
Amazing Products Boil Water with Ice!

Awesome Tips Boil Water with Ice!

So you thought you could only boil water with heat? Watch as we flip that upside down and use ice cubes. Keep in mind there is a little Science involved and all the items you need are already in your home. We take the glass bottle fill it 1/3rd with water set on your stove top until a nice boil 212 F 100 C remove with oven mit let cool for 5-10 seconds then put cap back on top. Invert bottle into a cold bowl of ice with ice cubes on the bottom and watch as the water starts to re boil in front of your eyes.

Items Needed
1. A glass bottle
2. Stove top
3. Oven mit
4. bowl of ice

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  1. Nice I always wanted to know how to boil water with ice

  2. Came from ncert class 11 physics part 2 thermal properties of matter page no. 288 😁😁😁

    • Pat P
    • December 24, 2022

    List of needed items…cooker

  3. Then according to this anyone can boil water with their farting gases )))

  4. What you didn't tell people is if the boiling water blows that cap off when you flip it, it will act like a steam engine and blow boiling water all over you.

  5. My chemistry teacher sent us this video since we are working virtually 🙂

  6. The ice cools the air creating a vacuum it separates the molecules which creates gas bubbles

  7. i miss him so much :"c
    i still hope his family and friends are doing well

  8. Is there a way to apply this to a pot in general with a hypothetical lid that has water in it (not glass but a material very resistant to heat) and is frozen within a freezer, take it out after heating up the water in the pot before boiling, then putting the hypothetical frozen lid on top with whatever food that's inside the pan- creating "warm" but not "hot" food so it's ready for kids quicker than it would be otherwise? Because if the boiling point is lower than means the overall temp is lower too right? Just curious if that would be possible.

    • T Mst
    • December 24, 2022

    The bubbles are likely not gas being released from the water but rather merely coming up through it.

    • Mc
    • December 24, 2022

    Explanation is dishonest

  9. RIP

  10. Change
    How to re boil water in a vacuum, with ice😳

  11. Is it safe to boild ice to drink????

  12. FFS! SMH!!!!!

  13. You can also fill an oral syringe with hot tap water, put the cap or your finger on the tip and then pull the plunger all the way back until you have pulled a nice vacuum. The water inside will boil because you've reduced the atmospheric pressure and water boils at a lower temperature when under less atmospheric pressure.

  14. Your here cause of quarentine and your bored asf.

  15. Interesting video

  16. Can you cook makaron inside??

  17. Love this, tried it already and it DEF works … gonna make a video myself demoing it for my Chemistry class (since I am teaching virtually now), and let them ponder the explanation in a 5E lesson model: Good Gas Laws stuff! 😉
    ENGAGE – Demo for students in order to grasp their interest.
    EXPLORE – Have students ponder why this happens.
    EXPLAIN – I will "post the answer" after they have all submitted their thoughts on expaling this phenomenon … basically "The flask mostly has water vapor, not air, up in that part. Icing it cools it enough so that there the vapor condenses back to liquid. That lowers the pressure a lot, causing more boiling. So with the main part of the flask very hot and the top part almost as cold as ice, water keeps boiling up from the hot part and condensing at the cold part."
    ELABORATE – Have students try it on their own at home (maybe).Or ask questions like what if you do this or what if you do that … and I will try it the next day live.
    EVALUATE – Have students come up w/different examples of same phenomenon?

  18. No one: you wanna boil water from 2012?
    i wanted to boil some water..
    i stopped at step 1..

    • Rush
    • December 24, 2022

    If you want to skip the first step, just creat a strong vacuum.

  19. I was looking for a way to cook ramen at 2am without turning the stove on. I'm so disappointed.

  20. sorry wrong guidence my ice drowned in water during boiling

  21. Water temperature underflowed

  22. AMAZING MORE!!!!

  23. You boiled it with a cooker you prat

  24. Step one. Stove.

  25. what is boiling ?

  26. Italian antarctic survival tip.

  27. Those illiterate people who dont have any knowledge of chemistry are just showing it here in comments. It's a good experiment to show how decreasing surrounding temperature can lead to decrease in pressure which results in lowering the boiling point of water

  28. Esketit

  29. so its force the heat go down.

  30. It can be de done, but not with ice water, you need another substance in solid state to boil water with "ice". Can you tell me what substance it is genius?
    Ah! Just a clue, even if it boil, you'll die if you drink that.
    There's still ice boiling water, but no "solid water boiling liquid water".

    The title of your video is like "how extinct fire… with fire"

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