:06 Bridge assignment
18:55 Dinner at the Captain’s table
19:37 Big finale (SPOILERS)
24:09 Should you go?

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  1. Well, I am not a "nerd" for Star Wars. I am a "fan", so I guess I'm out..

  2. 11:52 $170 for a piece of trash lightsaber mass produced for this on hotel when you can get a Great interactive Lightsaber at
    walmart for $75 bucks

  3. Who decided this lady was the BEST choice to give us the tour, where's the guy with the Vader t-shirt!!!

  4. I bet she's a great mom!!

  5. I'm not convinced this is a worthwhile product, but the host is engaging and could be fun to travel anywhere!!!

  6. Nah ill just stick to watching the movies.

  7. That’s it 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Games and food…

  9. Let me rip the covers off this scam Disney is pulling and give you folks the REAL facts:

    — You think $5K was pricey? Disney has just jacked it up to 20K per person!

    — You're not allowed to use your phone while there. They hand you a really crappy looking iPad thingie and that's what you use for your missions.

    — The rooms are really tiny and the beds suck. Super 8 provides better accommodations.

    — You don't even get to select your role (smuggler, Jedi, First Order, etc.). It's all random. And they put you on such a tight schedule for your "missions" that you barely have time for a bathroom break!

    — No phones means no photos or any recordings allowed (the select ones you see here on Youtube are allowed only because they're "influencers" whom Disney gave a free stay & wants to put on a false happy face to this cluster-f ck), unless you hork up $399 (yes, three hundred and ninety nine dollars) for a photo with one of the actors

    — You know all that food you see all jazzed up to look exotic like the blue shrimp cocktail? That's ONLY if you hork up an extra $60 to sit at the "Captain's Table" where the good food is served. Otherwise, all you'll get is flavorless slop like you had in your high school cafeteria (or state pen). And be ready to pay through the nose for ripoffs such as $10 for an ordinary Coke.

    — The lightsaber training room is a sick sad joke! The quality of these lightsabers is around the same quality as the ones you can buy at Walmart.

    IMO, this whole thing is one big racket! Stay away at all costs and just let it die!

  10. I thought that the bar would be the canteena

  11. I Hope this isn’t a thing that they spent So Much money on but lasts only a couple of years due to lack of guests willing to pay the cost

  12. Disney the epitome of wokeness, and greed.

  13. The tv looks bad because it doe not give a lot of the “magic” I suggest you should get a better tv in all rooms and make it more realistic and more “magic” and that will be good and also cut the price it so much and looks like a scam right now that all thanks and don’t get bad please.Also make it the hotel more than two days like until you leave Disney world will be very good thanks.

  14. I am a die-hard Star Wars fan but seriously $899 per guest per night with a total of $5,299 to stay at this hotel is crazy and nobody I repeat nobody except the super rich can afford that!! Also I am absolutely appalled that for $5,299 one gets food that looks like something you can easily get at Denny’s in which I saw the photo. Honestly, I would rather go to Tunisia to see the site of where they filmed the scenes for Mos Eisley than stay there.

  15. That feeling when a hotel (that has nothing to do with the original trilogy) is three times more expensive than a ticket on a luxury cruise like Queen Mary 2

  16. What makes me glad is that my dad works at Disney so we got free hotel tickets for a night when it just came out

  17. I completely understand when people say why they don’t want to do this. I’m actually waiting till the price drops to go. But the big thing about the starcruiser that you need to know is that how much commit to the experience is how much you get out of it. If you choose to not interact with characters or get involved with the plot, you may think that this is a waste of money. However, as someone who enjoys participating in LARPs (Live-Action Roleplay), I find this to be a way to let my imagination run free. I’m planning to treat the experience as a LARP and play my own character (You don’t have to do this, I just enjoy living out my roleplay fantasies). I understand if people don’t like the cast of characters (I really dislike the sequel movies and characters), but I’m happy that we don’t have a lot of interactions with Rey and Kylo (I know there are a few interactions with Rey, but compared to other characters, you don’t get to talk with her a lot). So, if you’re considering going to this, ask yourself if you are willing to commit to your experience.

  18. A fool and his money are soon parted.

  19. This is like Westworld

  20. -Do you love Star Wars?
    Which version?
    Oh, Um nah
    -want to throw yourself into 2 days of that adventure for +$5k
    You’re going to pay me?
    -no you pay us!

  21. No outside windows or light? Hhhmmm no thanks. I get why but not for extended periods for me.

  22. You are actually lying to your viewers you complete shill.

  23. Wow that looks terrible a tiny room and cosplay. Imagine the sort of room & board you could get for five grand somewhere else. In fact don't even leave Disneyworld and look at their other properties which aren't exactly cheap but still less than this. It's insane.

  24. Nothing is more pathetic then seeing adults still nutsucking out to Star Wars

  25. It sounds nice, until you go there and everyone is on their phone 24/7

  26. They can have their hotel, I’d rather stay at Spaceballs The Hotel™ which is in fact just an 80s Winnebago that you can rent.

  27. It is 3 grand for one night at that place

  28. 21:11 you can see the new invented "Real" Lightsaber in action! (and how she is changing it with the one made for fighting 😉 )

  29. Nothing sucks you right out of the experience like a mask.

  30. That is so dumb. Disney really stunk up the room with that idea.

  31. So… they managed to figure out a way of turning a (tiny) giant yellow storage container into a hotel room, and get around the laws saying a room has to have a window.

    Just dress it up as a star wars cabin… and charge $6000

  32. This video in a nutshell for me

    “Its making me cringe ducth(cough noises) its making me cringe”

  33. The fact that food and drinks aren’t included in your ticket is crazy. For 6K this should be an all inclusive hotel since you really won’t have time to eat and drink all the time to rack up anything near your 6K ticket.

  34. Regardless whether you think it's worth the price or not, I can understand why it cost so much. All the customization and technologies, the crews, the food, the chef, the make up etc cost are hugh

  35. Yeah, the experience would be lost on me with all the nerds pulling out their cellphones and trying to film everything that's happening! Good Lord! Just live in the moment! You paid 6 grand for that crap!

  36. I guess when you want to dress up in Star Wars garb, all you really need is a snazzy vest.

  37. That does not look or feel like Star Wars. The captain design is freakin terrible. Looks more like space balls than anything.

  38. This looks terrible 🤣

    • Samu
    • January 1, 2023

    5000 for this crap? crazy world we live in

  39. How much did they pay you?

  40. This doesn’t feel very starwarsy

  41. Are people just staying here all day and not going to the parks?

  42. This is calling my name! My family and I will be here soon!!!

  43. Not worth $6k for 2 days

  44. So suddenly all the geeky introvert kids are suddenly going to be into a 2 day forced cos play hotel? Good luck with that.

  45. so its basically a live version of westworld but starwars

  46. I can’t look at any of the guest the same bc I keep telling myself “these families really spending 4K a person for their family of 4

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