
Amazing Products Scientific Tuesdays – Amazing Magnet Motor

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The big question is: How does this work?

The electrical current is traveling through battery, into the screw and wire
in a normal fashion. But when then current hits the magnet, the electrical current
is pulled out in a radial fashion instead of going straight through.

Because the magnet has the ability to move. It spins as the current travels
through it. .
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  1. What does a heteropolar motor look like?

  2. Homofobic motor. Did i say it right?

  3. why so serious

  4. Do I see a super fast beyblade mod coming along?

  5. If You Want To Get The Plans
    For Building The Magnetic Generator
    Go To Google…….and Search for : "Top Magnetic Generator"
    It Is a Step By Step Tutorial……On How an Engineer Build this Device.

  6. Homopolar motor… Homosexual host.   No surprises.

  7. i said it five times and had no trouble

  8. can't the screwdriver damage the battery???

  9. We made this in my engineering class

  10. COOL

  11. @2:17 
    1 – How does the current go in radially all directions when the wire only touches the side (not the top) in one location?
    2 – You didn't explain why it spins…  Doesn't Fleming's left-hand rule come into play here?
    I reason that it does and is the complete explanation.
    Steve, (EE)

  12. i'm confused. I thought electric currents traveled on the surface of conductors. How can the current end up at the center of the magnet and travel out radially? would the current still do this if you had touched the wire to the top center of the magnet instead of the side? Or, is the path dependent upon the relative position of the wire to the contact point with the screw?

  13. I did it!

  14. so any electronic Wire not copper

  15. i was half waiting for hte screw to go throug hthe battery

  16. `like the jungle music,,,,,,
    When I was in school we never did Science with BGM!!!
    lol I would have been the greatest 🙂

  17. Ok with lithiom batteries please

  18. Wollte der jetzt den Elektromotor neu erfinden oder was soll der Schnulli ?
    Taugt nur als Spielzeug für erfolglose Erfinder !

  19. This music is cool, could you tell me what it is called?

  20. so I understand from this that the magnet spins due the voltage and resonance wave lenght so does that mean that the higer the voltage and frequency the faster it spins?!

  21. With the advance of Technology and Science,
    It is clear that you can build Magnetic Generator to power your home.
    One Engineer called John Richard showed it on his website……
    Go to Google and Search for:
    Top Magnetic Generator

  22. This isn't the simplest homopolar motor. You can do it with one button magnet, a penlight cell and a bit of wire. There are lots of videos of it.  And no, it WON'T WORK with just permanent magnets. You have to run electric current through the magnetic field.  All "Free energy magnet motor plans!!!" are either scams or delusions.

  23. there's no such thing as free energy, simple physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed and the energy output will always be lower than the input.

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