
Amazing Products TV Why Pay $1000 for a 25 year old PC! – NIXSYS Windows 98 PC

Awesome Tips Why Pay $1000 for a 25 year old PC! – NIXSYS Windows 98 PC

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A brand new Windows 98 PC?! But how? And why would anyone need Windows 98 in 2022?

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
0:43 Who is NIXSYS?
1:37 The machine
4:07 Checking out the internals
7:24 Why not PCI Express?
8:52 Why does Anthony have an old weigh station PC?
10:04 Something frivolous
10:45 Some benchmarks
12:34 Peripherals and driver issues
15:02 USB Audio? Maybe not
16:49 Conclusion

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  1. Doesn’t look like the screen on the back of the windows 98 box looks like a iPad Pro without curved screen!?

  2. 3:13 RS232?

  3. VxD reliabilty determined, in large measure, anyone's quality of experience with 9x.

    The latest drivers very often weren't the greatest drivers.

    If you're doing a retro 9x build, get as many versions of drivers as you can find.

  4. Windows 95 and 98 were AWESOME with their PnP, but someone here remembers JUMPERs on extension boards to setup IRQs correctly? 😛

  5. Seemingly boring computer made super fascinating for me, even though I'm not even that into IT xD it's just pleasant to to listen to Anthony

  6. So sick of the insane prices

  7. Anyone else feel old 😂

  8. Like

  9. Keeping an old laptop with XP to run some games that don't work on win10.

    Backwards compatibility on PC might be worse than on Xbox now

  10. internet explorer 5.x 🙂

  11. Anthony used "per se" correctly…I'm in love

  12. PCMark took me back

  13. This guy's hilarious! @12:23 Computer: "you have sucessfully run the benchmark"
    Him: "Well that depends on your definitions of sucessful because alot of those tests were skipped"
    @14:27 – @14:46 Computer: "Can now be safely removed"
    Him: That's a thing you had to do with older versions of Windows because it gets corrupt…so if anything goes wrong in the unplugging process you are dealing with file system corruption. Well, I've been setup to fail; I think. "
    @15:20 Him: "and I will test direct sound I guess .." Click BLUE SCREEN "OH……uhhhhhhh"
    @16:04 – @16:44 Shady Universal USB 2.0 conflict noticed…………..REWIND @1:251:35 NIXSYS offered to give them a sample to test / display as long as Linus doesn't break it, meanwhile he was totally setup and ended up crashing the computer!!! LMFAO!
    @13:03 – @13:20 "Windows 98 doesn't ship with up to date USB drivers and had to be installed manually before any of it would work" NIXSYS company did him dirty!! EDIT- I'm literally crying laughing cause his facial expressions make it even more funny as he's realizing this as he's going along, but can't say anything cause they sponsored this.

    Side note, I'm only 36 but damn I feel old AF watching this video to see how far even basic computer parts have come from back in 1995 when my Dad was teaching me and my brother how to build and use a computer and identify it's parts. I'm sitting here looking at that computer case, wondering why people now use these huge oversized ones now with no 1) cd drive 2) dvd burner 3) zip drive 4) floppy disk drive. For me all 4 would have been the ultimate computer if you have every format available. A few short years ago I learned the hard way that these new graphics cards can't even fit inside the old cases! Ugh!! I realize I'm outdated but I still hate the idea of a laptop not coming with an internal cd/ dvd drive. I'm surprised he didn't mention Sound Blaster.

  14. i'd buy it but i live in australia i have a lot of windows 98 pc games or 95 that can run 98 i used to run windows parallels BUT my i mac is too old now to run new versions and my copy cant run on the mac as i updated the os over the years

  15. Love anthony videos

  16. Watching this reminds me of planet games were you can control mechs. It was kinda like age of Empire’s, but just with machines, and I can never find it.

  17. I'd buy that. None of the PCI sound cards I've tried work in DOS

  18. As much as I actually understand the purpose it does not change the facts. This is an overpriced POS. You could easily buy several used systems which have been meticulously inspected and refurbished for the price of a single system like this, and I have a feeling there is something else going on why it won’t boot a VIDEO ACCELERATOR.. that was just odd.

  19. That isn’t completely true about pci express not working under windows 98. Phil’s computer lab has a whole video on this. Look it up.

  20. The reason no AGP graphics cards worked is because the AGP slot isn't actually a real AGP slot. It only supports an add-on card that adds a DVI port to the integrated graphics.

  21. Yall are Canadian?? Awesome.

  22. Serial is slow as hell but in applications that don't need high speed but incredible bitwise accuracy it's kind of king. It sends information one bit at a time (which is why serial is denoted with a [10101]). So in a scientific data case you can have an instrument send over a p2p network all of the information of a file including applicable formatting at low speed but high accuracy followed by a checksum and the receiving instrument says "okay" or "resend" if the checksum isn't correct.

