
Amazing Products TV Sharing our Own Troubling Experience – WAN Show Jun 11, 2021

Awesome Tips Sharing our Own Troubling Experience – WAN Show Jun 11, 2021

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Timestamps (Courtesy of Timmy Fox)
00:00:33 – Topics overview
– 00:01:22 – Bad pun
00:01:39 – Intro
– 00:02:00 – Sponsor overview
00:02:11 – HardwareUnboxed…except not
00:03:40 – HardwareUnboxed’s LG review drama
– 00:04:00 – LG CNS tangent
– – 00:06:10 – Possible benefits of the company split
– 00:07:13 – Last minute release embargo (Main topic introduction)
– – 00:07:35 – Intel embargo email
– – 00:08:11 – It is not usual to add embargos after reviewing the product
– – 00:09:48 – HardwareUnboxed never agreed to any embargo
– – 00:10:17 – HardwareUnboxed’s review was very positive
– – 00:10:55 – LG reaching out
– 00:11:07 – Remembering Youtube annotations
– 00:12:00 – HardwareUnboxed’s response
– 00:12:44 – LG’s further imposed embargos
– 00:14:35 – Who is LG CNS…?
– 00:15:57 – Buzzword Bingo
– 00:16:41 – LG’s response
– 00:18:17 – Linus’ thoughts
– – 00:18:47 – Trying to find a document
– – 00:19:18 – Linus’ actual point
– – 00:21:08 – Can you imagine that?!
– – 00:24:30 – In the context of the global silicon shortage
– – 00:25:08 – Shoutout to Jarrod’s tech
– 00:25:42 – Back to LG’s guidelines
– 00:28:32 – The problem (possible reasons and LG’s intentions)
– 00:29:47 – Moving on even further (rest of the email)
– – 00:30:37 – A review cannot be a paid review
– 00:31:17 – LG kept digging
– 00:32:27 – LG made a 180
– – 00:32:54 – What Linus wants to know
– 00:34:13 – Summary and things to keep in mind
– – 00:35:26 – Where companies run into problems
– – 00:36:07 – Sponsored content when the product is included
– – 00:37:58 – Luke weighing in
– 00:38:54 – The most ridiculous thing about this
– 00:40:34 – HardwareUnboxed did the right thing
00:41:19 – WWDC discussion
– 00:42:09 – Colin’s comment
– 00:42:48 – Linus’ Uncle’s story
– 00:43:39 – Lack of T9 dialing
– 00:45:49 – What drives Linus crazy
– 00:46:44 – How Luke gets paid
– 00:47:28 – Facetime
– 00:49:27 – Value of getting kids using your tech
– 00:50:18 – Linus needs to buy a Chromebook
00:53:17 – Sponsors
– 00:53:27 – MSI
– 00:54:00 – Seasonic
– 00:54:30 – Squarespace
00:55:10 – LTT Sad Linus sequin pillow launch (New merch)
– Large CPU pillows back in stock (00:57:38)
00:57:15 – Tesla Model S Plaid / Games in a Tesla (First public Navi 23 demo)
– 00:57:38 – Tangent: Large CPU pillows back in stock
– 00:58:38 – Back on topic
– 01:00:10 – Compared to Android Auto (why Tesla does it better)
– 01:02:20 – Tesla’s claims
– 01:03:37 – Would you game on this?
– 01:04:58 – Luke’s screen complaints
– 01:06:09 – Linus’ alternate take
– 01:06:33 – Further thoughts (Linus not being the customer for this)
– 01:09:30 – Discussion about how expensive it is
01:14:30 – Windows 10 being retired
01:15:58 – El Salvador adopting Bitcoin
01:17:38 – Superchats
– 01:17:52 – Hoodie
– 01:18:11 – LG comment
– 01:18:20 – T9 dialing
– 01:18:48 – Having to buy a Galaxy Tab
– 01:19:01 – Google Workspace
– 01:19:45 – GPU stock scanbot listings tweet
– 01:20:00 – LTT socks
01:20:43 – Update on 3080 & 3080 TI prices equalizing (Checking eBay prices)
– 01:23:54 – Repeating what was said in the reviews
– 01:24:19 – Linus’ question
– 01:24:59 – Linus never said it’s a good value
– 01:25:20 – Linus’ question (cont.)
– 01:27:57 – Would you rather market or manufacturer setting the price?
01:28:23 – Closing comments and extra superchats
– 01:28:47 – LGBT comments
– 01:29:51 – “Bye” + Outro
– 01:30:14 – One more thing
– 01:31:01 – “Bye” x2

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  1. 37:52 was that the switch sound or a snap

  2. 47:48 So use the simplistic web browser, Opera Touch!

