
Amazing Products 7 Genius Ways to Get Rid of ANTS!

Awesome Tips 7 Genius Ways to Get Rid of ANTS!

Stop the ANT INVASION! We’ve put together 7 of the most effective and surprisingly simple methods to control your ant problem. Prevent ants from climbing on a picnic table, how to track them to their source, how to make a home made ant killer and more!

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  1. wow..no wonder why pest control aren't cheap

  2. Thanks

  3. I poured boiling water on a hill once and the next day the mound was just a foot over 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. I wonder if the ants on my desk know what I’m doing right now

    • Lisa
    • January 5, 2023

    Thank you

  5. Eine einfarbige grüne Bepflanzung passt perfekt zu modernen Gärten.

  6. You’re video is not working out I tried it all

  7. wow i rely like you and i hait ants

  8. some of these worked on my annoying neighbor as well, thanks my man, you will be missed

  9. I need backup the ants are surrounding us! Ahhhh they got bill! Now they got Jeff! There taking us down like flys!

  10. just spray white vinager on them

  11. i sprayed my hamster cleaning solution onto them they died instantly… i wonder how my hamster died.

  12. the vinegar, dish soap and water got the job done, Thanks a bunch!

  13. Bro these dumb ants keep eating my dogs food so I started smacking them with the broom and the broom fucking broke and the ants flung everywhere.

  14. I boiled water w/ cayenne pepper and it worked PERFECTLY. After that, I put warm water, vinegar, and dish soap in a spray bottle and sprayed around the edges. Problem solved.

  15. My name issa Borax, my wife

  16. how do you get RID OF ANTS
    THAT'S WHERE they Are COming FROM !?!!?!!!!!???

  17. my room is full of ants,
    everyday i see them or have to slap them off crawling on me, they are in my stuff, on my bed and while i watch TV they crawl all over the screen, and when sleeping they get all over my face in my hair. and i even got bite by one, and EVERYTIME I BRING FOOD IN MY ROOM AND SET THE FOOD ON THE TABLE FOR 1 SECOND ANTS LITERALLY GET ALL OVER IT BEFORE I CAN EVEN EAT MY FOOD i think im going to kiII myself.

    • MrC
    • January 5, 2023

    Picknick table rots away 🙂

  18. I have them on my floor they ain’t in a line they’re just on my floor each of them walking alone I cannot step anywhere without one being near me

  19. I use 90% alcohol it kills them immediately I also use it around my doorframe for other bugs. I don't add water I use straight up 90% alcohol in a spray bottle.

  20. “Fucking 30 on my fucking plate and if I move they all fuckn scatter everywhere can’t bring I’m in the fuckn bathroom they’ll just get on me jeez these things are fuckn annoying”😒

  21. substitute the word genius with the word moronic

  22. I have actually seen them make a bridge while others run across to my dogs food You can also buy. Roach Proof at Dollar General it’s boric acid. Add sugar for ants and flour for roaches

  23. They're running across my phone as I'm watching this. Ughh

  24. Just came home from a trip and found some ants in our kitchen. Thanks for the tips

  25. I discovered this trick when I accidentally spilled some on the floor near some ants. It is called Kroil Oil, and ants will simply not cross it.

    I had a hummingbird feeder hanging from a string outside my window.

    and I could not keep ants away from the syrupy water. Simply by soaking the string in a few drops of Kroil Oil (a rusty bolt loosener)

    and it protected the syrup for months.

    Certainly a lot less toxic than poisons and Incredibly effective.

  26. Just soak your hand instantly in water and they will float off your hand 🤚 magic 🪄 🤩

  27. WHY do they come back year after year to the EXACT same places in THE HOUSE??!! It drives me nuts! It's like they hibernate or something! Did I miss something in Biology class?

  28. If someone is having a hard time fighting ants I have good advice. I tried everything – black pepper , cinnamon, vinegar with and without water, even cucumbers and lemons, but nothing helped. If someone is also having a hard time getting rid of them, I would advise mixing hot water with salt and baking soda and spraying on places where they are. Goodluck 😉

  29. Y’all are SO behind the times. Who does it this way anymore? There are videos all over youtube showing the best way is with molten aluminum.

  30. I hate the red ant

  31. Buy that ant poison that say 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water and use half a cup instead !

  32. I pour bleach down the ant hills

  33. Hi I just found your channel good work by the way. "You said to let you know if there's anything else you can help us get of" well we got ride of bed bugs, Roches, yellow jackets, and rats. Well now I need your help, how can I get ride of my mouther-in-law? Then it be a good life? Lol

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