
Amazing Products TV My first ride in the Boring Tunnel Loop in Las Vegas

Awesome Tips My first ride in the Boring Tunnel Loop in Las Vegas

The Boring Company has opened it’s first fully-operational Loop under the Las Vegas Convention Center. I jumped in a Tesla to take a spin.

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  1. Could just build a never ending train like what's the point of using a bunch of cars when you could just use like 1 train … Even a electric one

  2. Could someone tell me how long it takes to fully charge a Tesla? Like how far can you go with a full charge? Could you even travel long distance in these damn cars or are they just for the cities?

  3. can you at least get out of the car when it would catch on fire? or is the tunnel too narrow? And are there safety doors to an ajacent tunnel to escape from smoke and heat?

  4. "Bringing emissions free subterranean transport to the masses"? What an amazing idea! Why has no-one thought of that before?! 🙄

  5. Lithium battery death trap in a tunnel…

  6. Cringe AF.

  7. You guys don't understand this is just for now early stages. This is preparing for the future. cars will be doing like 150mph and the cars will be autonomous like in Irobot

  8. Ah I get it, it's boring as in boring a hole. Not boring as in the most boring individual on the face of the earth.

  9. Seems way more claustrophobic than a regular train tunnel

  10. Future of transport? If it's in a tunnel loop, why not a train?

  11. it's a disgusting display of wealth disparity. literally only tesla cars can use this useless tunnel that's greatly affected the land and world around it

  12. I can see this as the future of transport. You can get a personalised capsule, brining you to your destination, inside a tube. It is just like in the Kingsman movie, or Star Wars, or any Sci Fi unit.

    Now, Tesla has full self driving capability, and I can see Tesla building this self driving tunnel traversing tunnels that spans multiple direction. The tunnel do not need to act like a train line, instead like underground street. The vehicles move fast to the desired destination. This is very cool.

  13. I was expecting something wonderful when coming to see this video. I was disappointed.

  14. Yay! Tezla

  15. This is the reason why we haven't met any aliens yet.
    The came to our planet, saw this and left. "No signs of intelligent life"

  16. London had this 200 years ago. its called a subway

  17. A person who thinks this is smart must be be able to give one example when it's better than a subway system.
    I haven't heard anything yet.

  18. Fear and terror in so Little tunnel

  19. Ok this may be good for comfort but logistics wise it’s terrible and too expensive

  20. Everyone’s talking about trains but the last place on earth I’d like to be is in a nasty crowded train in Vegas.

  21. great video and summary

  22. what if one of the cars gets stuck?

  23. Perfect name. You could comuter topside to see the exciting lights and sights, or take the boring route underground.

  24. Next places to be pack,just put a train down there.hold more people. Ev train

  25. why not building a metro???

  26. And here i am, thinking it was a vaccumtrain.

    • C P
    • February 1, 2023

    So dumb

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