
Amazing Products TV Apple Vision Pro – A PC Guy’s Perspective

Awesome Tips Apple Vision Pro – A PC Guy’s Perspective

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The Apple Vision Pro promises to be the next revolution in tech.. but if you’re not immersed in the Apple ecosystem does it still make any sense?

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link:
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link:
Listen on Spotify:
Artist Link:

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 – Intro
1:00 – Build quality and comfort
2:10 – Video passthrough
3:30 – Field of View
5:19 – Gaming
7:42 – Gaming on Windows
13:07 – Video passthrough problems
16:59 – Working in the Vision Pro
20:07 – My Biggest Dissapointment
21:42 – Final thoughts
23:36 – Odoo!
24:37 – Outro

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  1. Looks like you’ve been in the ring with Mike Tyson😂

  2. Glorified web browsing device? Or just work while in plane screen? From reviews I've seen those two things going for it and nothing more. Older headsets have 3d sculpting, GAMES and whole open end of windows/linux going for them but this has only specs and maby future? But for now and I think quite long time power of apple lays on mac pro and mac books and ipads and I'm afraid that this will become very expensive test piece.

  3. Elite Dangerous VR would be great to do.

  4. Thank you LTT for doing this review in the way I think. Other big reviewers seem to be reading a script written by apple :))

  5. Great review🙂

  6. "We", who's "we" exactly. Beginning to feel like we're back to the "good" old Linus from before and during the controversy. Like I'm sorry, some people may have expressed grievances against Mark Zuckerberg and made fun of him because hey, make fun of funny looking facebook lizard man haha. But I feel like the VR technology wasn't what people were mocking him for? From Vive to the Index and now even more so with BigScreen Beyond, VR has always been(albeit niche) a pretty revolutionary technology and appreciated by many, most just can't justify spending that kind of money on a Gaming product/accessory because it's seen as a luxury. Mr Lizard man and his Meta Quest headset, even though it underperforms significantly without linking to PC, has brought affordability to the VR market and has in fact created opportunities for so many more VR users than you seem to even realize, even if most PCVR users do make fun of "Questies" it still made it a lot more accessible.

    So I don't know where this moronic, delusional take comes from, starting the video off with "Haha lizard man vr product bad, john apple product several thousands more expensive than even some of the previously thought-to-be best VR headsets new best revolutionary VR product". Because it is B̶i̶g̶S̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶ Beyond rarted.

  7. All the use I can think of out of it is Portable PC ergonomics. But then again, that is such a hyper specific condition.

  8. Great review, worth the wait 100 percent! Love the technical in depth, very coherent, just great all around!

  9. ask Mark said, Meta Quest 3 is not better value product, but better product than Apple Vision Pro 🤣

  10. Only thing this is useful for is watching NSFW content. But apple forbids using the headset for such purposes 😂

  11. Wait. Where's his beard!? I just realized!!

  12. the vision Pro looks waaaaaaaaaaaay too complicated to learn to operate.

  13. how many times did you have to recharge the battery during filming?

  14. I get that showing the need for a modern AP was probably intentional, but a tech channel having WiFi issues also just seems silly.

    A whole aspect of the device couldn’t be demonstrated because you didn’t have the tech infrastructure to do so; seems like a giant miss for Linus Tech Tips.

  15. it sorta looks like this does everything i've enjoyed doing with my quest 2 and bigscreen and what not, but sharper and clearer. also with less features. it also doesn't play any games. price to the side, i can't see myself buying this and enjoying it.

  16. Both are dumb and i have valve index and i have literally 3 game i play on it beat saber, half life and over so many hoop RE7 btw i want more AAA game on vr like RE7 please make more and capcom please make it work natively…….., oh and the 4h youth is for gentlemen purposes, this headset is somthing wanted by 2 CEO that want to push a product and open up a new market but, one a tech company and the other is a cult

  17. To save people valuable time . The meta quest 3 is cheaper and has an advantage with available on things to do. There’s barely anything to do on the Vision Pro unless you want to do “work”. Which buying your own personal space you can have more and still have money. Save your money , do your research you want a vr. Get the quest . You’re welcome

  18. @linux got redliing under his eyes. after wearing for an hours. Please look at timeslape 5:37 to 5:45

  19. Linus's face got red-der and red-der and red-der 😅

  20. you look so young

  21. No money apple give you can save this. So noooo I like my Quest 3.

  22. Can't effectively game on it? HAHAHAHAHA!

  23. Ok, but does it run Doom though??

  24. Apple, still the biggest scam on the face of the planet.

  25. I'd rather buy a helmet sized version of the Las Vegas Eye Ball in 4k than this.
    I don't need to walk and feel my way thru the world…

  26. Good to see the intros are back !

  27. Booo beard gone 😢

  28. Whaaaat?

  29. How does it look when looking at other Vision Pro user?

  30. I feel like most of what could be said about the Vision Pro has probably been said about most early adopter technology. It is incredibly promising, amazing tech that is simply not there yet for the mass market. I am confident that if apple continues to develop, program, design, and iterate on this product line, we will see a product worthy of everyone wanting to own one, or already owning one in the near future.

  31. The spatial video is freaking sick. I love how it looks on my quest 3 so I can only imagine it’s awesome on the real deal

  32. No thank you like come on so many walk arounds to get any real use out of the headset makes it pointless this is a half baked experience with a lot of compromises it renders the headset useless for main stream users . It only truly shines on native apps and I think for car showings or idk 3d modeling and maybe for realtors to create a good experience on future buildings before they are built.

  33. Says the guy with millions in apple stock. Lol

  34. Killer video

  35. Can you use the sennheiser ie200 iem's with this? The ones that sit flush

  36. Loved the creativity in the video, great job!

  37. best review on AVP !!!
    I really appreciate linus opinions

  38. I am impressed. I won’t buy one to replace my iPad or pc. I like the immersion experience and the 3d photo/video. But where are the apps are available to use this? Or social experience app?

  39. There’s no way he’s still rocking a note 9 💀

  40. 21:29 Yeah but where do I get those?

  41. guys ….the marks on Linus's face remind me of how Eren Looks after getting pulled out of this titan form in AOT

  42. I love how every single clip of the pc or mac streaming has unusable stutter in it, including the referance footage

  43. why do you need to …see the digital stuff through a lens is beyond me ??? when y got tv screens..

  44. What's a metric mile?

  45. NOOOOOO moonlight has a native app on testflight rn

  46. I like to think that this vision pro is meant build the hype of the of the product introduction so people can start creating better app and with the funding the create a cheaper better version of it

  47. yeah… the marks on Linus's face is the deal breaker.

  48. I'm terrified people will use those for a long time and than immediately hop in a car and drive. Dangerous and stupid.

  49. When I first saw that you select things by tapping your fingers together just like the new gesture on the Apple Watch, I assumed the Vision Pro was dependent on syncing with your watch. Something like that could be a fix for the deficiencies in fast and fine motion tracking, assuming anyone wants to wear two watches or they start making a Nunchuck bracelet.

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