
Amazing Products TV We Messed Up – WAN Show November 5, 2021

Awesome Tips We Messed Up – WAN Show November 5, 2021

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Timestamps (courtesy of unzi)
00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:04 – Topic #1: Intel’s Embargo a.k.a. The Big Oops.
00:02:26 – Typical video scheduling, release and promotion.
00:04:15 – Quick summary and new approach.
00:05:00 – Topic #2: Intel’s 12th gen processors.
00:05:42 – Controversy on evaluation methods and performance.
00:10:25 – Controversy on DDR5 RAM.
00:19:03 – Further performance and temperature technical info.
00:22:46 – Take on competition (prices, vs AMD, etc.)
00:26:05 – Perspective on PCIe Gen5.
00:34:03 – Sponsors Time.
00:34:12 – Spanning.
00:35:14 – MSI.
00:36:04 – Ridge Wallet.
00:36:51 – LTT merch
00:36:52 – New item: (Sample) backpack.
00:39:39 – Luke’s First time… with the LTT screwdriver.
00:42:09 – New dynamic: Buy merch, send a message
00:42:46 – New item: Bananas for scale.
00:43:02 – Latest newsletter.
00:43:40 – Topic #3: Linus’s First Time… on D&D.
00:46:07 – What D&D is?
00:48:30 – Linus “new” opinion on D&D.
00:51:04 – Video on Demand (VOD) info.
00:52:28 – Topic #5: Linux stuff.
00:52:29 – Latest on Linus’s Linux experience.
00:53:15 – Latest on Luke’s Linux experience (also, past experiences).
00:56:52 – GPUs are the problem?
00:57:50 – Series in the making: Linux challenges.
01:06:15 – Why Bing is the superior search engine.
01:06:58 – Quick take on gaming user experience.
01:08:02 – There are dumb things about Windows too.
01:08:55 – Command-Line Interface and Graphic User Interface (CLI / GUI).
01:13:23 – Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) experience on Linux.
01:17:03 – Take on (non-gaming) user experience.
01:18:40 – (Little off-topic) Previous “controversies”/techtubers with similar video ideas.
01:20:33 – Final thoughts: Distros, hardware, etc.
01:22:30 – Nick off-camera appearance. (P.S. We can hear him)
01:22:53 – Luke’s take on “bleeding edge” distros and its updates.
01:25:04 – Unofficial Topic #1: EVGA (literally) lost a truck full of GPUs.
01:26:11 – Unofficial Topic #2: Facebook plans to shut down Facial Recognition System.
01:28:16 – Unofficial Topic #3: Side-loading apps.
01:28:25 – Craig Federighi (Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering) statement.
01:28:52 – User experience and other nuances.
01:32:07 – Topic #4: Switch modder vs Nintendo case.
01:32:11 – Context.
01:33:25 – Opinions.
01:34:14 – Unofficial Topic #4 – SQUID crypto was a scam.
01:34:34 – Unofficial Topic #5 – NFTs and blockchain games.
01:35:40 – Anthony’s rant, read by Luke.
01:36:43 – Valve/Steam and Epic Games takes on it.
01:37:39 – Merch messages.
01:38:44 – How to clean the spout lids?
01:41:18 – Floatplane weird thing, Twitch and VOD.
01:42:48 – Newsletter archive or blog?
01:44:24 – Themed-pins or badges.
01:47:01 – Deskpad configurator.
01:51:42 – Bad-time, same bad-channel explanation.
02:03:40 – T-shirt long-term goals.
02:17:41 – Farewell.
02:17:46 – Same bad-time, same bad-channel.
02:17:51 – BYE!
02:17:52 – Outro.

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  1. The waffle house has found its new host

  2. Idk momolooo
    Look o

  3. You should hire a software engineer wink wink to make an SQS pipeline to consume wink wink those based on a timely fashion.

  4. Do miss the orange wire hanging in the background 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Linus is the definition of competence

  6. I am working-poor but gonna get me a Backpack … EF YOU SCALPERS >(

  7. whats up?

  8. you guys should make another channel for the podcasts/streams

  9. the CLI is good for one thing, and one thing only.

    making the user feel like a hacker, lmao

  10. yea we suck at a GUI. That's why we don't use them. It couldn't be that we need our resources like RAM and CPU, not being as loaded with bread as this guy. I will do BSD gaming challenge since everyone seems to be so pumped, without commiserating about doing leg work to get their machine up.

