Awesome Tips PS5 vs. Xbox Series X final comparison (for now)
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PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X represent a massive divide in how Sony and Microsoft are approaching video games moving forward. So what does that mean for you? Jeff Bakalar has reviewed each console and has some final thoughts on what the current landscape looks like plus advice on how you might want to shape your decision-making process.
Jeff compares the controllers, design, the games, exclusives and pretty much everything else you could ever want to know about how these consoles stack up. And of course, let’s not forget about PC gaming options either.
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Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.
Thank you Jeff.
Xbox Series X wins for:
– native expandable storage
– quick resume
The new series x basic controller has 2 more rumble wheels , a share button , better grips and overall a lighter and improved d pad. Basically xboxs go to (don't fix what isn't broken)
The half-step upgrade crap from last gen pissed me off. I really hope they don't do that again. Last gen's boxes sound like they were underpowered out of the gate. If they have to do a half-step, hopefully COVID delayed it.
I have both and enjoy both of them
Im a PS5 Guy always been, Love The Controller, Love The Games
Can you make a comparison video again?
What if I only play physical games, will storage still be a problem
I miss the CNET Prizefights ๐
i think xbox takes the dub but I am more used to the ps5 so I gotta go with the ps5 but ps4 took the dub last time so yeah
I have a ps4 and 7 games. What is the experience of buying a xbox for the first time. Is it worth it??
I got rid of my Xbox one s and went with the ps5 the Xbox controller is trash compared to the dual sense.
My family has an Xbox series x, and it overheats, not enough to shut it down, but we keep it in a smaller cabinet with our ps4 so it definetly heats up and for a next gen console that's not as good, at least in my opinion.
Also not a huge fan of that the 1 terabyte Seagate ssd(? Forgot what it's called) card is expensive, fine it's 1 terabyte, but it's still almost the same price as a console and the consoles were advertised at around the same price as last gen, instead of more expensive, so people will/ probably don't buy the expansion card cause it's not really that worth it
I have Xbox seris x
Xbox is based for American Gamers, so PS5 all the way
Dual sense controller brand new = broken in one month with the triggers and analog drift๐๐
I own a PS5, series X, and a switch. The only console i play on is my series X with gamepass ultimate. The Dualsense controller is cool, but the series X controller wins by comfort and 40+ hours of battery life. I like the smaller size of the series X controller. And i hate the thumbsticks on the ps5 are in the middle of the controller. The thumbsticks on the Xbox controller feels so much better. VRR, quick resume, 1440P, auto hdr, fps boost, bigger SSD, storrage upgrade posible. It is all missing on the ps5. If i have to choose between the 2, i Will sell my ps5 and keep my series X. Comming from a PS4 pro. Iam not a fanboy, i like Both systems. But the Series X wins this gen. If you have 500 spend it on the series X. Sorry for my english ๐ and with the newest upgrade we have Dolby vision gaming on the Series X ๐ช๐ผ
Does series x console games take hours to download still? Thatโs what I didnโt like about the Xbox x.
Baby power
Seth Rogan is that you?
I got tired of looking for either console, I built a gaming pc.
Its not about power its about exclusive so I chose the ps5 u can't enjoy power but u can enjoy the games.
So what one do u think is the best one to have now ?
Where's thr other guy?
Quick resume doesn't even work.
I've already got WD Black SN850 2TB on deal on new year.. Opened it, used it in my Ryzen 5950X PC for play no DOA amd stressed tested it. Packed it. Now its in my PS5 box so that I'm ready when patch rolls out and ssd is sold out everywhere… And then scalpers, etc…
Lock and loaded.
I don't play with vibration sooooo
Kirkland Brand Seth Rogen
Ps5 for me. Sure, the xbox runs smoother, and may be easier to set up, but that's no good when it has obscure, mediocre games.
Which is cheaper with their paid subscriptions and are those subscriptions necessary to use the console?
Does either support the discs of their predecessors?
Xbox Chick Boi
Xbox series X does not play in service, really impressive that console came to crash in the world of consoles, Xbox Series X the best๐๐ช
Ps5 is amazing
@CNET Xbox Series X has full RDNA 2.0.
ps5 doesn't have RDNA 2.0
AMD confirmed.
RDNA 2.0 a MASSIVE advantage in game development. The divide in graphics will be STAGGERING.
Xbox Series X will dominate with all true next generation games.
Worth noting in your video as it changes everything