
Amazing Products How to Hide Items In The House (7 Secret Safes)

Awesome Tips How to Hide Items In The House (7 Secret Safes)

Snooping parents or roommates? Maybe you want to protect your belongings from burglars! We’ve got 7 SNEAKY ways to HIDE anything using common household items.
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1. Dog Toy Key Hider
If you’ve got 4 legged pets, grab one of their toys and cut a slit through the seam. Squeeze the toy to open up the inside and place items inside. Just keep it away from the dog and it will appear as a boring dog toy. You can also hide a house key inside and stow it away in the backyard so it seems like fido just got lazy.

2. Super Sharpie Safe
Next up is the sharpie safe. Get a sharpie and remove the tip from the base. Just wiggle it a bit. Go ahead and cut the refilling tube to a shorter length and then add small items inside. My B-12 vitamins fit nicely. Put a small cotton ball in the tube to hold the items in place then simply reassemble the marker and place it back where you found it.

3. Fake Thermostat Safe
If you stumble on a cheap thermostat, they make great hiding spots. Detach the casing from the base with a screwdriver and separate the two. I found this would be perfect to fit my prized coin but you can adapt it for anything small. Once placed, just seal up the thermostat and mount to it a wall. Your item is locked down, safe and sound.

4. Freezer Lock Up
Get yourself a tube of premade dough like rolls or bread. Cleanly slice around the edge until the top pops out from the pressure inside. In a bag or small plastic container, hide your items that can be frozen. Keep the dough inside so the weight feels right and add your items to the mix. With some super glue you can quickly make the seal look like it never came off and then add your dough tube back to the freezer for a little ice cold protection.

5. Hair Brush Hiding Spot
Many large hair brushes have a bristle pad that can be removed. Find one that suits you can pull up the pad with a screw driver, revealing a little alcove inside that’s a good spot for a little emergency cash. Get the pad back into place by tucking it under the plastic and then you can keep it wherever you want in plain site without anyone being the wiser.

6. Door Stop Safe
This is a soft door stop, you’ll see them all over the place but many have the ability to hide belongings. If you flip it over and pry the pieces apart, you will find a nice little area to store those secret data files. Place an items inside and just snap the backing into place again so it looks good as new. Install the door stop where you need it and enjoy protection from the door and thieves.

7. Hide Things in BUTTER
If you need to hide something long term and aren’t afraid to get messy get some spreadable butter. With a knife or your hand, loosen the butter up and get it into a microwave safe container. Place it in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time until it is all melted. Now get the item you want to hide and protect it in a container. Place the item at the bottom of the butter container and pour all the melted goodness back on top. Stick it back in the fridge and after about 30 minutes it will look like it did beforehand but with your item secured inside giving you easy access if needed.

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  1. 0:42 Yeah, hide those vitamin B12 because they are the first thing a burglar will look for, right?

  2. 00:38 yeah sure, "vitamins"

  3. Drugs, how to hide drugs

  4. Uhhhhh that’s not how butter works.

  5. Hide your valuables in Soup cans and bury them in the flower garden!

  6. Comes runing out of the house with hair brush people think he is crazy

  7. Why am I the only one who wants to hide BTS posters😅😢

  8. "You can put your weed in there…"

  9. The thumbnail said it could hide anything. But none of these places show me where to hide my 20" black dildo from my wife.

  10. Is nobody going to talk about how we can get a coin like that?

  11. "B12 vitamins"

  12. im looking for a place to hide a 17.5cm dildo……

  13. Ik y’all here on how to hide weed. Get a water bottle that has a storage on the bottom and put it in a book bag that you don’t use. Then stuff that book bag into a closet behind clothes

  14. 👁👄👁

    • n/a
    • January 5, 2023

    i just broke my mirror

  15. its show drug dealers how to hide drugs

  16. B-12… lol, yeah

  17. Me being a teen who just wants to hide her devices and diary (yes I still have those I like reading a younger me’s thoughts): 👁👄👁

  18. Best way I save my money is by spending it. No one can ever find it.

    • EEAA
    • January 5, 2023

    I just put my "stuff" under my wardrobe u can only access it from the back which is up against a wall

  19. What if your trans and want to hide clothes

  20. As a
    burglar I can confirm that all of these hack work

  21. Or cut open a stuffed animal and bury the thing inside and cover it with more stuffing

  22. I just want to hide cigs😂😂😂

  23. ermmm wait… where is the "butthole" part? m i d only one who's secret place is mah butthole?
    ermm no one? 👉👈

  24. Lol all the thieves would know the tricks and stuff now lol

  25. Yeah but I can’t fit a dead body in a hair brush(;

  26. Thanks, now my basement looks fine!

  27. the sharpie one is just for drug dealers, NO ONE can store anything of use in a shrpie tube

  28. bruh what if some1 uses all the butter/ice cream

    • Undo
    • January 5, 2023

    Where can i hide a dead bodie?

  29. A flesh light is not going to fit in any of these

  30. The butter container hack is so stupid

  31. I found my own hiding place for cash move out the way Mr a new hiding place has been added

  32. Who else is hiding money from parents

  33. i've got prying roommates. TYSM.

  34. Mmmhmmm…Vitamins😉

  35. I literally need to hide a fricking engagement ring from my mom.

  36. I mean the space isn't enough for my wakizashi sword can u make a video about it :/

    • Rush
    • January 5, 2023

    “Honey, I need shopping money”

    “Just check the butter”

    “The what?”

    “I can’t go to the bank right now, just get the butter from the fridge!”

    “… you mean the old butter I threw out last week?”

  37. everyone’s talking about drugs but i’m trying to hide my old self harm razors cus i wanna get rid of them with out my family getting suspicious (i’m 1 month clean)

  38. I used to hide my drugs inside a stuffed animal with a battery pack inside of it. I'd open the animal, then the battery case, put item inside and screw it down, hide inside the stuffed animal and throw it in a corner of a messy closet

  39. If I have to hide my cash in all those places because I’m concerned about my friends then in need new friends…

  40. How do I hide a water glass……

  41. Me trying to hide a fucking guitar from my prying dad:
    (Don't ask)

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