  3. Ok why in the world would I go to dialer and use T9 dialing when I can use spotlight search from home screen

  4. With the gaming console in the car, I feel like with Tesla, it’s more to push the futurist ideal on the average consumer, not to be an actual product for the end user. It’s supposed to conjure in your brain the image of the year 20XX where you have your feet up on the dashboard playing modern warfare 12 while your fully self driving car takes you on an 8 hour cross country trip without any of your input. Now is wasting graphics cards and producing wildly expensive cars worth it just to invoke an image in the minds of the kind of people that can’t afford your product? No, not really, but this is Tesla we’re talking about.

  5. Jesus christ you full on blow steve jobs in his grave then scream "you t9 critics are teeenagers who know nothing" like a petulant child… honestly suprised

  6. Housing is now barely affordable anywhere at least until the bubble pops in the next year or so

  7. Bro imma whip up some Tekken 5 on pcsx2 and 1v1 friends while charging

  8. Im old i use a T9 swipe keyboard for everything no qwerty boards on my phone

  9. And that's how u deal with the LGBTQ community, and any other minority that claims to be opressed, str8 forward, no bs, human is human, treat human like human

  10. You used to be able to mount a laptop to the passenger dashboard, until the bunny huggers got upset about your non-existent passenger, not having an airbag.

  11. what happened to the jerky sponsor lol

  12. 01:12:18 if a billion or billions is "fuck-you-money" what are you guys talking about here? this-purchase-fucked-me-money?

  13. Just discovered T9 dialing recently and absolutely love it!

  14. Linus take on race and LGBT is totally the same as mine! We are all just people and if you are a good person then you're ok by me

  15. People are angry at both the scalpers for ridiculous pricing as well as Nvidia for razing MSRP every generation. There is greed involved with both parties

  16. No, Switch emulation is quite good. It's the reason I actually bought a new computer instead of just using an older one with a better GPU. Games didn't really need the CPU power, but emulation does.

    Sure, it's not perfect. There are some games that aren't supported on either emulator (Yuzu and RyujiNX), or wish have problems. But it's ridiculously good for the amount of time it's been out, to the point that most new releases will work.

    It's because the hardware is just Nvidia's Tegra, which already had all the specs out there for implementation. So the base was already there, same as when they implemented Wii emulation on top of GameCube emulation.

  17. Lol I’ve had the gp950 for the past month. I also could not find a single review or anything about the monitor online. Wish I had more info from reviewers before pulling the trigger but I guess I got lucky this time.

  18. At 37 I've spent around $60k on cars so you're about right Luke

  19. 00:32:54 Linus: What are we going to do about this LG?
    LG: Let them eat cake

    • Kilm
    • January 12, 2023

    The volume on this is dogshit. Please up it.

  20. Google's excuse is great XD

  21. The spiffy noodle counterintuitively arrest because colony presently remove above a greedy question. piquant, gifted system

  22. I don't know why it's so hard to understand why LG makes such decisions. It can be their stock levels of produced (previously and currently) materials that they are trying to manage or it can be whatever. How is this even a thing? It seems perfectly fine that they strategize and send message out so that things work out for them as smoothly as possible. Either way, reviewers are basically businesses and it's a business relationship. You should respect the other side unless it's some crazy stuff like making you promote sales of defective goods. Reviewing "businesses" seem quite spoiled nowadays I guess.

  23. Why is wan show not a separate channel?? You have a million channels add this one too.

  24. Blowing this a little out of proportion maybe, dealing with sales people in the middle of a very disruptive global pandemic and wondering why things aren’t exactly clear and smooth is a little harsh maybe. And I seriously doubt 10 million subscriptions is something that’s probably not all that important when marketing teams are targeting billions of people most of whom in the world don’t speak English as a 1st language… Good grief lol, real life is probably a lot more complicated…Heck I only subscribed because I mistakenly assumed before watching any content that “Linus” was associated with Linus Torvalds haha so, just sayin… probably happened a lot by good fortune for someone…

  25. Being paid for positive reviews is how all of YouTube works. That’s how you get a 30 grand oled in a game room full of other free tech worth thousands. Every review is paid when given gifts of tens of thousands of dollars

  26. "Me being a boomer"
    Like most of the web, you have no idea what a boomer is.