  11. Im gay

  12. The LTT backpack looks amazing

  13. Oopsie! In EU AMD 5800X is at least 359 EUR or 405,60$ Thanks for that, AMD!

  14. You guys think 5800x for 299.99 was a good deal? I just picked up a 12700k + z690 ddr4 from microcenter for 500$ IN TOTAL the cpu was 300$ same price as 5800x

  15. In search of incredible.🙃

  16. 2:03:46 PC TRIGGER WARNING
    wait for it……
    wait for it…. !
    KAREN SAYS: Linus says he has to hire women for their boobs & booties

  17. 10:30 I'm so much disappointed on your wording not like every other reviewer we gave up on anand or tomshardware (sold) I had so much hope but no no no you dealt like price is not so much up if you buy ddr4 platform but the test done using ddr5 and why? and no windows 10 because of the non sense excuses you throw like if we love you so much you don'T have to care to test and talk about the price and performance of two memory options for intel 12th, I love you man but you didn't do a good review and for that video your advise on which one is better is unrestful like any other big names that talk about tech they don't care about to people they also don't care about, do the right thing not the lazy carless thing, (we didn't see AMD tanked like too much when swapping cpus) fanboism is less hurtful than misleading (so sorry I had to say that but you have to man up and do the thing that almost everyone elss lazy or payed off to lie about) what you do is reviewing to save people money so they don't have to try by themselves or be misled by Chip makers on which one is better performance and price..You failed and you are (so we) better off without a review that make us suspicious why did you do that..Linus I watched some great reviews and took some good advices from you and your team..not this time but I'm waiting for the next..If you like lies then I'm just a fanboy and no one need to know about ddr4 or windows 10 or the price performance ever intel vs AMD platforms or the actual numbers when you swap an AMD CPU on windows 11… we do support you but for god sake wake up and dive deep and tell the complete story what did you find (sorry.. but you should be too)

  18. Since PCIe 5 is so much faster, an SSD should be able to be plugged into an E-Key port again, making space for even more drives to be plugged into the system.

  19. Your alder lake stuff is probably safe lol. My Twitter was offline. And I can't type either lol.

  20. Also, Linus casually taking on the physics of thermal flux and heat soaking of materials is always fun, because he tries to break it down. Long story short: there's only so fast that copper can transfer heat away from a component. If the component generates more heat than the copper can transfer away and dissipate with the cooling fins, this is called heat soaking. Heat soaking results in components getting increasingly hot and either being throttled to reduce their thermal output or they just die.

    For more detail: copper is approximately twice as thermally conductive as aluminum, but it is also considerably more expensive and heavy. Heat pipes are even more efficient because that technology uses phase change liquids and capillary action combined with convection to wick heat away from the source and move it rapidly down the length of the heat pipe until the gas is condensed back into a liquid after dumping its thermal load into the radiator fin array. Vapor chambers are another adaptation of the theory and are sometimes implemented where it is particularly difficult to cover an entire surface with heat pipes and can be combined with heat pipes for more effectiveness. If necessary, and this is often seen in low-profile servers, for components which would risk heat soaking their coolers if the radiator fin array were to be made of the less thermally conductive aluminum, you will sometimes see them made of copper to even further improve their thermal dissipative capacity. To complicate matters yet further, fin shape and thickness influence how thermally conductive they are, but the amount of surface area is more relevant to how thermally dissipative they are. Additionally, fin shape and density of the fin array impacts the cooling efficiency by negatively impacting the flow rate of air through the radiator. It's why you see listings for high fin density liquid cooling radiators that specifically call for the use of high static pressure fans in order to function properly. There's a ridiculous amount of maths behind how you should design a heat sink for optimal cooling capacity based on the materials being used and the intended fan air flow rate and static pressure.

  21. CAS and all the other latencies in RAM are very interesting. From the research I did back when upgrading meant deciding whether or not to dead-end yourself into a decent PC with DDR2 or to spend considerably more on DDR3, I determined that if you could get a kit of equivalent clock speed RAM in the previous architecture, then it would likely outperform the new memory, but that once your clock speeds improved by more than a third with the new RAM, those benefits of the lower latency would be lost by the improvements in overall cycles per second. Is it still worth it to spend extra on latency optimized high performance RAM? Maybe. Depends on the difference in cost and it also depends on exactly how impactful RAM latency is to what you're using it for. As far as gaming is concerned, it isn't really that vital. As long as your RAM is fast and the latency isn't garbage, it's perfectly fine for gaming. What matters more is ensuring that you are using all of the available memory channels that your processor and motherboard supports. So if your processor supports 8 memory channels, you should be populating all of them if you want the best performance. Don't cheap out on a motherboard that doesn't support all of the memory channels that your processor can. It's one of the things that has frustrated me the most when shopping laptops. A lot of manufacturers that have decided to try to keep upgradeable memory have, for some misguided reason, decided to also drop the number of memory channels on their boards to, like, one. It completely baffles me why they would leave performance on the table like that. If you're going to try to reduce the size or make it cheaper or something, then just go ahead and pull an Apple and solder it to the board so at least you can maximize the number of memory channels you're utilizing.

