
Amazing Products TV Carbon fiber reclaiming, recycling, and repurposing is exploding

Awesome Tips Carbon fiber reclaiming, recycling, and repurposing is exploding

With the massive growth in carbon fiber production worldwide, companies are grappling with what to do with all the unused carbon fiber scraps after production. Startups like Carbon Conversions are creating new ways of recycling and repurposing reclaimed carbon fiber, potentially saving millions on production and disposal costs.

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    • CNET
    • January 2, 2023

    See how The Ocean Cleanup is recycling and pelletizing plastic from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and turning it into sunglasses https://youtu.be/IQhmtYg5Ijo

    • Noel
    • January 2, 2023

    What happened to carbon nano tubes that can be somehow grown with no epoxy binder, is that going to be a thing after it's too late for our environment to recover from plastic?

    • Noel
    • January 2, 2023

    Explain how epoxy that binds carbon fiber can be recycled, or more to the point, can that amount of epoxy be recycled with the carbon fiber and if that can be done does the process make the final product more toxic?

  1. is it just mine or it is sound copyright striked? I can't hear anything at all.

  2. a question. why did people get so hung up on c02? is it astroturf? I mean its out of proportion. the bad consequences thought out are irelevant . nothign we cannot cope with. no point in increasing poverty for this reason.

  3. how can the fibre length be preserved and woven into and aligned into tows for waeves and unidirectional proucts?

  4. Carbon conversions uses a solvent to batch breakdown the composites. Which is not environmentally friendly.

  5. Любим вас. Спасибо за вашу работу.

  6. Cant wait for teslas in Carbon fiber

  7. Entrepreneurism not the government . The fed makes things worse .

  8. Go on with the good work 🔥✌️

  9. "The strongest carbon fiber is up to ten times stronger than steel, and eight times stronger than aluminum" I think you have those backwards. Steel is significantly stronger than aluminum. It takes more energy to create plastic deformation of steel than aluminum. What grade of steel are we talking about here anyways that is 20% weaker than aluminum and at what temperature is that steel?

    I bring this up because I hate blanket statements presented as truth on the internet. To me that's no different than saying "The earth is flat" Steel is stronger than aluminum. There is more than enough data to support it and it takes 2 seconds to google search it to find it.

    For example fully annealed 1018 steel during an elongation test had a ultimate tensile strength of 57.8ksi where as annealed 6061 aluminum has a ultimate tensile strength of 16ksi.

    If you are going to present yourself as an engineering channel at least get some basic facts correct. Steel is not weaker than aluminum, maybe in some alloys it could be the case but not as a general blanket statement. To assume that steel is 20% weaker than aluminum is absurd and anyone who believes that probably believes the earth is flat too.

    As Abraham Lincoln once said "Don't believe everything you hear on the internet"

  10. Running on Vechain’s blockchain!

  11. Thanks for the 10 minute long dell laptop advertisement. I'll never get that time back.

    I never post negative comments on YouTube but I think a lot more research needed to be done regarding this subject before making this a Cnet piece.

  12. Very informative video thank you for that

  13. You can't recycle carbon fiber. They are just utilizing carbon fiber that was leftover from production. 😂🤣😂

  14. Ok. But what about plastics? Hmmmmmm

  15. we should just make things out of carbon fiber

  16. Calling this "recycling" is an abomination of the word.
    They are repurposing, reusing, not recycling.

  17. It isn't taking too much of a stretch to anticipate such a fine strong fibre isn't a potential health hazard just like asbestos. Especially if inhaled.

    So of course nobody is talking about that.

  18. Wooooohooooo

  19. I need to start saving every hockey stick 🏒

  20. So now the question is this: Carbon Conversions is using leftover waste from manufacturing (which is more carbon fiber reclamation than recycling, it seems), which is likely significantly an easier task than post-consumer waste. What about post-consumer recycling?

    And if Dell was serious about more sustainable products, then perhaps they should return to using industry-standard parts that can be more easily swapped out, vs proprietary boards, etc.

  21. 4:48 Must be a mis-speak – "Dell increased their procurement of carbon fiber from 670 million pounds to 1.3 million pounds…" YouTube's closed-captioning system agrees with me.

    • J T
    • January 2, 2023

    Shred carbon fiber are just made from left overs ain't it

  22. Wind Mills? Show me the Wind Mills. It's not true recycling.

  23. I don't think Dell is the best company to do this…when they do computers that come with proprietary parts that you can't get or replace after a few years to extend the life of product is technically selling you e-waste…but unfortunately that's the society of companies we have today…sell it and then blame it on the individuals that they aren't doing they're part to help the planet

  24. 10x stronger than steel and 8x stronger than aluminum….really?😅

  25. Stonger yet it dent super easily 💀

  26. So they are not recycling than? This is just waste reducing which is not bad in and by itself, but it does not eliminate the issues or even reduce the issue that carbon fiber poses for the environment. The moment they figure out a way to recycle things like the wings of a windmill, that's when we should start celebrating.

  27. This is not carbon fiber recycling. This is reducing carbon fiber waste. It is impossible to recycle carbon fiber once it's cured, which is why it's such a terrible material for the environment.

  28. Who knows carbon fibre might be the next plastic in the future

  29. How can I buy carbon fiber??

  30. People don’t really care about that.
    Performance just like the Mac is the most important factor for people to buy ur computers. 💯👍

    • Abhi
    • January 2, 2023

    Sustainable fiber

  31. Extremely dangerous if burned as it will break inan invisible cloud of indestructible nanoparticles which inhaled will destroy your lungs for good. Definitely not "green".

  32. U guy's are legends

  33. Seeing people handle carbon fiber with bare hands gives me shivers. I've gotten so many glass fiber and carbon fiber splinters that I avoid at all cost if possible haha.

  34. you still haven't told us what aftv was doing on your channel 😡🤬😡🤬

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