  27. Annotations were also useful for subs…like of Japanese songs…killing annotations ruined a lot of Vocaloid videos and stuff…

  28. Tax reasons mostly.

  29. T9 worked 10 years ago on Android phones… Apple could knock it out in a day, let's not get too excited over here, Luke. Lol

  30. ….I've purchased 6 vehicles over the last 12 years, totaling $60k. And I'm not "rich", but my wife and I did just buy a 2021 Rav4. So that's $30k. I don't necessarily plan on spending that much in the next 10 years, but it wouldn't be difficult. I guarantee dozens if not hundreds of people who watch this have spent that much on a car SO FAR in their lives. Lol

    • A2
    • January 12, 2023

    Hey! Love your Vids!
    I was wondering if you have done a piece (video or series) on mice with 4 side buttons (for your thumb). I see 2 or 9+ buttons but was only able to find 1 mouse with 4 and it got discontinued.

    Also my buddy has a rare keyboard that was discontinued. It had a gaming right hand set up attached that was more ergonomic then the reg wasd.

  31. Windows 11 will be released June 24, 2021, initial price is $199.99 and $99.99 as an upgrade for those with a Windows 10 license.

    I got this NEWS from two people who are employed at M$FT. Believe it or do what you want. Be a dummy, be blind, it's your choice.

  32. My wife and mother in law both started on iPhone and hated it. After we got together she quickly started using my OnePlus One for everything instead of her iPhone. Her mom was the same, always annoyed with how her phone works. Showed her my phone and she liked it, so I got her a One M8. Now they're both team Android and completely hate iOS. Couldn't stand it then and they're more fangirls than I am a fanboy. I get why people use iPhones. It's what they're used to. But Android is just as, if not more easy to get used to. Our daughter uses a Pixel 4a and also despises iPads and iOS when she has to use them at school. Just saying, the people who say "Android is harder to use" are legit crazy. It's just as easy. And settings for the app you're using are ACTUALLY IN THAT APP!!! Can't stand the unknown, should I search the app or go into the settings app on iOS to change an app setting. Just blows my mind that people think that's easier. But again, whatever you're used to is the easiest thing to continue using. But the fake idea that Android is more difficult to use is just people regurgitating 10 year old memories of TouchWiz or whatever LG had.

  33. Korean here. LG CNS is a company for a tax evasion scheme that we call "work cramming". Here's how this works: For the owners of conglomerates such as LG, they would have to pay an large amount of inheritance tax if they wanted to directly inherit all their companies to their children. So the way they avoid paying this is that they make a small company (e.g. LG CNS) that doesn't have a clear purpose. Since the company is new, it's basically worthless. So the owner gives their children this worthless company, which doesn't incur hardly any inheritance tax. And then the owner makes all of his other companies hire the new company to do bunch of stuff for them, i.e., providing petty services, marketing, consulting, etc, for extremely inflated prices. This makes the little company grow very very fast. Et volia, you transferred a lot of wealth to your son without paying any taxes!

  34. The small zinc arespectively double because pie clasically suit in a tightfisted bread. disagreeable, capable command

  35. The parallel brown especially sparkle because stomach relatedly rock on a cheap crook. organic, ambitious jute

  36. You guys pretty much proved my point about IPhones, I have always said they are like the TV remote with the huge buttons you get your grandparents hahahha

  37. Or Intel who wanted to pull their review in 12 hours so they wouldn't be compared to AMD— Intel, by the book.

  38. Linus for all this quote unquoting, you know you did the same thing with a much smaller company and you thought it made sense… Float Plane, like the thing that Luke who is your co-host runs.

  39. Google Maps does give speed trap notifications though.

  40. Regarding cyberpunk on Tesla: Elon is still selling those Tesla’s as cars that will reach fully autonomous driving at some point through an update. So it’s also kind of future proofing to have good entertainment on board when this happens and one has to kill a ton of time.

    Not saying that this update will necessarily happen. But it’s the current strategy.

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