
Amazing Products TV I Hope You Have a LOT of Money… RTX 4000 Announced

Awesome Tips I Hope You Have a LOT of Money… RTX 4000 Announced

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Nvidia just announced the RTX 4090 and 4080s. Overall Ada looks great… but Nvidia left out some crucial details that have me concerned.

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro

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  1. I have a lot of money, so I bought the 4090. Thank you.
    Quick question, where can I get some new kidneys?

  2. 5:06 Unless you have more than one camera in the scene working.

  3. 1000 $ wtf.. in the UK i have to pay 2800 $.. lol.. american gamers are lucky

  4. heck ya, simmilar to Dutch heck ja, is that only in Canada?

  5. AMD dosnt have The bonus of raytracing tho lol

  6. Yeah, but now they cant rely on those rewards and income also better off getting a job anywhere now

  7. Budget gamers be crying

  8. You can't really justify the price when they keep amping it up year by year but at the same time keep calling them consumer products, this whole trend is killing the pc gaming industry

  9. Ray tracing is that useless feature which is cool to have to just show off to people and doesn't really add any value to the game, except to some titles. Just a cash grab gimmick.

  10. U think $1200 is too much? Well in some countries they'll be like $2200+! For $1600 you can buy RTX 3080 only!

  11. AMD just killed the 4080 / 4090

  12. I'm calling it, LTT got paid by Nvidia to tell its viewers that the prices are not inflated.

  13. 6:11 dayum boi need sum deodorant

  14. 600W.. same power like my 0.5hp air conditioner. 😆 🤣

  15. if those things keep getting bigger that ceo needs to use a cyberdyne hal exoskeleton to be able to hold it up like that when the 5090 titan comes out…

    • Kuba
    • January 3, 2023

    I noticed that Russian youtubers have already this RTX 4090 in their PC's and they already play games on it… WHY Nvidia sells new graphic cards to TERRORISTS? =/

  16. Wow – The 4090X has totally sold out. Pretty impressive dont you think?

  17. imagine a world where companies didn't intentionally muddy the waters and gave honest interpretations with clear naming structure

    what a world that would be..

  18. Really hope that NVidia releases the RTX4090ti (WITH display port 2 [which is powered so no it won't just be a bios update] and HDMI 2.1a and PCIe gen 5 [so it uses less lanes] – so fixing all the bottlenecks of the RTX4090), BEFORE black Friday this year – if they do, I will get one. If they don't do all these things (that deadline with those bottlenecks removed, which amongst other things limited the RTX4090 video output to BELOW the resolution & refresh rate that it CAN already produce) I will be switching to AMD, which doesn't have those bottlenecks and will be out before black Friday.

  19. This is a premium card. If you want premium you have to have to pay a premium. The people that will really utilize this card will most likely be making money doing it so of course NVidia is going to capitalize on that AND YOU WOULD TOO! the fortnighters that purchase this card or want to, that are crying about the price need to go somewhere.

  20. The only reason to buy 4090 is if you have realy old PC or dont have a PC and you are buying best parts.But if you have 3080 or 3090 i dont think its need for an upgrade.

    Also 4000 series marketing was trash and did not bring any hype.

  21. Good to know that one of the only 2 things I wanted an RTX card for can be done better without one (Minecraft and the new Portal one are like the only games I really wanted one for)

  22. The pricing conversation is more palatable when you live in US. For those of us in UK and EU we have to consider that £1679 converts to $1900 …a £300 difference between current pricing on 3090ti's is understandable but for a £600 one….same signs you made right at the start of this video. (bearing in mind tax here is the same 25% as in US so what's the excuse? Does Fedex charge $400 to ship to UK?) And, as they would say on Dragon's Den, for that reason…I'm out.

  23. where is our boi linus

  24. with ever increasing electric cost since inflation here in our area, I think nope and buy previous gen if upgrade is needed..

  25. That's gonna be fun since worldwide the prices for electricity and resources, in general, are on the rise really heavily. Never heard anything from NVIDIA that they are really interested in reducing the heavy power consumption of their new 4000 Graphics Cards Series…🥴

  26. 5090 ti :
    Let's put a Pc into it

  27. I have a 2070 Super and these prices actually make me want to just buy another 2070 super after

  28. If you want this card I don't fault you it's incredible but games haven't gotten to the point where you need this. I just got a 3080TI and I'm crushing triple AAA title.

    • N J
    • January 3, 2023

    Lolol. Hell no NVIDIA.

  29. can you do a video where you explain why video drivers from nvidia are getting corrupt it example I can see my google name pixelated and my monitor is stuck at 120 and not 144 when this happens I constantly have to reinstall the drivers

  30. Help me build for the first time I have about $4500 to build with no clue on what to do I want that rtx 4090 please help me know what I need to make this happen

  31. Cries in 3050

  32. Me and my 2060

  33. my main concern about these graphics cards specially rtx 4090 is the power draw its said to go up to 450 up to 650 watts that is a lot of power!! specially now with energy bills going up electric bill at moment for us is just manageable but here in the uk bills are going up again

  34. What's next a 5000Ti and xenon i10 intel cpu

  35. Not buying any of that, just too expensive. May go back to console. Possibly X-Box, maybe retry Playstation.

  36. I was always an Intel cpu paired with an Nvidia gpu guy but if this keeps up my next rig just might be AMD/AMD

  37. If you can't afford a ferarri or the biggest house what makes you think you should be able to afford the best /latest graphics card? The entitlement in people nowadays is astounding.

  38. Looks like EVGA has had it with nVidia

  39. Still surprised that my RTX 3090 running all games 1440p @ 60Hz and vsync will draw only up to 120 watts, I guess I will keep it a lot longer than I thought.

  40. Do y’all eat Kobe beef for every meal?

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