  22. On that display technology question: there are some great TN monitors out there. I think iiyama makes most of them. Try getting those in North America, you might just get near-IPS perceived image quality (though not holding my breath on colour accuracy) at a banger price. My primary screen is an iiyama G-Master GB2760QSU, it's pretty awesome.

  23. Your coming at Linux from a consumer perspective. The thing is your not a customer. The system was made by developers mostly for developers. I for one do not want users who are unwilling to learn how to use the system. That means days for weeks, sorry its a powerful system. A professional product is almost always harder to use for someone who doesn't know what they are doing. That doesn't mean make the professional product more like a consumer product.

  24. As an artist, 1:36:00 makes me so happy that this effing FINALLY is being acknowledged in the broad public. It's ridiculous how many artists i nowadays see on twitter who already have had their art stolen and sold for absurd sums now.

  25. Lol in what universe command line is not a bad UX? xDD

    • FoXz
    • January 19, 2023

    If you did the bundle with no shipping cost to europe I would buy it in a heartbeat. Can't really justify spending my money on things from Canada with the shipping cost otherwise 🙁

  26. how has no one mentioned that intel has droped 2 cpus in the past year to compete with amd 5000 series that was released in 2019! amds turn

  27. bruh why do you not just keep them private instead of unlisted

  28. "installing software through the command line requires you to know exactly what the name of the package is to the exact character."
    I am not a professional computerer. I went to flight school. I'm an amateur radio operator, electronics enthusiast (there's an Android smart phone, an iPod Touch, a Raspberry Pi, and an ESP32 dev board sitting on my desk right now) and gamer (there's a PS5 controller on my desk too). I switched to Linux about 7 years ago because I got sick of Windows' shit.
    I'm going to assert right now that, from my experience migrating permanently to Linux, you're going to find CLI package management much more convenient after awhile. Here's how:
    1. When you first arrive in Linux, you have no idea what all the software you're eventually going to want is even called. Why would you know that there's a paint app called "Pinta?" Yeah, it makes sense now that I've said it, it's an anagram of "Paint." But it wouldn't occur to you to go looking for a paint application by that name. How did I find this out? I was a new Linux user, I needed to do a simple raster edit, like redacting something in a picture I was going to post to the internet or something, I just needed to like draw a black square. My distro shipped with GIMP but no simple Paint analog. I opened GIMP, went "oh god I don't have time to figure this out" and googled "paint program linux" and found Pinta. Hey, this is usable. I did that a BUNCH. Eventually, I became familiar with a bunch of software I liked. And I knew their names.
    Most of the time, the name of an end-user package is going to just be the name of the software in all lowercase. On a Debian-based system, you can install Pinta with "sudo apt install pinta" Steam is "sudo apt install steam" You get pretty used to this. If you don't know the exact name of a package, you can use apt search to get a list, which can let you find the exact spelling. Autocomplete also works.
    I still use my graphical package manager for browsing, but for installing software I'm already familiar with? The terminal is the fastest and easiest way to do it. Especially once you start doing computer enthusiast shit like building new computers, distrohopping, etc. You can have your system generate a text file with all your packages, and have the new system install them. It's a computer, it's for doing the boring stuff for me so I don't have to spend all day clicking.

  29. bruh im on a video about cars and then i pass out to wake up to linus

  30. You could offer staff member merch as "random" packages or "full" sets only.

  31. I will NOT install Win11; that's a downgrade.

  32. My new gaming rig is Win 10. Win 11 is a dealbreaker.

  33. Yes he could sell his 2080Ti for more than he paid for it, but can he replace it with a equivalent 3000 series for the price he sold his 2080Ti at? I doubt it. So Saying he's fine, is not fine.

  34. Am I banned from commenting on your channel?

  35. does anyone know why they upload as unlisted and dont use the schedule-Upload funktion from YouTube? Just out of curiosity

  36. I need that backpack 🎒

  37. ur mom

  38. As someone with very poor eyesight I'd actually remommend an OLED and adjust the serrings from the Monitor to your liking.

    Btw I'm very short sighted and see less then 3% of someone with regular eyesight

  39. Yes do the fully loaded combo as nft batches

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