    I've seen this used on $500,000 modern confocal microscopes (ironically nicknamed "the farrarri" because it happened to be red) to ensure absolute accuracy of the data. It also had a USB 3.1 port but it literally said on the port and the pictures it produced "Data not suitable for final analysis."

    The reality is 99.99999999999% of the time that usb data would be just fine. However the microscope company was only willing to validate the low speed serial port as being suitable.

  23. I had that kind of pc way back 1997 using 95, 98, and xp.

  24. It's can be useful for companies who needs old stuff for their old data they store on old app they used for store them and that's will be a gem for them

  25. Couldn't care less about the content of this video, watching because Anthony

  26. i love how Anthony pronounces parallel

  27. I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about but his level of knowledge to me translates into pure comedy.

    This episode + mushrooms + vodka = me laughing my fucking ass to the floor lmao

  28. Windows 98 was the bane of my existence in college. I lost a fair bit of progress on at least one if not more term papers from the system crashing between auto-save points. Upgrading to XP was life-changing.

  29. Having to explain the AGP slot made me feel old.

  30. I actually have a photos only storage drive that will only work with XP.

  31. Its problem of usa, canada. in europe old machines simply renewed every 4 years or so. Goverment spending money for it sector. Old machines simply are gone, but in usa all infrastructure is god damn old, very old. Only nuclear powerplants are in different position as they dont search in some random ebay for parts. Some people in usa think what theyr old drive can be sold for big buck for plants and wrong plants would not trust any of your trash stuff. They simply order, yes simply they build new ones if needed. As they have plenty inside storage and also they themselves are being closed in certain years.

  32. 9:35 Have some accessibility issues (not legally blind or anything), but, suffer from severe Visual Snow which includes photophobic levels of light sensitivity, and need good headphones for sensory limitation issues when I'm trying to work through a flashback. Absolutely valid point brought up right there.

    In my case, I went out of my price-range to by a the new Alienware AW-WTF ever QD-OLED monitor because traditional LED TV's with their backlights are absolute pain for my eyes with lights off, which, is how I live primarily since even subtle light sources can be painful. It was more pricey that other supposed OLED models, but, at the same time, I could be assured that it was an actual OLED monitor instead of a TV masquerading as a monitor. My eyes are thanking me, and, even though it was pricey, it was far cheaper than most other OLED monitors available when I bought it. Same for my headphones, I needed some that were noise canceling and had deep base because my hearing is far above average (about -10 db for most auditory ranges, I'm one of the people that can clearly hear a dog whistle and that one tone that's supposed to be unhearable by humans), and can pick up on things that're very very quiet, if something can't isolate noise, or if the speakers don't do bass well (bass to my ears is like a oil massage with liquid rainbows while laying by a rippling brook), it'll either lead me to hearing background noise which might heighten a flashback (I live in the US, 4th of July fireworks and people shooting guns… stuff like that), or, hurt my ears because audio is usually designed for people with "average" hearing of 0 db for most or all ranges… if you want to stop me, play treble, that'll do the trick, I mean, firealarms, if they're those high pitched electronic ones, those paralyze me and make me a writhing ball of pain that, if it weren't a fire drill, would have burnt up on a few occasions because everyone was rushing outside for a free smoke break and not actually helping out co-workers… I can't have a cheap pair of headphones as a result. Had to shell out $150 for a pair of Skullcandy Crusher Evo's… a bit pricey, but needed.

    I don't know why someone would need '98 for accessibility concerns specifically, but, not judging and totally get the logic behind that regardless of not understanding. Sometimes you've gotta bite the bullet and pay more for something that others would skimp on, even if you're not using it for "professional'' purposes.

  33. All things considered the price isn’t too bad

  34. Worst hair ever award

  35. I find it so strange hearing people talk about "older tech" like its a history lesson and I'm still adapting to the fact that some of it isn't around anymore

  36. I love Anthony he's so smart and talks about things in a way that makes it super interesting

  37. I sooo wanted to play the dragon game

  38. I have an old PC I keep around simply because it has IDE ports to read old hard drives with. Never know when you might need it! 🙂

  39. I've had a multiple monitor setup since around 1996. I got a broken TV from the local TV repair shop, went to town on it with the solder and got it working. Then I guess it must have been a novelty feature of whatever computer I had.

  40. this dude is cool

  41. Linus should put this man on a diet

  42. Also a fun fact about legacy OS’s, the US military uses old Windows OS’s from 95 to XP (at least what I remember from my time in the army). So that might explain why Microsoft still sells legacy platforms

  43. If Anthony taught graduate CS/CE topics courses at Columbia, I would probably enroll in all of them

  44. @Anthony, if you need windows 98 original License, i still have more then 40 original DVD with license around in our company Store (Unused with sealed)
    if you really need it, let me 🤣

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